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2o1ioo143 <br />This secuuity instntment seaures to LEAiDER fhC debt evidenced by the prcrm�issory note, and <br />payrnent of all ather sums, with interest, advanced under tk�e pravisions hereafter to protect the security <br />and the perfonm�ancy of BORRQWER'S covenants and agreements. <br />EQRR�WER covenants that SORROWER is lawfully seiz�d nf such rcal estate and has fhe legal <br />power and ]awfu.i autharity to convey the same and warrants and will defend title ta the real estate against <br />the lawful claims oF all persons. <br />BORRQWER AND LENDER AGREE AS FQLLOWS: <br />I. SORROWER shall pay when due, the principal and interesk as pxovided in the promissary <br />note. <br />2. All payments received by LENDER shall be first applied to ad�ances that may have been <br />made by LFNDER and then to interest due and last to principal due. <br />3. S4RR�WER shall pay all general real estate taxes and special assessments against the <br />property before the same hecome delinquent. <br />4. If LENDER determines that any gart of this property is subject to a lien, which is or may attain <br />priority over this security instrument, LENDSR may give BORRQWER a notice identifying the iien and <br />BORROWER shall satisfy thc lien within thirty (30) days. <br />5. Buyer shal� keep the improvements on said preznises insured against loss by �re and h�zards <br />i.ncluded within the term "extended coverage" for their insurable value and policies for the same shall <br />include a standard r�aortgage clause shawing LENDER herein. In even.t of loss, LENDER may make <br />proof of loss if not promptly made by BORROWER. Insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration <br />or repair of the property damaged, uniess bath parties otherwise agree, except if restoration or repair is <br />zwt economically feasfi�le or L�.TTDER'S security is not Iessened, otherwise said procecds shall be paid on <br />the debt, whether or not then due. <br />i7nless LENDER and BORRDWER otherwise agree in writing, any paynnents or proceeds from insurance <br />shall not extend or postpone the due date of the payments provzded in said nate, ox change the amount of <br />the paytnents. <br />6. If BORROWER fails tn perfarm the r,ovenants and agreements herein contained, LENDER <br />may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value af the pmperty and LENDER'� rights in the <br />pxoperty, including the paying of any sum secured by a lien which has priority over this security <br />instnunent, appearing in Court, paying reasanable attarney fees, to the extent allowed by law and enterin� <br />the property to repairs. Any aznount disbuised by I,ENDER under this paragraph shall becorne an <br />additional debt of BORR��TER secured by this s�urity instrument, to hear interest &om the date af <br />disburs�ment and said amount, together with the then unpaid pxincipal amount, shall bear interest at the <br />highest lawful rate until refunded by BORROWER, <br />7. The proceeds of any condemnatiqn award are hereby assigned and shall be paid to LENDER <br />and shall bc applied to the sums seeured by this security instrument, whether or not then due, with any <br />eaccess paid ta BQRRDWER. <br />$. Any extensions or mocl.ifications of the loan granted by LENDER to any successor in interest <br />of BORROWER sl�all not operate to release the liability of the original BORR�WER or BORROWER'S <br />successors in iz,terest. Any farbearance by LENDER in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a <br />waiver or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />