<br />uEEO o� TRUST
<br />�continuedy
<br />paymerrts of principaE and Ir�terrast made by Trustor.
<br />page 4
<br />Subseque� 7aaces. If any tax to which tMis sectinn applies is enacted subsequerrt to the date of this Deed of Trust, this event shall
<br />have the same effoct as an Event of qefault, and Lender may exercise any or al� of i#s availabEe rem�diea for an Event of Default as
<br />provided beiow unless Trustor either (1) pays the tax befare it beonm� delinquant, or (2) contests the tax as pmvided above in the
<br />Taxes and Liens section and deposita wlth Lender cash ar a suffEcierrt oorpor�te surety band nr ather s�curiry satisfactory to 4ereder.
<br />SECURITY AGR��MENT; FINANCEN(� S7"ATEMENTS. The fallowir� provislons relating to this Daed of Trust as a securtty agreernent are a
<br />par't of this �7�ar1 df `Crust: •
<br />Seaurfty Agresment. Thl� instrumen# shall constltute a S�curity Agre�mertt to the exbsnt arry of the Property nnnstitutes fixtures, and
<br />l.a�der shall have all ofi the rights af a secured party under the Uniform Commerciai Code as amended from time ta time.
<br />5eeurlty interest. LJpon r�quest by Lender, 7rustor shall take whaiever action is requested by Lender to perFect and cnnftnu� Lsnder's
<br />security interest In the Persanal Property. In addition to reoording thls Deed of Trust in tl� real property records, kencfer may, at arty
<br />time and without further authoriza�an 'from Trustor, flle executed t�urrterparts, �ples or reproductions af this Deed of l"rt�st as a
<br />financing statement. Trustor shatl reimburse Lender for ralf expsrtSes i� in perfectir�g or continuing'th9s security lnterest. Upon
<br />defauEt, �rustor shalf not rvmove, s�ver or detach the Personal Property from #he Property. Upon default, �rustor shalf assemble arry
<br />Personal Property not afflxed ta the Prpperty in a manner and at a plaoe reasanably oorrvenierrt to TrusOar and Landar and make it
<br />available to Lender within three {3) days aiter reoeipt of written demand fram Lender to the extent permitted by applicable ]aw.
<br />Addrassas. The mafling eddresses of Trustor (debtar) and Lender (secured party) from which ir�formatian onncerning the securiiy
<br />inierest grarited by this �eed af Tr�st may be obfained (esch as required by the Uniform Cammercial Code) are as stated on th� first
<br />pape af ihis De�d of Trust. ,
<br />FURTHER ASSURANCE8; A'iT�RN�Y IF{-FACT. The fpllpwirig provisions relating to further assurances and attorney»in-facf•are a part of
<br />this Deed �f 7rust: •
<br />Further Assuwances, At any time, and from time to time, upan request of Lender, Tn►stor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause
<br />to be made, executed or delivered, ta Lender or to Lender's designee, and when r�uested by Lertider, cause to be flled, racordad,
<br />refiled, or rereoorded, as the case may k�e, at such tim�s and in such ufiices and plsoes as Lender may deem appmprlate, arry and al!
<br />5arch mort�ages, deeds of trust, securyty deeds, security agreements, finandng statemer�ts, continuattan statements, instruments nf
<br />further assurance, csrtifioates, and other dacumerrts as may, in the �ole opinlon of Lender, be nec�asary or dssirabfe in order to
<br />effectuate, wmplete, pertect, cpntlnua, or pr�serve (1) Trustar's o�ligations under the Note, this D�d of Trust, and the Related
<br />Dpcuments, and (2) the lisr�s and security interests cr'�sated by this peed of Trugt as flrst and prior iiens an the Property, whetYrer
<br />now owned or hereafter aoquired by Trustnr. Unless prohihib�d by law or Lender agr�es to the contrary in writing, Trustnr shall
<br />raimburae I,er►der far all costs and e�cpenses incurred in cannectlon wlth the matters referred to in this paragraph:
<br />Attorney-in-Fac� If 7rustor falis to da any af the things referred ta in the precading paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name
<br />af Trustor and at Truatc�r's exponse. For s� purposes, Trusror hereby frrevocably appaints Lender as Trustnr"s attomey-in-fact far
<br />the pu�pose of making, e�cecutirsg, deliveri+'�, filirlg, recording, and doinp a!1 other things as may be necessary or desirabie, in Lende�'s
<br />sofe opinion, to aocomplish the m�tters referred ta In the �rec�ding paragraph.
<br />�'ULL PERFORNOANiC�. If Trustor pays a11 the Indebtednsss when du�, and oftterwise� pertorms all the obl�atlorts Imposed upon Trustnr
<br />•under this Deed o# 7rust, l.ender shali axecute and daliver tp 7"rustee a request for full reaonveyanoa ar�d shaA execute and deliver to
<br />Trustar suitable statemer�ts of terrnlnatier� of ariy flnancinn statement on file evfdancfng l.enders security interest ln thp Rents and thre
<br />F'ersona! Property, Any reconveyanoe fee requirsd by Eaw shall be paid by Trustar, If permitted by applicable law. �
<br />EV�NTS DF D�FAULT. At Lender's pption, Trustor will be In defauft under this peed of 7rtast (f arry of ths fallawing happen:
<br />Paymant befautt. Trus'tar falls to make any payment wher� due undar the Indebtedness.
<br />Break Qther Promises. Trustor breaks any prnmise made to Lender or falls ta perfqrm promptly at the fime and strictYy in the rnanner
<br />pravlded in this Deed of Trust or in ariy agreement r�lat�d to thts beed aF Trust,
<br />Complfance pefaWt. Failure to camply with arry other term, oblige6on, oovenarit or aondition contained in this Deed of Trust, the Note
<br />ar in arry aF thg Re�a#ed qocuments.
<br />DefaulE pn ather Payments, Failure of Trustar within the time required by this Deed of Trust ta ma� any paymerrt for taxes or
<br />Insurance, or ahy other p�ymerrt necessary to prevent �fling of or to effect discharge af arry lien.
<br />�aisa Statements. Any representation or ste�temerrt made c�r fumished tv Lender by Trustor or on Trustor's behalf under this Deed of
<br />Trust or the Ralated Clocuments 15 false or misleadirrg in any matariel resped, elther now or at the time made or fumished. '
<br />�efectiva Collateralixatfon. This Deed �f Trust or any af the Relatsd I?acum�rrts ceases ta be in fult fprce and effect (including faiEure
<br />aF aroy callateral dacument to create a valid and perfiected s�curity Int�rest or lien) at any time and for ar�y r�ason.
<br />C7eath or Ir�splvency. The death of Trustor, the ir�olvency pf 7rustor, the appointment of a r�csivar for any part a# Frustor's properfy,
<br />ariy as5i�nment fpr the benefit of creditnrs, any type trf creditor workout, or tha commencement of any proceeding urMer a►ry
<br />bankluptty or insofvency [aws by or against Trustpr. htowaver, the death of any Trustar wili not be an Event of Default if as a result
<br />aF the death pf Trustor the Indebtednass la futly.covered by Debt Canceilation.
<br />Taking of tha Proparty. Any creditar ar govemmental agency trtes ta take any of the Properiy or any other af Trustor's property in
<br />which Lender has a ffen. Thla fncludes taking of, gamishinp of or levying on Trustat's accounts with I.ender. However, ff Trustor
<br />dispubas in pood falth whe#her the deim on which the taking of the Property is based is valid or reasonable, and if 7rustor gives
<br />lender written nofic�s af the ciaim and fumishes Lsnder wkh mqnies or a surety bond satisfactnry •ta Lendat to satisfy the clalm, then
<br />this default provision wiEl not apply. �
<br />Br'aach o� Uther Agre�met�tt. Any breach by 7rustor under the terms oT arry other agreement between Trustar and Lender tfiat is not
<br />remedled within any grace period provided tnerein, including without limitatipn arry agresmerit conceming ariy tndebtedness or other
<br />