<br />� (Gorrtinued)
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<br />shall use, generate, manufacture, aWre, treaf, dispose of or release ariy Wazardous SubstanGe on, wnder, abbut or from the' Property;
<br />and (b) any such acdvity sh�ll be cr�nducted in oampllance wltti all applicable federaE, state and iooal laws regulatians and
<br />ordlnances, Ihcluding withaut IfmftaGon all Environmerital Laws. 7rustar authpr�zes Lender and its agents to antar upon fhe Properry
<br />ta make such inspecttans and i�sts, at 7rustpr's e�ensa, as Lendar may deem appr�priate to determine compfiance of the Property
<br />with this s�ctian of the De� pfi Trust, Any inspectiqns or tests msde by L�nder shalt be for I..end�fs purposes only and shall nvt ba
<br />oonstrued to create any respansibifi� or liabiiity on the part of l:ender to Trustor ar to arty ofher person. 7i�a reprasentattons and
<br />warranties c�rrtained hereln ar� based on Trustar's due diflgence �n irrvesfi�atirtg the I'ro�eriy for Hazardous Substances. Trustor
<br />hereby (1) releases and waives any future d�ims �gatnst Lender fnr indemnity or Gantributian in the event Trusfor becomes liable far
<br />Geanup or other aosts under arry such laws; and (2) agrees tq indemnify, defend, and hold harmiess Lender againsf any and all
<br />clairr►s, losses, Iiabilitles, dsmages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or tndiractly sustaln or suffer resulting from a
<br />breach of fhis sectton of the Deed of Truat or as a consequertce �f any use, generatfort, mant�actur�, &aora�e, disposal, release or
<br />threatened releas� oocurring prior ta 7rusto�s vwnership or interBSt in the Property, whether or npt the same was or shouid have
<br />been ichown to Trustor. The provisians oi this sectfo� of the Tleed Qf TruBt, Includin� the obllgatian to Indemn3fy and defend, shall
<br />survive the payment of the Indebtednsss and the satisfadion ar►d recflrfveyance of the lien of thls Deed qf Trust and shafl not be
<br />affecked by Lenders acqufsittan qf any interest in the Proparty, whether by ioreclpsure or otherwlse.
<br />Nuisance, Waate. Trustor shafl not cause, oonduct or permlt �riy nutsance nor commit, permit, ar suffer any stripping of or waste an
<br />or to the Propartyr or any portion af the Property. Without Ifmltin� the generalfty of the toragoing, 1"rustpr wilf not removs, or grant tp
<br />any ather parry iha right tn remove, arry timber, minerals (Encluding oil and �as), c�al. Gay, scoria, sait, qravet or rock products
<br />withdut Lend�r's prior written conserrt.
<br />Ramoval of Imprvvements. 7rustor shall not demolish or remove any Improvemertts from the Real Property without Lender's prior
<br />written onnsent. As a condi�on ta the removal of any tmprovements, Lender may requ3re 7rustar ta make arrangemer�ts satisfactary
<br />to Lsnder to reptace such ]mprovements wilh Improvemerits of at least eqexal vafus.
<br />I..endar's Rlght tp Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at �II reasonabla times to
<br />attend to Ler�der's tnterests and to inspect the Real Prop�rty for purposes of Trustv�'s campliarroa wfth the terms and conditions of
<br />this Aaecf vf Trust.
<br />Compllancs with Governmental Requlremants. 7rustor shali promptly camply with all iaws, ordinanoas, and regulat(ons, now or
<br />hereafter �n effect, af alt gvvernmental autharities applicahle to the use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor may contest In good
<br />faith arry such law, orx�inance, or regulation and with�vid oompliance during arry procsedir�, Including approprlate �ppeats, so long as
<br />l"rustor has notified Lendar in writtng prior to daing so and sp Inttq as, iri Lenders sota opinivn, Lender's Interesis in the Property are
<br />not Jeopard�ed- Lender may require Trustor tn pr�st adequate aecuriiy vr a suraty bond, re�sonably satE&factary ta L.andsr, ta pratect
<br />Lerider's interest. '
<br />Duty ta Protect. TrusEor agrees neither to aba�rdon or leave unattended the Property. . Trustar shal! dn aq other acts, in additlon to
<br />those acts set forth above In this secfinn, which from the charaater and use af the Property are reascmably necessary to protect and
<br />presarve tha Property.
<br />TAXES AND LlENS. The follawing provislons relating to the taxes and I[ens an the Property are part of this Deed af'Trust:
<br />Payment. Trust�r shall pay when due (and in �II evants prior to delinquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments, char+�es (including
<br />water and sewer), flnes and impositfons levled aqainst or an aocourrt c�f the Property, and shaN pay wiien due all claims far work done
<br />on or for se►vioes rendered or materlal fumished ta the property. Trustor shalf inelrltafn the Property free ofi all liens having �riqrlty
<br />aver pr equal to the interest of Lender urxfer thi& peed of Trust, except for the lien of taxes and assessmants not due and except as
<br />othe�n+ise provided in this bead of l"rusf.
<br />Right tn Contest. Trustnr may withhoic� payment cif any ta1c, asssssment, vr d�im in oonnactlon wlth a gond Paith dispute over the
<br />obligaiion tv pay, so long as Lende�s interest in the Properry is not Jenpardized. Ii a tien arises ar is fled as a result of nonpayment,
<br />Trustor shall within tiffteen (15) days �fter the Ii�R arises or, tf a lien fs flled, withfn flfteen (1S) days after Trustor has notice of the
<br />ftling, secur� ihe dischar�a ot the lfen, or if requesEed by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufftcierrt corpnrate surefyr bond ar
<br />ather securlty sattsfactary to t,.ender !n an ameunt suificlerrt ta discharge tha tfen plus any costs and attomay�' 1aes, or other charges
<br />that onuld accrue as a result of a foreclvsure ar sale under the lian. .ln arry oontest, 7rustor shall defend itself and Lender and shali
<br />satisfy any adver�e Judgment hefvre 'erifarcement against tha Proper3y. Trustor shafl name Lender as an addt�onai oblfgee uncier a�y
<br />surc3ty bond fumished in the contest prooeedings. •
<br />�vidence ot Paymem. Trustnr shaEl upon demand furntsh to l.ender satisfactory evidence of payment of the taxes ar assessments and
<br />shall auth�ri�e the appropriate govsmmental officiai to deliver ta Lender at ar�y time a written stat�rr�ent af the taxes and assessrnents
<br />8g8inst the PrOperty.
<br />Notica of Corestruction. Trustar shall nvtify Lender at least fiftaen (15) days befvre arry wark is commenCed, any services are
<br />fumished, or arry materials ere supplied fo the Property, if arEy med�an3c's ilen, m�teriaimen's lien, ar other' lien could be asserted on
<br />aocount of the work, services, or materials. Trustor will upan request of Lender furnish to Lender advance assuranoes satisfactory to
<br />Lendsr that Trustor can and wilt p�y the cost of such improvements.
<br />PRpPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. 1'he foilowinp prpviSi0ri5 reletireg tv insuring the Property are s part of this De�d qf Trust.
<br />Maintenance af Insaranos. 7rustor shall procure and mafr�tain policias af fire irrsurance wlth standaTd extended coverage
<br />ar�dorsemerrts on a r�placement basis fbr tl� 'fuH insurable vatue cbvering �il Improvemants on the Reat property in an amaunt
<br />stafficient to avoid application of any aoinsurance dause, and with a standard ►rar�agae clause in favar vf Lender, together with such
<br />other hazard and llability Insurance as Lender rr�ay r�spn�bly require. Polfcies shall be written in fprm, amaurrts, coverages and basis
<br />reasona6ly aaceptable to Lender and lssued by a campany or �mpanies reasprtably acc�ptable tp Lender, Trustor, upan request af
<br />Lender, wilf dsllver to Lender from time tp tlme the policies or certiflcates of tnsurance in 'form satisfactory to Lpilder, inptudir�g
<br />stipulations that cvverages will not be cancalled or dirroinished without at least ten (10) days prior written notice to Lender. �ach
<br />irisuranca policy also st�aH inGuda an endarsement providing that poveraqe ln favor df Lender wtll not be Impalred in arry way by a�'�y
<br />act, amissfon or defauPt a! Trustor or any other person. Should the Real Rroper[y be located ln an area desigr�ated by the pirector of
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