<br />� D�ED O� TRUST
<br />Loan No: 8107U1 � (Continued)
<br />Page 6
<br />Joint and Saverel liability. All obligetiona of•eorrowar and T�ustor under this Deed of Truat shall be joint and severel, and all
<br />references to Trustar shsll mean each and every Trustor, and ell references to Borrower shall maan esCh and every Borrower. This
<br />means that each Trustor signing below i& �reaponsibfe for all obligations in this •Deed of Trust.
<br />No Waiver by Lendor. Lender ahall not be dsemed to have waived any rights under this Qead of Trust Unless such waiver ia given in
<br />writing and signed by' Lender.� No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any riflht shall oparate as a walvar of such
<br />right or any other right. A waiver by Lender pf a proviston of this Deed of Truat shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver qf Lender's
<br />right otherwise to dem�nd, strict compliance�with that provision or any othee provision of this beed of Trusf. No prior waiver by
<br />Lender, nor any course �f dealing between Lender and Trustor, shall copstitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or of any of
<br />7rustor's obligations as to eny future transactions. Whenever the consent Of. Lendar is required undar this Deed of Trust, the granting
<br />of such consent'by Lender in eny instance shali nox Gonstitute continuin�:.consant to sUbsequent instences where such canaent is
<br />required and in "all cases such consent may be granted of withheld in tha sale discretion of •lender.
<br />Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finda any proVisian of this Deed of Trust to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable es to
<br />any parson or circumstance, thet finding shell not make the offending provision illegal, inv�lid, or unenforceable as to any other parson
<br />or circumstance. If feasible, the affending provision shall be considered modified so that it becames legal, valid and enforceable. If
<br />the offending provision cannnt ba so modiffed, it shall ba cvnsidered daleted from thia Deed of Truat. Unless otherwise required by
<br />law, the illegality, invalidlty, or unenforceability of any proviaion of thi�• beed of Trust shell not affact the legality, validity or
<br />enforceahii�ty of any other prawisipn of thia De�fd of Trust. ' '
<br />Successows and Asaigns. SubJect tb sny Hmitationa stated in this l]eed af Trust on trensfer of Truatvr's interest, this Deed of Trust
<br />shall be 6inding upon and inure to the benefii vf the parties, their successors and eseigns. If ownerahip af the Property becomes
<br />veatsd in a person other thar� 7rustor, Lender, without notfce to Trustar, may deal with 1'rustor's aucoesadrs with reference to this
<br />Deed of Trust end the Indebtednesa by wey of forbearance or extension without releasing Trustor from the ablipations of this paed of
<br />Trust or liability under the Indebtedness.
<br />Tima is of the Essanca. 7ime is of the essance in the partormance of this Deed of Trust.
<br />Waiva Jury. All parties to #his Daed of Truat hereby weivs the riyht ta any jury trlal fn eny aetian, proceading, qr cour�terciaim brought
<br />by sny party agatnst.eny ather party. .
<br />W�ivar af. Homestead �xemption; Trustor hereby releases and waives all rights and henefita pf. the homestaad exemption lawa of the
<br />State of Nebre�ka as to all Inifebtedness aecured by thls�Dead af Trust. , '
<br />pEFINITI�NS.. The following capitaflzed .words and terms shall have the following meaning� when used in this Deed of 7ruat. Unless
<br />specifically stated.to the cantrary, ell references tp dollar amqunts shall mean amaunts in lawful money of the United States ot America.
<br />Words and terms used in the singular shall Inciude the plurel, and the plural shall include �the singular, as the cantext may cequire. Wvrds
<br />and terms npi otherwiae defined in this Deed af 7rust shall have the meanings attrihuted to such terms in the Uniform Commercisl Cade:
<br />Benaficiary, The wvrd."Beneficiary" mAans Equitable Bank, and its successars end assigns. '
<br />Borrowar. :�The wprd "Borrower" mesns GpRDpN L, Q'NEILL and COLLEEN 0'NEILI. and includes all co-signere and ca-mekers signing
<br />the Note and all their succassors and•asaigns.
<br />Deed of Trust. Tha words."Deed of 'frust" mesn this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and 7'rus#ee, and includes withaut
<br />limitatfon all assignment and security interest provisiona relating to the Persona) Property and Rents.
<br />Default. The word 'Default" means the Default set forth in this Deed of Trust in the section tltl�d "�efault"..
<br />Environmentel Lt�wa. The words "Environmentdi Laws" meen any and all state, federal and Iocal statutes, regulatians and ordinances
<br />relating to thA protaction ot humen health or the environmant, including withput limitatlon the Comprehensive Environmantal
<br />Response, Compensatibn, snd Liability Act of 1980, as emended, 42 U.S.C. Saction 9801, et seq. ("CERCLA"�, the Superfund
<br />Amendments and Reauthorizetiot� Act of 19$8, Pub. l.. No: 99-�499 ("S�AR�A"), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C.
<br />3ecdon 1801, et seq., the Reaource Conservetion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Sectlon 6901, at seq., or ather applicable state or
<br />faderal�laws, rulea, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
<br />Event of Dafeult. The words "Event nf Default" mean any of the events vf default set forth fn this Deed of Trust in the events of
<br />detault section of this Deed of 'Trust.
<br />Gueranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, aurety, or accommodation party to•Lander, including'
<br />without limitation a gueranty of all or part ot the. Note. � �
<br />Hazardous Subatarrces. The words "Haz�rdoua Substances" mean meteriels that, becaus,e of their quantity, concentrstion or
<br />physicel, chemica) ar infectioua cheracteristics; may cause or poae a present or potential hezard to human health ar the environment
<br />when improp�rly used, . treated, stored, dispv�ad vf, generated, manufactured, tranaported or atherwise handled. The words
<br />"Hazardous Substancea" are used in their very broailest sense end include without limitation any and ell haaardous ar toxic
<br />substences, meteriels or weste as definQd by or listed under the �nvirpnmental Laws. ,'The term "Hazardous Substances" also
<br />Includes, without Iimitation, petroleum and petroleum by-prnducts �r any fracdon thereof and asbestos. . ,
<br />ImprpvAmema. The word "Improvements" means all• existing and future improvements, buildings, atructures, mobile homea afflxed on
<br />the Real Property, faciRties, additions, replacements end other construction an the Resl F?rqperty.
<br />Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness' meana all principal, interest, end other.ampunta, costa�and expenaes pay�ble under tha Note
<br />or Related poouments, together with all renewals of, ext�nslons of, modifications of, consoiidations of end substitutians fvr the Note
<br />or Related Docurnente and any amounts expended or advenced by Lender ta discharge Trustor's o6ligations ar expenses incurred by
<br />Trustee or Lender to enforca Truator's obligations under this Deed of Tr.uat, tagether wlth Interest on.such amounts as provided In thfs
<br />❑eed of ?'rust. Specificelly, without limitatiqn, Indebtedness Includes the future edvances set forkh in the Future Advancea prov(sion,
<br />together with all intarest ther�on and all emaanta that mey qe Indiractly secured by the Cross-Collaterafizatfon provision of thia Deed
<br />of Trust.
<br />Lendar. The word "Lender" maans Equit�ble Bank, its successors and as�igns
<br />Nata. The word "Note' means the prpmissory note dsted December 22, 2070, in the vriginal principal amount af
<br />$43 AO from Borrowar to Lender, togather with all renewals of extensiana of, modifications of, refinancings of, cansolidations
<br />of, and substitutlons far the promissory note or agreement. . '
<br />�Personel Property. 7he words "Personal Property" mean all equfpment, fixtures, artid other•articles of personai property now ar
<br />hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached or effixed to the Real Property; to�ether wlth all sccessions, parts, and
<br />additians to, all, replacements af, and all aubstitutiona for, any of such property; and together with all proceeds (including without
<br />limitation all insurance pracaeda and refunda of premiums� from eny sale or other diapos(tion of the Prpperty.
<br />Property: The word "Property" meane cnlleptively the Fieal Property and the Personel Praperty.
<br />Raal P,rvperty. The words "Real Property" mean the real prvperty, interests and rights, as further described in this �ead of Trust.
<br />Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean ali prvmissory notas, credit agreements, Inan ag�eements, environmantal
<br />sgreementa, guaranties, security agreementa, mortgages, daeds of trust, security deeds, collateral mortgages, end all other
<br />inat�uments, agreements and docUments, whether npw or hereefter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtednesa.
<br />Renis. The word "Fients" maans all p�asent and futura rents, revenuea, income, issues, royaltiea, profits, and other 6enefits derived
<br />from the Property. • �
<br />Truatee. The vKOrd "7rustae" means Equltable Bank (Grand leland Regipn), whase eddrsss (s 173-115 N Locust St; PO Box 76a,
<br />Grand Island, NE 68802-0760 and sny subsdtute or successar trustees,
<br />Trustor. 7he word "Trustpr" maane GORDON O'NEILL and CpLLEEfV 0'NEILL. ' �
<br />