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<br /> "� � C�ILPO�'PYQ�t JOI'i'P TE�t�IiCY �11TY D2�D �
<br /> a Corporation orqani�ad and axieti.nc� und�r tho �Aws o! Nebras�ca, �, e
<br /> GR]1NTC�R, ix� can�idaratinn o! one Hundr�d Eighty Thou�nd Dollars �
<br /> (S180,OOO.OQ) recef�-ea fso� CR]11�TIiES. WILLIIIM E• �R�iF�R ]�t�iD I+l1N� M•
<br /> BRBwBR, hu�band arid wifa, as jaint tQ.nants, convey to sR71AtTEES, ths �cT
<br /> fol2oving describad real estate (�s defined in �. Bt•Y• S.�L• S��- .
<br /> �ai�:
<br /> a► txact of �afld co�prising a part of tha+ West Half �f the
<br /> soutLtotest Quarter (k1�2sW1/4� of Sectfon Four (4) , fa�
<br /> Towns3�ip Eleven (�1j North, Rangs Nine (9) , rTsst o! th�
<br /> Sixth (6�h) P. !!. , in Ha�l County. Nabra�]ca, soze
<br /> ` part�.cularly de�ccrfbed as follows: Beginning a� the �
<br /> inta�svction of the eaat riqht-ol-way ifne of tho
<br /> Surli'rnr�� Northarn Raalroad Spur wfth th0 northerly ��na
<br /> c! Ra3n's Firs� 11dd3tion (nlso befng the nort�a�rly 13�e
<br /> o! Roberts Str�t�; thencQ northerly along safd railroad
<br /> right-al-way line, a dimtanc�e Qf OYU Hu�drod Nirw (109,Q)
<br /> leet; thance sastesl� g�a.tal2el to tAe north�rly linR� �s�
<br /> said Rain•s First Ac�di£tionr a distancs of Two Sundred
<br /> Thfrty-$iqbt and SQwan Tsx�.t�ies (238.7) lest; thraoc� �
<br /> southarly parallel to said ra���road right-ol-�ra� lia�a„ a
<br /> distancs of Oae Hundred Nin� (109.0j fe��o. t�r. �ha
<br /> northerly lins ot said Rain�s Firs� 1�►dd3tian; t?z�a� �
<br /> • - �- - - �-�- --��_�,-- ,a-_ �• ..�t.i n�t �� tr.�a�
<br /> --- . . lrsstieriy aicu�y�suc�z,vs w�s sx ,.�,..� ...� �.�.r. .._�3: --�
<br /> Addition, a distancc ot Two Hundr�l Thirty-EigAt and
<br /> S�van T�nt.bs (238.7) test to th� plac� ot boginning and
<br /> containinq 0.597 acxes, a�ore or leaa.
<br /> GRl1NTOR covanants (jaintly and s�varally, if aorQ tb,a,n ono)
<br /> wit3i GRllNTEES that GRANTOR:
<br /> 1. is lavfully ssfzsd of sctch real astate and thnt it fa
<br /> fr�e �ros encu�brancef � . . . .
<br /> 2. has legal pow�er anct lavFul nuthor�ty to convey the sa��; .
<br /> � and, ' .
<br /> 3. watrants an8 will detend title to tbe raal estate a9tt�nn�.,�,
<br /> t�is lat,ttul claias o! all persaa�. -
<br /> EXgCEiT� this, � day of �iuqust, 1996. .
<br /> i�iET2EL ENTffi2pRI8ES, I.NC., A
<br /> By: C
<br /> d�nt �
<br /> w e.swwww+rw
<br /> �aesa-�"r. ^vr 'a�aamvi.s► j •
<br /> ) ss:
<br /> CODHTY OF H71LL )
<br /> Th� foragofnq.ir�struaent was acknowlodgQd belora a� on ]wquat
<br /> ��, 1996 by Joan`"patrick, Presidant o! Wstzel Ent�rprfaQa, inc.,
<br /> f-o��ser�y Wstze3 �isitsibaicinq, inc., a "" as;�a rpt�rayiuii, fiii
<br /> b�halt o! thQ Corporation.
<br /> iE11F�1 MWAAYSple�I IMIr�c4
<br /> C11LE11 E STEfiUK
<br /> �„p„����,�� tary lic
<br /> .�. ._,..,_�__ /
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