<br /> .,.. . . �
<br /> --��- "- :.;�.���z--T,-,�_:-,.-..�m..�.--_ _ __,�� __
<br /> . . . __. -
<br /> --,- - . ---= -- — . --. ...- - -- —— - - - ---_ -
<br /> - - . „> _ � ,�.._,..y..,�.�_._.--- W �...�,.o.n_.
<br /> . .
<br /> � �
<br /> � ' �:! �� 'C-,//�
<br /> UaS..::ut�;:.-r�:l:a•ry�ca;l iu w:ttiq��aff darsrsa;,c pra.:.ak thsi!be ap,lta!to tde nestaxati�a or rcpsir of tse P.c��,rty ur t�
<br /> tbo Secura-!ikbt.wl+ctlser or not tl�due, at Luxia�'�optian.AnY�►�licxtlon nf prcx:oeds w princi�l�nll not extxad ar
<br /> ��w;�e tha due d�tr,af the �ctudulod p�rymGnt nor cAui^e tho acwunt cf iaX p�yment. Aqy eacssr wiil be pud ca the
<br /> nnwr. [f tLo Pt+o�erty� i����uLvd by 1.axler. (Iraawrri rig�t tu aay iniuruxe�;ciea �cd pnncada rexv7�ting tmm
<br /> cLmag��t�te,Pt+o�aty hebore:be�oquWtiou�b�U piw W L�w3er W i5o er►teat oF the Sacuted Deb!Imaxdiue3y beiott the
<br /> Z0. TSC�taW�`Oit TA7�AND XIJSYIRAN�E. Udar ot�erwisz pmvided ia a�epae�te a�r�a�eut. Gta�ator will aot bo
<br /> roquiraf to pby to l�eodet tliads fnr aza and insurma la c�crow.
<br /> 21. FWA1vCIA►I. REtOATS AND ADUITIONAL DOCIJM�NP3, Gnator wtll provide w t�ader reqciat. auy
<br /> f'in�aci�t stnte�ur infwtn�ttoa l�der u�y ck�ai r�ro�►biy �ssatiy.Graawe a�t�s to si�n. del�. aai file Aay
<br /> �ddI¢ioa�1 dowa�aus or oatiflcatloa�thrt Les�de�a�ay ooaiider uooess�ry w perfoct.awttauo. �nr3 peraerve Grawor':
<br /> ob1i,�Mlons wxfet tII�t Se�►ulty Iatttummt aad Geat{er's liea wt�oe tho Propex�y.
<br /> Wa Security lasayment ue joint�nd individu�l. lf Orantor sigm tLL Securiry�t but doe�not d m Cvldenoe of
<br /> n
<br /> debt. Gr�nto�r doa w oaly to mort,eqe�r�otor'�iaterat ia thc Aropaty to sacure payment of the Debt aad
<br /> (iraator dqq nW a,�too w ba personally liaDle on the Secured Debt.if tLi9 Socurity Iasuuioeat securea� betwoea
<br /> Iratder and Gru�tor.Gr+ntoc�grees W aaive my b thu may prevau l�eader irom bria�u►g my aatiou w cl m against
<br /> ►
<br /> aranoor or aay party iad�btod under tbe obll�uioa. ri�hta m�y inctude,Dut u�e not l�miud w.aay aad�deficitsx.y or
<br /> oneaicxbn iaa�. Gr�awr that Lax1a�md wy puty to this Socurity Iasuumeat may extad, � or nake u►y
<br /> c�nga fr�the tams of tbia�riry Instnaaxat or my orridaia of debt without ar�otor'�oonktu.Such a e will not
<br /> nka�e Gruuor fram tbe oams of eLL Sxurity Insuumeat.7Lc c�utks aad beaefics of this Saurity Inun�meat sball bir�ci
<br /> a�d 6rre5t We arocestocs aod aasi�ns og 4r�otoe and!,�d�a.
<br /> Z3. A�!ldCABIE I,�Rt;57EVERADIIITY;IIVTBitPR�TATION.7his Soauit.y Inttzumeat i��ovotmod b tbe 4wt ca€�e
<br /> �i�io�a in MLirb Lenda�ioaud,e�t to tLe exteot ot�i�e ra;�uire�by tbe la�vi of tLe juri�di xba wLece t�e
<br /> �oQaty �c :oc�ed. 'It�k Seaniry I�ttumeat L oomplete �od tot�ted� 1'6is S�curity lasuu�eat mry not bc �
<br /> ih
<br /> sm�eaded cr�:modified by oc�l a,�teem�t.. aecxloa In thl�Security ,i�hmeaq�.oc�ny�teemc�ot rd�oect tw
<br /> tbe Socvre�Qebt ti�t onnfticts aith ��la�v wIU aot be ePhxtive,uakss th�t law expc+ealy ot i�oopliadly pa�mits tLe
<br /> v�tiation:by Mrittea a�,n�l. If aay�ection of this Soauity Imtn�mait caoaot be eaforced ac.00rdio=to its�.tb�at
<br /> sectioo�rill be seves�sr�d�nli mt aP6eot tbe mfa�oablliry of tL�tem�lackr of thi�Seauiiy Iawumeat. W�e�vet u�ed,
<br /> tba sin�u4r tbaII iaciur9�x2�ptival�od tbe piural the siagulu.'lbe captioas aad hadin�s of the xctioos of tbit Seauiry
<br /> Imtiume�t�e+e fae c�ncnia�oe ant,y�od are not to be u�od to iatespset or defiae t1�e ks�of t�s Soauity Issttumeat.
<br /> 'i"�me u of tLe e�t in t�n Seamt�r�ue�a�.
<br /> TA. S�CC&SSOR 1�US'I�S.Lxader,�Le�fer's oQtioe� mzi►fru�u time w Nme reawve�1�ustee md �ppol� a wcoe�or
<br /> �L1itOC WlttiOQt iIIy OtTi�[f0[II1i1�1f 1�.1II t�C C�� � R71t1L�. 1�C SOOO�ifOi tltiitOG. VH�ibCat OOiGYCS►�OCC di ttlC
<br /> 1P�ropatY.�It�oaed,to�tbe t�be.l�o�rtc�ad con�artd upon 1�oe by this Socuri�jr Imt�vaeat md�ppiicabiie
<br /> ?S. �AE�,Ua�s oB�vise raluinxD by law,my notice stull b�gi.vaa Oy�etivrrie�ii or Oy in,�tt by first cla�e mal
<br /> N�ori�a to��wnll�ao d w b�e nlotix w�atl r��otors��' a to aoy etber�ddeess� deai��ai ln�rciti�.
<br /> ----- -------� �------- -- . . . .
<br /> �i. wAIV�Y. sumpc w t�e�mc�rOhibitea ay �Sw►, Grio�oc,vaives�It �c ana boimatead wumption rl�es .
<br /> ����Y•
<br /> r. o►ilQie�sbl,s.�f�ae�]�aa,a�e�oi�►;n�ue�lic�e w mis se�rit�►In�:
<br /> ❑Liire at CraYt.'13�e Secwod Debt iactudes a nvolviqs line of cxedit persa�ion.Altbo�h tLe Secicred Debt mq be
<br /> - ird�c�ed 10 a�ocro b�t�uoe.tbis Sea�city jmtiummt�rill re�io in effea tmril yd�e�ed.
<br /> C7 e�ort:tictio�I.o��.1Lii Seauity I�wumeot soc�u�a an obii�,stiov iaeuQ+od Loc�he oe�ion a&'�n.l�opc+ovemmt
<br /> ;e�t;t�ie propaty_ . •
<br /> Q�me�e pf�.Cx�lot��ots to Laockr a�eatrity imoa+at in�11=oods tlnt Caao�oc�no�v a m the intoce�
<br /> . t�t aoe ar w�ill beoome fi:bua relalod to tbe Pruperty. 'lLi�Saauidy 3�uumeat s�8oa�t a fia�cin��tYmcvt
<br /> ' aod aepr c�rbaa.pbo�ic or ot�a repeoductiao m�y be fibd of�!or p�tryo�a of AsticJe 9 d t�e Uaitomn
<br /> = Canmets�id C�3?�. ,.
<br /> ; D ltiia[s.7Le c�vr�nta aad�o�ach of t�e ridas cboc]�od belo�r m iaoocgaff.mect ia�a aod a�pleave�t aod
<br /> " ame�od�Le tezaoit of t�s Saa�rity�mteummt.[CbecY�t1 app�i�ie boa�a) , ..
<br /> ' ❑Coodoa�iahtm R{der ❑Fl�med Unit Devdopmeat Rider ❑ Otber.............................._,................... ,
<br />� �Aiifi�l Trr�. - � `
<br /> f ' � . ,
<br /> � . , �
<br /> 7
<br /> 4 •
<br /> � ' -
<br /> f S�GNAT[JRTS:By si�oia�bdo�v.Grantor agtnes tc+tbe term�tod acr�eaamtt aonpdaed ia this Security�a�at�od'm any
<br /> + a�equ:Gx�o�al�o 3edga neoript of a mpyr of tbie Seauity�an tbe d�te stated on p�e 1.
<br /> i .
<br /> ' •,
<br /> � ............................ �.1..✓... l���z`.��:r?!�'...�r.,;:-z......_....._......... ,
<br /> ...... . .. .......... . ..........
<br /> . �..�. � c an�s �
<br /> ,,....,...,�.,..,....�..�,_ .
<br /> ;.�.at.�....,�.sas��a:
<br /> . *
<br /> S1'ATE OF��.................................C�OUNIY OF�.............................................}ts.
<br /> °''""'A 'Il�i�in�amcot M�aclmowlodgod before me tbis....................day of...............
<br /> by l7�lz.�i.,�t...�.S.A��"�'�'i.G?E�".A� ............._....................
<br /> ....... .......................... ............................... .
<br /> 11[y oom�i�ex�ins: '
<br /> .. ......... . .. ...... ......... ...................
<br /> �r`iiw�i��rt�1r 1 �� c*�.r►�+�
<br /> w��R ���lM
<br /> o,r.wwr.c,M..�r..z.. � � (p�sall
<br /> .
<br />