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<br /> R.N!I fliture �dvwcc�fr.��n l.e��dee to(ir�rrrcx ar other fl�turc obliguians of Gnatur to Lenckr undor�ny rnmissory c
<br /> rt��:.., cu�ir:ci. Qt�r�ty or cuh.er cvldenct of debt executed by_Gcuuor in favor ef lRncfet execu�Aftes thic _
<br /> !kcurity Gutn:meat whether or not th?�Secudty[n�uumeat ia spoc�fically rafensurod. lf ax�rc tt�an ona pet�son sigac =-
<br /> �hls Security lnurunicnt,racb araniorag c+ees c�t this Socuriry Inctrumzat wili�ocwc�ll fluure xivu�ce�utid iluurc
<br /> oDliguloaa tl�xt nre�iven to ar incurradby wy onc o�more Grantor,or�ny one or nwre Gruswr wcul others. All =
<br /> 9�tura�i:+aa���:ticv.a oa»r���sxurcd by cn�: sxuci:y daatcumea�even tboe��h s!!ot part may noc _
<br /> gu be adu�aced,Alt fluss,�t xivaaca ux!Wl�er fluure ubL$�doa�urc sacurod su i�mad�e on the dste of chis Socurity --
<br /> kratnuu�t.Nathing ia tDi�Se:nriry fesuriunczu slsal3 coau�tute a a�mmitmeat to make additianaf or fiuure laaa�or =-
<br /> adv�aoes ia u{y au�wat.Auy wch com�utm�nt musi bo�eaxl to in a usurate wcitin�.
<br /> C.All obli�atioas Gt�ntot owq to l�rnder. which may luer arise, ro the extent uot proAiOltecl Dy law, inctudiq�,but =-
<br /> not ll�ited w.Wbilitia fo�overdraRs relstln�w aoy de�osit accauu�re�meAt betweea Gr�awr and Leader.
<br /> 1R.All addi8oa�l suu�sdvaixxd u►d expa�sa inc�uml by i.ender for insuring,pres�rving or otherwiu protaxiag We _
<br /> Propeny aad ita value tmd auy ottkx wm+sdvaaced�ad exptuse�iacunnd by[�eader uader tbe term:of thia Seauity =
<br /> io�tHmeat.
<br /> 73ia Sxurity In�uumeut will nat cer�ure aaY otber debt iY:�wder f�ils W�ive�ay roqudred notioe of tLe ri�ht of rescis�ion.
<br /> 5. PAYAiENIS.Grantor agree�that all paymeats under We Securod Debt wiU be paid wDea due uzd in accatdatsce witL tht
<br /> tami of t�e Secured Debt at►d thit Secunty r^■•••,•,,•�^�,
<br /> �. yVARRAPPI� pF 77TI,E. (iruuor warrant� that Grantor is or will be l�wfully seized of thc estuc coaveyal by this -
<br /> �,yri�r TnstNmmt�d haf tbe dght to irrevocably gtant,convey.aad sell the Property to Tzusta.la trust,wit6 power of
<br /> ak.Graoto�r�Iso watraats tbat tbe Property is uaes�eaunbarod.e�uent fa•eacumbr�aees of rxord.
<br /> 7. PRIOit SFCUjt1TY IrTiERESTS. With re�ard to aay other mo age. dad of mist,�� a�rxmenc or ot1� liea
<br /> docv�t tb�t�seaoed a prior saviitY iatecrat or eacwnbr�ace om t6e .Gr�ntor
<br /> A.To m�lce ail p�yymrnts wbea due and to perFosm or oomply wita aU c�oveaaots. , �
<br /> B.To pcnmptly deliva to Leader�ny notias tbat Graator roodva from t0e�oldet. • -
<br /> C.Not to allow �ay modificadon or exteasion of, nor to c+oque3t�ay future�dvances vader aay note or� "
<br /> tecurod py the lim docvment witl�out Leader's prior writters o�o�oseat.
<br /> � CLAaI.S AGAINST 11TI.E.Glaotot wllt piy ill tue7,��•••t"w,r�,lieat.eri�umbranoes.leix yme�,ground reats,
<br /> utititia. aod oi�a c�es naadng w tlse .vLea due.l�eader m�y reqesin Grantor to provide ta s��sd�a aopies of '
<br /> �ll notioes tL�t acA amouat� are due aad�yreoeipts e�+idencinB,Grmtor's paymeat. Grauwr witl d� dUe co tb�
<br /> �Y mY�laime tbat w�ould impair tbe liea of this Socvaty Tnunimeat.�raator s�,ras co r.vi,g�ro I,eacfer.as
<br /> ra�ueued y�l�m�ier� yd�hq,claims or defm4es Gr�aWr msy bave �gsinst putks wi'txc�3y I�or m�te:iats w
<br /> mtmwn ac�mprovo tbe�Property �
<br /> 9.
<br /> DUE taN SAI.E OR ENCUMBRANCE.I�eader aaa�.u iu oQtbn.declare tl�eatire balsLx�e of tLe S�al Debt to be
<br /> ia�taaf's�teiy due aad p�y�ble upoo tbe cxratjoa of�oc canuact fOI tbC Ct+CitWll OC,�yy�.EaCl1L�t7�.d'7affCt OT Ii1C
<br /> of tbcp�p� 7bii nght is wbjax to the rauiajoas imposed by fodaal Saav�12 C.F.R. 59]) as 7bis
<br /> oovea+�nt t5�llyilm with tl�e Ps+cQetty aod�htll t+�mtin la tffxt tmtil the SoCUtod Debt a$�paid ia�iill a�tl�SeauiiY �
<br /> ---- --7adiue�CiacdmeQ. -.. . . ._. . .. - -�--- ----. ..
<br /> 10. PRO�ERRTY CO[�IWlION, ALTERATiONS AND IIdSPF.CITON.Gr�ow�r will keeG�e Propaty in ood ooaditioa�
<br /> OE
<br /> �od m�icre ail t�t �+e reawoally noce�sary. Graata �il r.ot coas�rit or attow �ay waste. , os
<br /> detaia�Rlon of�rroQeicy. Gtmtor will keep the Pmpe:ty free of aoaiaas Wroocb aad�assa. Graator�gi+xs W�t the -..
<br /> a�ture of the ooa�oty�md use will na wbavati�lly c�ange withatt I�eader's priar�vnRten�oa�r�t. Grmtor�rill aot
<br /> Pa!��Y�t� ��Y licante. ratriaive covemot or e�t withoot I.�mder'� pnar writtm oonteat. Graator wil!
<br /> eoaty l�esder of�U de�m�li.Pmoealing��cLi�+�md�ctioos�Granwr.aad of any iors or d�e w the Ptapaty.
<br /> Leadet or I�eader's�mry.at ireader's optias,.aua the Propatyn�t auy n:soaable time for the ptupo�e of iatpeains .
<br /> tbe ,Imder�hilD v�e Graotor notice�t dse time of or�efio aa�specifying a re�oa�bi�pia�pose for ,
<br /> L������of tLe Propaty:hall ue eaci�ay for Leader•s am cmncor w�l ia m .v�y sely eo
<br /> 11. AVPHOiRl'lY TO P�iORM.ff Grsawr fail:to paform�ay duty or my of tbe ooveaants caotaiaed in thi:Saxuity
<br /> Ia�n�t�I,wder mayr,altl�out mtke.Pa'fcxm ot cause tliem to be performed.�Graatot appoints Leader as�tta�aey ia
<br /> fact to daa Ga�mtor'�name ar psy amouat nocescary for paformaoce.I�eader s n�bt to paform foc Gr�atos shall not
<br /> create�n obiita8on to pafocmt�od�'s failure to_perform alll mt pcectvde Le�fi+omd�a�my of Letx3er's
<br /> otba riahn undu tbe lr►►or th�s Seauity lnstn�meat.If my�tnxtion on tt�e Pt+q�aty is or not curied on
<br /> ia a c�e�oaabie m�ona.leader may t�iCe all aepss neowuy tn gcvtact I�eadrs's�ecauity intarn iu tLe Pmpetty.ioci�di�
<br /> oomQktion of the comuualon.
<br /> 12. ASSIGrA�N7'OF LEASE'S AND RFNI'S. Graator inrevocably gruus,oenveys and sdls w 7�ustx,ia nuu for tb�
<br /> beae�'u of Leader. b additioaal :ecvrIty all tbe right, atle and intenu ia md w aay md�11 existiil oe fuau+e lpsa,
<br /> :ubic�ues�aad aoy aher writtea or vab�i age+e�ats for tl�e use�nd of my rtian of the�paty includin8
<br /> aay e:tmsions,tratxals. modi�atfoas or subsnurtioas of suc�agtzeaeata�ta(�a�ref�aa �"L�exes•),and reats, istues
<br /> aad�(�ll ieteit�ed oo�'Rsats').Grmtor w►ill P�E�Y P�'�Le�der with true�ad oorrect oopia of sll�
<br /> md L�ea�a. (i�aotor may oolloct.nceive. a�ay md we dae Reats�o Wog� C�xrmx is mt ia defwlt aader tfie
<br /> tamt of tLis Seauity Ia�trnmeat. -
<br /> �4!�1!+d�LL+at thta�ignment is na'fected uoon tlte recotdin¢of tiila Deed�'"lult and th�t Lmdet i9 eailtled ' .
<br /> to notlfy�y of Graotor's t�aat�to ma]ce paymeat of Rmts clne a to bec`ome�fine w Ltader.Howaver.I�eader Ihat
<br /> ad on deGutt Nill I.eader not3fy(3r�nwr aad(iraatoc't tta�att snd�ice demsod th,st�Il:�utute Reats be p�id�p w
<br /> L�. po reoeiviRg notia of defaulti Grmtor will eadoise And ddi�►er w I,eader 2aq�nxymeat of Reats ia Gr�misac's ,
<br /> po�ettion�od �nll reoave any ReaU m uu:t fos Leader�acP wiil not oommingle ttre I�,c�scs witb aay dber fuads. Auy
<br /> amonats callectad wlll be applkd as prorided'm this Seairity Iaauumeat.Crnawr w�crsuis��dvt ao dcfiult�xists u�1e�r the
<br /> Lea�a or�r applic�bk lmdlorrclltea�at Lw. Grantor�lso�reea to maiat�ia and r�qiiu.z any uamt to coraply with the
<br /> !�*�•4f*38.�.�a1�arxflir�l►te law. .
<br /> 13. I.EASE�OI.DSO CONDOMII�tIUM3: PLANNED UI�IIT D�EVEIAPMF.IV'is. Grlutnc agrees w comply �viW the
<br /> provisioa�04 aay le�te if this Sxuriry Insuumeat is on a le�adaold. If the wstudes a umt in x coa3ominiuin or a
<br /> plaaoed uait developmeat,Graator wUl paform all of Grantor's dutia uader�vcmats.by-laws.or nYul�ti�oas of the
<br /> 000dom�aium or pl�nae�uaii developmmt.
<br /> :�. T1�A1i�T ���..Ww�m o.:ji �i !ff i1�fe��ili i{'..f�..j fT�v I,�fli�M1 nni �� S.r��rHt pebt fails to maice naymmt R+hen due.
<br />- Graotoi will be in default lf a bcr�ch occurs�t�e tcrmc of this Security Intuumeat or any other`doeumeat e�aauod _
<br /> - 1'� �1��
<br /> Ct9M W�k�w iY+�+M.Y�o.ii CIaA.YM p�7•],yy��1'a�116�D8N!itiJl� � � �
<br /> � � �/
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