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<br /> �s,�";:,,��,,��=�;r'•. }laxold E. � Patricia L. Bilsl.er�d, Nusl�and & Wife =_
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<br /> ,"'�
<br /> � . granteas, does grant, ba�gain, sell avnvrsy ar�d c�o�nfism unto
<br /> - ' ''� " Hall Ootatty �
<br /> - herein called th� grant� whett�r cx�e or more, che
<br />', . � -�- - . follawiry desoribed roal p�coperty in _, r-ti�i County, t�,r�: -� .-,-
<br />;
<br /> ,, .. ---
<br /> � . �• ' A tract of land situated alazg the south line of the Soutt�west Quarter
<br /> • ° (�), and the south line of the West Half of �he Southeast Quarter (i�Sdx) _
<br /> .; . . �• of Sectfa� Three f3). Zbwr►ship Nine (9) rbrth. R�nSe �ie].ve (12) West of ttie _--
<br /> .. 6th P.M. in Hall Oo�uity• N�braska. m�re particularly desc�ibed as folLows: —
<br /> .. . n Beginning at the sauthwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SNB�)i
<br /> • .. . . . . thessce numing north alaa�g the w�est line of safd Southwiest Quarter (S�Bt)� ��-
<br /> �� �� a distance of Forty Five (45.b) feett tt�es�ce nu�nin9 east Paralle]- tn the � --
<br /> south line of said Southvrest Quarher (SW�), a distanoe of approocimately �+v -----
<br /> - � � -- TY�'r3 F:artp Nin2 and �tao Tt�ttts: {2,049.2) feet7 tt�nce deflw-ting ri�ght -
<br /> � 900 13' and nvnaing sautherly a distance of Eb�ty Five (45.0) £eetr to a �!�-�-=�-==
<br /> :"-'°'`� ;. �int•on the south line of said Soutt�west Quarter (SW3s) : th2r�ee rutu�ing -=—
<br /> , �~�' east ala�g the south line of said Sout]r�aest Quartes' �SW�,t? a �� oE �iv� _
<br /> Iiuru�red Ninety One and One Tenth (591.0) feet. to the soutiaaagt c�x af
<br /> ' said Souttn�st 4�r (SW=�), said p�int also be3ng the saatl�t cx�rner of -
<br /> � . ., said West Half of the Sout}�ast Quarter (NJ�SE`�;)t �hence running east alarg
<br /> the south line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (t�SF,�,c)• a distanoe
<br /> " of Sevez�ty Qne and N3ne Z�enths (71.9) Feet; thenae deflecting left 9d° __
<br /> ' • '" '� 20' 30" ar�d n�uiing northerly a distance of Forty Five (45.0) feett then�ce
<br /> � F�;: , --
<br /> � �•:�;�;,;,.f� running east parallel to the south line of said West Half of the Southeast -
<br /> • • .. • Quarter i�ll. a 8istance of approaimately �e Thousand Zta� H�dred Forty �_-;._-
<br /> ���,; Eight arszl Fifteen I�dredths (1,248.15) feet, to a point � the east line .,;•�.,��•.-
<br /> 1� . south •�'••: �`--�_
<br /> :t'„��� of said West ilalf of the Southeast 4�rt� (��Z?; th�nce r�uming
<br /> . ,�.,.,;`,<<...
<br /> alang the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (�+�SF'�x)� a ��-�=
<br /> _ � distanoe af Farty Five (45.0)feet, to the southeast corner of said FJest Half �•:�r
<br /> � _.T
<br /> of tt�e Southeast Quarter (�V�sSF}�); tt�ance runnim3 west along the south line ���•. �;�,�'
<br /> " of said t�eAt Half of the Southeast Quarter (W�SF�t)► a ��� of approoci�nate].y !":=:=_:'=.
<br /> Q�e Th�sand Three Hundrecl �ty a►xi Five Htmdredths (1.320.U5) feet x�,•��
<br /> • " �. � to tt�e southeast oorner of said Southwest S��' (S�i); tY�ence rwming west �.� ':'.
<br /> along the aouth line of said Southwest Quarter (SW�t) a distance of appx�ooc- r
<br /> imatre].y Ztao Thousand Six Hundred Forty and Three Tenths (2,690.3) feet, to . ,
<br /> the point of beginning and cantai.ning 3•406 acresirore or les$ of which ��'
<br /> 2.507 acres more or less is presently occ«pied by Fablic road right-of-way. �•
<br /> ' Net 0.899 acres more or less.
<br /> ��
<br /> f�
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