. � :.� .. . r�f�r�. ti.�:::.!�-,.'"u �i�r��y��.�.�� .... , ^ � -_�t .��i _.._ _�____�___--
<br /> � ✓.lf� �"'- _ '{ :tr''"`c�. sy4. s.iS�ua�.,�,. �rkuil N�YL�.� '•.
<br /> � �'f �I I � I ' ... . �.�_ `.. -__,____..
<br /> �j,i �:ylL :+..di.Lw'.'. .�ifd�'t+
<br /> I Yr .,�,w,..r�.'' �' "
<br /> � - „ � ,�
<br /> � " ��r. . ----
<br /> ��rr-�.--,---� -- - �s _.._. ..,_..� _ _ �awr,c.-
<br /> — �--�-�;��°�,,� .', � _ :_��.-� - �� -
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<br /> _ . �-_.__ � -
<br /> .. �,��.� ►re .
<br /> - , ��."���t`1�" ;���-� �: ACKNOWLLOOEMCNT OF OBED OF TRUBT 10415:�
<br /> _ ������,.��.- 92.�
<br /> - �� '" TiiUSTOR READ THI9 BEfORB 81CiNINO: °
<br /> -,7;�i,j'i'7�};.
<br /> ''�,,-';; "��. _,V ��f �. Tru�Wr und�ntand�thN th�doaum�nt lh�t Trurior Is�bout to sxsaute I��DNd ot Trwt�nd not�moRpap��nd Ih�t th�power
<br /> � '�. of wl�provid�d lor In th�OMd o1 Tru�l provid���ub�hntiwlly dlffennt rlphq�nd obllpaUom to Tru�torthen a mortpap�In th�ewnl
<br /> Y.�1�� '�� .� o!�dotAUlt or 6��ioah ol obllpaUon under the Oead at Tru at,Indudln�,but not itmited to,the Lendor'3 dpht to havo Me Proporfy sold ,�. _- -__ .
<br /> , �, ` .
<br /> �• p; ;:;,� � by th�Trushe without�ny�udlal�l prxNdlnp.Tru�tor r�pr��en d wRrrana that thls acknowl�dpem�nt wa/sxeoutsd by
<br /> _,:,_;. ,. , , T►ustor bHore ths exeaution ot the Oeed o1 Truat �� c �
<br /> ',•�..., ,�v.:� .•..�- �
<br /> i ' ���. TruYtor
<br /> . . � � ;,.::% .�rm�al.f'�c,I �1
<br />�:.� ..
<br /> ,, �T` Truata
<br /> Lr::�
<br />�?�:�::: � ��� � � � � DE�D OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES
<br />;,.; - _ _
<br /> ,_ . ' THIS OEED OF TRUST,Ig mede a�01 tho 13th �y a� May. , �g 92 by ond amanp — ___
<br />� `� ' ' '�v,��"� �� DAI.E R ZIfiLER AMD i OOi1NA J ZIQLER . hu�b�nd �nd �ii�
<br /> . ::x; the Trustor. �
<br /> s:�..�s :;`•� ' . _,�•�''- 2421 w Linaola Hi9h�ay (3rand Island N� 66�83-S20S
<br /> s .',':�-�"�� � -'r'�ti� whow maillnp eddress Is (herein"Trustor,"whethor one or ma�),
<br /> .. :s•.`�,�.•:.�
<br /> � _ °�':`:`�,..'L-° � Fiv� Pointo 9ank� a Nabra�ka Corpor�tion -
<br /> ^ j, , . � ,: ; � , the Trustae, '
<br />'r r.:'"` � ,::.,:� •�r�:'1.. �r P.0. Box 13�7 Lir�nd Itl�nd. ME 68t�02
<br /> ;°''•?5���+ �•� ''t'` whoae mailinp eddresa Is � (herel�"Trudw"),and
<br /> "�`{}. , ' ., F�tvo Point� p�nk
<br /> ; �;.. y:.��h:M..`�;:,. the BanaNclery, '
<br /> .. ';'�,4�:.. , ��• P.O. 8ax iSO� tir�nd I�l�nd• NB. 68802-1s87
<br /> >� ,.,
<br /> � ,. ,�"•,t�:: whoaa malllnp eddres�la (herefn"LandoP'1.
<br /> • •• '.'��,•�.,.� DALE R ZIOLER AND
<br /> :�,.�„ F� �" ' FOR VALUABI.E CON9IDERATION,fnaludinp lender'e extenaion ol credN Identlfled herein to
<br /> ; '� '�� ' i DOpAA J ZIt34E6 (herain"8orrower",whether one or more)and ihe t►uat herein creatad, �,___,�,,.
<br /> , ,+,';, ..'.'::, .,::t�.;:: �
<br /> ' �'�",!'a...�:•. the reaelpt ot which is hereby ecknowledged,Truator hereby irrevocably g►ants, tranalers,conveys and assipna to Truatee,IN ���A:'.
<br /> . r���i r.,;• ' TRUST,WITH POWEFI OF SALE,tor the beneflt and seau�ity of Lender,under and eubJect ro the terma and condHlonshorefnafter oet �"'""""'-`��
<br /> :',:.:,r� •� b e e�pro erty cr aa o ---_ _
<br /> �..:,,�� �:� ' � bNE f�)� 'T� l�. A����IREE 131, IN REUTIflG'S FIRBT SUBDIYISIOIi• 11A4L
<br /> , �� �
<br /> Topether with all buildln�s,improvements,Hxtu�es,sireeta,alleys,passageways.easemenla,riphts,prlvilepes and appurte- --„.�,
<br /> .," nences loceted ihereon or In enywfse peAalning thereto,end the renta,isaues and proffts,reversfons aod remelndera thereol,and v�'
<br /> euch pereonal property thol Is atteched ro the improvementa so ae to conautute a flxture,fncludinp,but not Ilmiled M,heoun�end _'" "`"'`�``
<br /> � ° coolinp equlpme�t;end topelher with Ihe homeatead or marltal intereats.�f eny,wh�ch intereats aro hereby releafed ond walved;all
<br /> � • • • of whlah,Including replecementa and addipona thereto.Is hereby declared to be a part of the real eslate 4ecurod by Ihe Ilan ol thf� ���-
<br /> Deed of Trust and all ol the foreyoinp boinp relerred to herein as the"Property". �` � �!�;
<br /> F• "} -
<br /> , �a• � Thh Deed of Trusl shall secure(al Ihe peyment of the pnncipal sum and interest ev�denced by a promfsaory note o►credlf �� ��-__
<br /> �,. ..,_,...-..
<br /> ayreement deted b�Y 13th �992 .__._ _,hav�nq a mawr�ry date ol S�pt��ber 18tA 1992 `
<br /> p� y� y� �v�:--,-.-_
<br /> .. � Vf/�VW�W �� ' ��S.C�
<br /> in the orlgfnal prinafpal amount ol a ,and any and all modllicatfons,extensiona end renewals
<br /> . thoreof or thereto and any and all future edvances and readvances to Borrower(or anp o(them d more ihan one)hereunder 4 - � a=.
<br /> � pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credrt agreements(herefn called"Note"�:(b)the payment ol other sums advanced by =-'��'•�
<br /> Lender to protect the secudly ol the Note;(c)the perlormance of ell covenants and ayreements of Trustor set lorth herein;and(d�ell , •.�.
<br />: present and tulure fndabtedness and obllgationa of Borrower�or eny ol them If more than one)to Lender whether direct,indlrect,
<br />;� ' ebaolute or contfngent end whether erfsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherw�se.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all i _ _
<br /> �� other docuentethat aecurelhe Note or otherwlse executed�n connoction therewfth,including wUhout Ilmitation fluaranteee,decurity �*
<br /> apreementa and essi�nments of leases and rents,shall be relerred to hereln as the"Loan Instruments". ��„ ��
<br /> �?:� �~, .
<br /> ' Truator covenants and agrees wlth Lender as lollows: f+R' '" :
<br /> , 1. Paym�nt ol Ind�bt�dn�a.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due. ��"
<br /> 2. Tftl�.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Propery,end warrants thet the lien
<br /> crealed hereby Is e flret and prlor Ilen on the Prpparty,except lor liens and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor m wrltfng and
<br /> dellvered to Lender beloreexecutfon of this Deed of Trust.and tne execut�on and del�very of th�s Deed ol Trusl doea�ot violate any
<br /> ' ConbaCt or other obligetfon to which Trustor is subject.
<br /> , 3. T�x�s,A��tssm�nb.To pay before delmquency all Iaxes,speaa�assessments and all other chargea agninet the Property
<br /> now or heroafler levied. ,
<br /> " . 4. In�uranet.To keep lhe Property insured agamst damage by lire,hazards�ncluded wrthm Ihe term"extended coverage",and
<br /> • ' auch Other hazards as Lende� may requlre.In amounts and wlth compartiea acceptable to Lender,neminp Lender ae an edditlonel
<br /> named Insured,wfth 1o9a peyable to the lender.In case of loss under such pollaes.Ihe Lender is aulhonzed to ad�ust,collect end
<br /> � compromise,all clatn�o Ihereunder and shnll have lhe opt�on ol applying all or pah of the insurance proceeda(1)toany indebtedness
<br /> eecured hereby and f n such order as Le�der may determ�ne,1��1 to Ihe Trustor to be used lor the repafr or restoraUOn of the Property
<br /> � or(flq(or any other purpo9e or ob�ect satistnctory to Lender without aHect�ng the lien ol this Deed of Trust for the lull amount secured
<br /> hereby before Such payment ever took pince. Any appl�cat�on of proceeds to�ndebtedness shall nol exlend or poetpone the due
<br /> dete of any peyments under the Note.or cure any defaull thereunder or hereunder
<br /> . . .__._�.___. e �__.�... ��..�_...�:w.... .�.........a�...�....w... r.....�...eti..0...,.,�..�.�..ao. i..n�.rh monnur na I 011f�AI IT[1U('IPi11f111f��R a��Hir.iwnt
<br />� - ' '----"--- �. cwww.vrv�.....�rv�. ....�..........��..�....... .....,...�.......
<br /> �...,�.-.�_...........-_-....._.. '. -- -- -
<br /> . su►ns to 6nable Lender lo pey as they become due one pr more al the Iollowing (�I�II taxes,�ssessmenta and other charges agamst
<br /> the P►operty.pl)the prem�ums on the property msurance requlretl ltereunder,and(��I)the premlums on any rno►lgage ineurenCe
<br /> . . requlred by Lender.
<br /> ' 8. Malnt�n�nc�. qspllrs and Compllanco wllh Laws.7rustor shall keep the Property �n gaod condltion end repa�r; shell
<br /> � � � , promptly repalr, or replece any improvemen► wh�ch may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commU or permd any wasto or
<br /> � � • , deterioretion of the Properry: shall not remove,demol�sh or substanti911y elter any o�the�mprovements on Ihe Property:shall not
<br /> r�mmlt_a��Hwr nr nr+rmd wny wct fo be dOng�n Or UpOn thEa PropOrtV m vi0181i0n 010�y�AW,ord�nance,or reguletion;and shall pay and
<br /> promptly dlscharye at Trualor's cost and expense all liene,encumbrances and chargos lev�ed,�mposec'or assessed against tne
<br /> ' Properiy or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt DomNn. Lender Is hereby assigned all compensation,awarda,damages and other paymenta or rehef(here�nafter
<br /> "Proceeds")fn connectlon wfth condemnatlan or other taking of the Property or part thereol,or for conveyance in iieu ol condemna-
<br /> t1on.Lender shall be entitled at�ta optlon to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any actlon or proceedings,and
<br /> shall also be entltled to meke&ny compromise or aetllement in connection wlth such tak�ng or damage.ln the event eny portlon of
<br /> N�C7�611NoMprKUiwn�DMa�R�.iO BD
<br /> O 19N Mnan�l WN ot Ca�mwu huse�nA S�v�rq�Atwnuae lmcain N�d�q� .
<br /> ' � ' �.i . _ ._ . . .. __ . _ _. ..
<br />