<br /> � ,::G��u;:. -_ "� __-
<br /> �' . f r .. _.._ . ._ ,• ._�W t`. . ...J�.—xr.s�a�T �-
<br /> �:..,. � - .. ----..� __..._.__.. _1.�.:r..ea•�w �tl—.
<br /> _.
<br /> ��+�f�ww�•rK.. a�... ' �• ____—
<br /> — _1_ .L�___—'- 'I•w- _ _ _-.. ___" �`
<br /> n a�cuAmr�T�R�sT uNO�c�r�u�aiM co+rw��uu.cooF. rn+�o«a a r�,a�r�u c.�«,�s«�a.�d a.n.an�., .��o -
<br /> riri+��rwa tati a C,1tti�t:«�Nur:u:ni to tha proi'tktfs �t!M Unlbmt Gortlrotclld C�oda (a�ed�o�.�d k►Mw wi4�wi�r�Ih��I praoarly I.laatadl
<br /> �Hauru,chattai�,and rtich�ol pn��on�t prop�+ty now owrNd or h�rw�N�r atlact»d b a b b�uaa�l4i ca�act�n wqh Iha Pro�arty w�h _
<br /> �il npiao�n�aeu��t»nwt��c7aJ�:tkuia ttwr�w(ttw'Ctu�taia�.a�x�(irarnor Mro�y,zrantt L�ndx e Mcurfry�kiMn�lln sikh Gh�HNNi TM�cci�bla Is
<br /> th�Ckan;ar d��crib�.i�sva. This Dwd of Tnu1 wa 1�N�i�W��i',����xnxrt fAad ao a naluro htinp wttl�nsp�a to all Hxtun�Ine�d+d wKt�tn -
<br /> �ald prMr�is`�and b w b�W�d lor�d in iha r�a1�wt�nccrds d�h oo►usry wMr��ny(�t ot:ald�rerriaa(k�dud iab H+nurs�)i��uiaNd. Thts
<br /> DNd ot'fru�t�1WI atw b��fF�ctlw�u s fkw�dr�p aat�rtMnt ocwrhp any otMrp��mia� a�nd may b�f�fw in�ny whx�ppnp� hwnp or ncasii+�
<br /> ofAa. A urbon,photopraphic u olMr nproduqlon G It�is D�ad of Tn+c!a W�ny Ilnarx�np Ww+Tnn1 rNatk+p W IMs MW ol Tniu�f�iall b�wfikJml u -
<br /> R-�:tw.��ct::smont lot cny ot thc ptuposua nhtnd 10 ke tN�Per�pnph. Th�waind p+rty I�tt�L�rKiot a�ib�d�tww. Upai d�trwnd.Gtanlor�
<br /> nwtr�.�r�cuta�r►d dWvar wd►s�axiry �prr�rrwu�(a�wch Iwm Is detwwd Gi �aid Unibrtn Com�twrcloi Caia)aa l.�r►cJw at�ny t� ��y da�rn —
<br /> �++wY�P��or Hqu�rad b gr�ta l�rtidsr a p�rf�ctwl tocuritY intarost in tl�Cf�tIW.�nd upon GtQntar'�I�il�w to do�o.L�h sutAorind a �
<br /> sipn any� 1 u�M�p�nt of�inntor. (ir�rttar har�by wthoriz�s t�ndM sa lu�Iin�+k,lr►B csatamnts(as wch�rn I�d�Hrnd in�aid Uniiorm� -
<br /> Gortvswdal 1 with n�p�d to tM Chattd�.�t any tltrn�whhotil th�sipnatun ot C��ntar. Gr�ntor wiU,howw�t.�t�n tirrr upot�nqwsl ot L«tid++'.
<br /> hho Y �
<br /> c��wtit►F.r�.:.:4�sis!en�te. Qrn.�ter wfN pey aM 14lk�hH b►iM fiwtx,!ot Euch fln�ncing saMrrwuc and lor iM nfi�ng thKw1 at tha Itn�rpuk�d.In -
<br /> u,.opintor,ol t..nd�r.byr cald unuotm c«n,�cw cod.. �f tn.u.n ot tnl�Dwd of Trut1 bo url�cl to�nY�xhY a�nw►t ttr Cf�ttNl,ttwn
<br /> in 1M�wnt ot iny d�la�1 undn thi�Da�d of Ttutt,�II th�ripht,titN�nd Int�roct oi Gr�ntar In�nd to any�nd NI ot the ChatNls u atalprwd b
<br /> Land�t.lop�lMr whh th�b�W of�ny d�paits or pl►ymmt�naw a Mr�ur m�ds tlaact by Om,u a tiw pn�twn or kicortwr�in ixlo t,t� _
<br /> Grantor h tlw PrapKty
<br /> �9. RFJIdBURSkiMEM OF A�IDIJWI"S EIIPENOED BY IEHDER. Leridar.u Londw'o�pt may axpond Axxl�(incA�d'irp attortwys'iws and Mpal
<br /> ��rua�)to p�rbrtn any act nq�►irod W ha Wyn by Grantor a ta axxdso any right a r�rtrdy o�t Londrr�uxi�►Wa D»d d Truat. Upon d�nrnd.(i��ntor
<br /> ahsJ!imnodialoty nM'ndxca Larxb►lar aU stx;h a►noiu�u oxpx►dsd Dy Lwxix topether wdh Intorast thx�on W th�bwa ol the hlphsN raS�detafb�d in any
<br /> pp;,�ation or the hipl'wc1 nt�aibwodt�y taw hom ihe dala ot paynwM unti tho data of nlmtxksarnant. Thew surr�shall be Nuiud�d In tlw d�finNion ot
<br /> ObiipaSion�her�fn and�h*N b�s�c�»d bY ttw bMwAda!ht�rrsl gantad het�in. If tha Oblipatbn:an P�aft�r Ih�b�p{nnktp W P���lon ol notic�ol
<br /> �....n.�r+aowa�d.or�n srw��a�w�a.r�►,aw.a�n�w��.�+�c,r.r,sor w v�y�y�n a u,�oa�an�a�n�a�a�uc��or,a
<br /> notla ot aaM.a Mr�in Proviii�d,th�n,Granta shaY p�Y on dor►��d oll a�s f�icurtW by th�Trustw�nd In ootxwcdon wwilhh a{d pubNc�Yon.
<br /> tndudrp rwau�bM sROrtrYa�b.s a th�+qotrNY+ta�M Tnntw�nd br th�l�t.arW a;+raia►abi�tw a 1M Tnwt�,and Ws Dwd d Tnw�fNM b�
<br /> �arity tor ail st�ch�nsra and IMS.
<br /> 24. APPiICA110N QF PAY�AEN79. Tha Tm��h�N�tM��04 th�uustw's saM,fint.to ttk ooait�ond e�q»n�s W�xKCf�kia tM pa+rx of
<br /> taM and d th�sak. tlw yrrwit of ttt�TnuA�'a s maimd no4 b�xoa�d tl�arro�xk vchlch may b�provki�d for In the Da�d d Ttust.
<br /> balina.N 0�y�w�tt���p�ncrw I�pally�in rlNd d�nw.�' b th poyrtwd of prdor dwck c�f t�st,rtnrlp�p�s ar Whw Y�ntmld�t�,and tlr
<br /> 2S. POWER OF A7TOt�NEY. Grantar hu�by���r�N Its ctt�nsyan•fact to w�do►sa Grantor's narrr on rk F�.xrnnts�nd othK doaxrwits
<br /> pKlak�kq to tA�Obiip�4irx+s or t3Md of Tnut. In ockition.Laxi�r shall b��mttl�d.bul rrol to m any c�o�a�x�aiN any doainwq
<br /> n�,o o.ux.+,a.x�a,aa�y c�ra�a«�.,d.r,n�o.�a o�m,a. i..�a�r�.�aa�«.x.a,�►,a wcn aoam.m:��w
<br /> cnnar aom any obli�p�uon ar ar.amr a.hun und�thls o..a a rnut. po�w.ra a anom.y aa.ab.d In uds o..a a r�ua a�.oa,pNd wnn an
<br /> Yq�roa�nd an krworabb.
<br /> asctW�p�d�'�wah�a��o�id�l�cMr n�s��of v�th�sa IiNU.s�iaritY�x WMt y�anas tiav�b�een nl�as�d�noord
<br /> ?7. COiJ.ECiION G�0�511'31 1'o ttw�x1�nt Irv.Grantor ap���s ta p�aY L�Arr"s seaso�bi�N�s and co�s,'s.�'.xinD.but rat IknlMd b.tMa
<br /> ��oaf l,�ta�i,wt� �k�cutse���by����ofMainO�irrioixM�w or�toisx$iy��mY ri�q or'•'a�ndy��Y��i ot��wtNMwr a n�ot
<br /> sutl is Inalud��p.but no1 Y�d b.all Ews and oo�t�inanwi m app�N,In 6�r�la�egr,arxi ior pa��judQrrrq oo�e,trx�a�lona.
<br /> 2�. PARTIAL BELEASF. Und�r may nl�aw iu InMnst in a aortta�ot th� P by axaa�tY�g�raoord��o-�a wr mon Partial O�fs of
<br /> p�oonwy�na wiMwu d1�its kq�nst in th�nrtrinirq Pation d u�rropwty. n��rw�In�haN ba d.«n.d to oa�t e wrxl�t to�eMn..ny a it�
<br /> kMK�si h� ;aYa!p as��ind u��d�r P��38 or at rtny b�dtw+wl��+Y�i�y law).na aheY Lan�iet bt aDflp�Mtl to nf�w�n5►P�
<br /> o11h�Rop�nY M�antor is r�d�fauA txider thb DMd of Ynut. Th�Y�t�md s�arity irsk�est cnafiJ b'Y th�OMd ot Tnut t�roln in�ff�el w�tlh twp�ct 10
<br /> ttwl PorQon of Ih�propary.af d�lirwd In 1t»Ord of TrwL tl�at Es nolltw uihj�d ol thls a anY Partlol OMd d R��r►v�yano�
<br /> ?i� YDDNaCAl10N AND WAIYER. TM moti6calbn a Mcalwr of any of Granta's Ohdp�iorn or L��dK'sr{�T�s ur�tNs OMd of Tnut mnt b�
<br /> aontairrd h a wrMYip q+�d bY���►. ���Y P!!�n�Y W Borro�wr's or Granat's Oblfpatlom.blr�or fai b�x�elw ot Ms rlptdr or aoa�
<br /> �yt[�11fa iDOff1 C��IfiOr OiC�1lSp�M GQIR VI�1 tiYanlO►wtulola otwit�s rrai�oi Qw�wr a7o°.a:iii,��:tw i M...�«��...Yi s:.� �"i=..^^"«�"..�"'�._
<br /> .w�w«i any a�w ooz�lon. t3��nars und�.�hEs a..d d Tru�l,t,aa8 n�t t�s�ttoci�d{i'`[�wiaor ar,�r�, rsla so
<br /> ezwoiw.hpoMi or�ac mY d tha Ob6 oni��b�tar��to any G�amor.8or�rr ar thkd t�y or �arry of Ns�iphts��Cirantat�a
<br /> lhird prty a arry ol�F.�ty. Lend�'s faikr�to fruist upon strla pwtamrno�of any ot ttN �11 no1b�dwcnd a watwr and LatrJr shrl
<br /> hta�r the ri�t al any tir�BwMIIKlo i�si upon stip pMtormena.
<br /> 90. stlOSTI'TllTE 7A1�'i'I�E:TRtISTEE WYIIJTY:C01�710A�.G�eas�ot Un tlwh.ineEffdy.nhisal to ae!ar at�t�af tfs 1�a�kom tw
<br /> stW wf�th�tMl p�x�b IocaMd or in n�1M hoid�t fll tM 06Ypviano tf�aY d�sin►kt�ny r�aan to tKt�ow th�Tr.xsas or any scDsrluM trw1N ao
<br /> Vuci�a twnundx and hx q.pdrA a n�w fitq�s In hN pl�os and�d.th�hoid�►of dr�ifgstbr�s k hw�bY Q��Fafr tpowK b appokrt h�q�
<br /> wbNMtM 1rus�br qkBTt°�1N.and tA�whqiWM 1rus1N ihM.w�Wn appoinMd.b000rte�x�cc�tsor to aN tf�lt of Tr..xttw Y�1rMx1dK�nd 1M sartfe�f
<br /> b�oarra v�Yd In him Ooc 3io ptrpows and obj�CSS W tl�is QMd al Tnxt wkh aN th� d�l'�e and ohi�o��I�eiir oaMt�tnd on 11�Truslw. Tnewa
<br /> 3i
<br /> d-al nal b�Whf�tor my�rtor d'�TMnt or act dcrn by TnisM�.a b� �as�otri�or a�ourrtabl�ucx5�r arry drarrstanas wT��owK.
<br /> Tn�M�h�M nol b�pna�My Ga���of�ntry by p or anYc+w s�'�DY vim�s��powus l,aw�Qr�Md h uQon th�W�d of Truq for d�hls
<br /> �Md a I�b11tY a►drn!Q�s i�ar�+nrd ln ttr or op�tallon W:aid P� Tr,tst�w i'�d haw 1M�r�t w n,r on any tn�un«w.
<br /> doaatwM a�a�ar�'�np ac ' anY�i �W�n ar b b�s�e by It h�srdw or bW�d by�it in����10��.
<br /> TnutN rh�N b��wa. lor k�axnd by k��lortt�anw a@ ib d�I�r��nd to br weh
<br /> �aYr�f101d N II�Reilia GoCit��fld i�f1q�f1Y��I1d��IOii,OOW.�Yb�����tY�1it�N�f Y1CtYf�d�b�y�1fM pQ�01R1r1C� ij�K•
<br /> A1 n�args tnOliVrd b�Tstx1M iflii.�.r+R�usYd Or appwd as t»frhp��y{�,bs hYid ki tlnt lor dU��t�a 1of Mr1�iCF11My Vwn nCM�l,but twd tlol
<br /> b oo��Md In�yr r,�ar�rwt ira�:�apt atlw rtor�s(�xapt to tfM��nt nquind 6y I�r)and Tiv,�trr sMl b�uWM no Y�6iliql fac ioMtw a►any
<br /> mor�rsosiwd by tllreK+ndn-
<br /> =1. 9UCCE3�OR�R�ID ASS1GI13. 1T�k Da.d d�nnf sh�b. ����to�b�rU d r,�aMOr�nd t,.ndr a�d ri�ir n�p«.11v.
<br />- tuoaaas.aui��s.3uaws.na1Mt�.admntst�lcra.PwaaMl n�x�s�
<br /> SZ NORICES.Exo�pt ac otlNrwia n�isd by law. rwUo�or dhsr oamtNeation to b�provtd�d tad�r thfc Dwd oF Tnut dwN b�!n writlrg md suM
<br /> �prY�s����d3'���'����Truq� ��t����f�ttr�L2)�aiiw s di�notia is s�itu or w�rt��in nc '+r�id
<br /> by 1tw praon to�wl�om woh tata�fa h�in0 plwci•
<br /> Mw. tl atry�p�Ws�af�Tt�vio��tas���str�w�foto�bf�th��ut af��Truq lihar oondrr�b b�i vaYd and�nlw��
<br /> Q�MIWIw.(i1�fdOfCOflYf�fibl�M�O�C�f1�11i�11�fLr�yCOlf��iC1�0(7�Uf16K.11��fhOr��7�wM4�+t������•���
<br /> !R YlCELl.ANE,Ol1�. GnrMor md L��a�w thm tirtr R a11tN�c�na. Grrrdor wah�s pn�lrfr�M.d�rtrnd fa paiyrtrnt.notloo d c&hotxx arb
<br /> prc�st� �p �s raa�rad bY I�w. M tiMnno�s to Cirar►to►in thi�DMd d Tnut shslt Y�ck�aM tipr►inp boiaw. It th��is mon tt�an an�G�sntor.
<br /> thoi 00 p�ilio1iw�haA h�ioYM orxi�al.This W�d d Trust npr�wM�tlw oarFMM Yq��uidWSLndnp bMrwon Carantor and L�r�p�Aaininp lo
<br /> thr t�mis and ooaii�ona fMt�of
<br /> 9�. NO Yl�itD PMTY RIGH1�.No pKia►is or�tnl b�a Wrd p�rty b�rMfir.i�rY d enY of Ws Dwd of Tnnt. Al praA�ons of tnts Uwd af
<br /> Trwt fn hvor ol L�tKlK w itM�nd�d toN(y bt tM bwwfil of L�n6er.and no tl�ird p�tty sis�irWlMd b azsin�or a�ry ritl L�ntiu wii nol waiw ar
<br /> _ ao�M 101M traiferion d r�y pro�kion W Ws DMd al Trwt.in UndMs soM disnMion.
<br />__ 97. PRE8EAVATION OF 11A81LlTV AMO PWORITY.Nfdhout�f�ctinp 1M liobiiry ol Bormrr�r.Granta.aar�y gturarqo►ol tM ' a� arty otlwr
<br />= p�son��xdp a pw�pn��ncsy ni�s�d h wr�dnp)1a ttw paxr�t�rK!p�rtomr�a ol th�Obfi�tiorn and wahaA�fi�clk�p th� :of L�ndM wah
<br />= �«P�?o a!�Y��Y^01�'4��rNaad in wriar+�,and wid�o�t irr�irrp in�way ttN prio►ily d tNs DNei d Tmq ovK tM iMKaact of pwson
<br /> aoq� Q 1fA MafR70 oJ�w�7��a"ir ii'w`wiy�iww wi rw�y�.�:.�r�"�^'�.^.i S i'r.'�..,1 wi�:��iNw h�{ey��rv�,IW 1M�wfi wiN n!1h���_,' �.
<br />:� �nd"�wkaa naio.ar c«rc«M:r.Mw any wrs«i ahi.ior yrtrM a p�norrrrno.a.i or any pari d d�ae�pa�o�;rr�k:ans�a�wt �s�.
<br /> twrr�otpynr�«�rr a ar ar any p�n a a,.ob�piR�ons;.x�n3s.or retrain rrom•x�tciiino a waw any�or r«rra�r tfift i�� r m.yp Fia�»ty
<br />� undor tl�DMd of Tn�f:�p�datiornl�a�raY of anY kind kr any ol tM Obiipatla�s:a rsNaso or oQ►�rwice with anY n�l a bY
<br />= s�c�xirg th�ObYg�dor�s• �+ry Pw'��n9 a���wki�c�Warry hMr�p of any nafua in tlr Prop�rry sh�Y a�!r«r�i, at�uinr�� st�
<br />� �MUw ot noor�inG anY�uidr�w Yw�of.b how to al or arry woh adiorts by L�ndM.
<br /> ►�oorc a.r.�us� w�..ao
<br /> �
<br /> a ____
<br />