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-`l'"G�� .v„�EYr}c. r.. ��.-:__ <br /> _--- ' " ' ' F_ !'.i�7tOf�tl. - "" ' -.-•L='-'"'�-°- - _ <br /> . _r� � ' -'- .' ��:f'..'�ryR - - ��--- _..,i�tirir7oa.-. <br /> — _ � 1 <br /> _. � � <br /> ._ ,�.d���k�� � <br /> -� 92- 10�1 <br /> NON•UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Bortowcr nnd Lendcr futthar cavcnant und pg�ce nx fbNowa: <br /> 17. �oreclosu�e Procedure. If'l.cndcr rc�uires imm�di ta pay mcnt in futl undcr parugruph�),Lencicr may invakc�hc <br /> - power of sale smd any o�her remedicspermined by applic�ble�aw.Lender sh�ll t+c en�itled to callcc�u11 expen�es incurrcd <br /> in pursuing Ihc remedies provided in this�peragraph 17.including,but not Ilmited tn,res►xonabic ulUwncys'iccr and cusls uf <br /> Ntle ovidencc. <br /> T- --J.= » �f tl�e power ot enk Ix involced.'Ltirustee a6o�l record w notke of defwull in each county In whkh ony part af the <br /> Property b located And ehall mnil copies of euch notice In the mmnnaer prescribed by applicable Ipw to Hwruwrr�nd <br />-- �"�`'"°-""'`""-' - to t6e other pe�on�prescribed by wppIicable low AiYer the time required by appl(cable Ivw. 7lrustee�hpOl gi�•e <br /> publk nodce of twde 4o Ihe pen4ons and In the nwnner prescribed by App11cLble Iww. 'ilrustee.wilhout demand un <br /> -------------:�� Borrower,Rhatl sell the PropeMy at public auction to the highest Mdder at Ihe Ume anQ plwce and uader the terms <br /> " �' desipated in Ihe nutice of�le in un�s or morc purcel4 sand in uny or�ler 71ru4tee delermines. 71ra�lee may p�tp�nc _ <br /> — -= eale of all or any pwrcel of Ihe Property by publk annauncement at tbe tlme and pl���e uP any previously rcbeduled <br /> — sale.L.ender ur it�designee may urchAae tlie Property At any s�le. <br /> - Upoa receipt of pa�yment �the Prke bld,71'ustee shall deliver to the purchaser'I�ustce•s deed canveying ihe <br /> -•�-�:r Property. T6e recilafs in the 71rur�ee s deed ehAll be primA facie evidence of trulh nf the slatemanta mwde therein. <br /> __ ��`�.;� 71ru�tee shwll apply the proceeds of !be sale In the toltawing orde�: la) lo all casts pnd expeaxes of exercisin� lhe <br /> powa otsale.and the Rale.including the payment ai the 7Fustee's feeg Actually incurred,not to exceed f i�( `� <br /> �T� <br /> , ,�:, ot the pr�iacipal pmounl of Ihe nate at the time oF the declaration of default, ond reasunwble Attorneys e�.w a.g <br /> � -_---= � permitfed by law;(bl to wll cums secured by thi�Security ln�trument;pnd(e)any excess to the pensoa or pessons <br /> -'�"-:_-=-��',�;�7 I�ally ealit1e�to it. <br /> =�;,��r����:�� l8. Reeonvey�nce. Upon paymcnt of nll sums tiecured by ihis Secumy Inswment.Lendcr+hull reyuest'ilu�tcr to <br /> reconvey Ihc Property and tihall su�render�his Security Insuumcnt uml ull notcs evidencing debt secured by�his Securiry <br /> ��,� Insttument Io'Itustce. 'Itustee shall rcconvey the Pmperly Wilhout warranly und withaut chargc �o thc persan or pc:nons <br /> ���� legally emitled Such perwn ar pen,ons shall pay uny recordation costs. <br /> �����'�'7 l9. Subalitule'[�ustee. Lender,At its optian,may from time to timc remove 7ivatee and uppc�int a xuccetisor trustee <br /> �.i,,;,,;„�,_�=•_=�•: ta any 7yustee appainted hereunder by an instrumem recorded i�the coumy in which this Securlty lostrument ix recorded. <br /> �� Without conveyance of the Propeny.lhe�uccexsor truxtee shall ,uccecd to .11►�•c tide.���wer nnd du�ieq ronferred upon <br /> .',�'��,:� 'Itus�ee hereln and by upp�licable Iaw. <br /> ��' • . E0. Request for Notices. Bortower�uests�hat copies af �he notices of defuult and+ale he �ent to Itu�rower� <br /> ; �, �� a �•. - addmss which is the Property Addre!cs. <br /> -'�..��,�,��:*' 1� ,•.,. <br /> ,�v� `'�"' '�' � Riders to thlx Secnrity Instrument. lf one or more ridcrs urc executcd by Borrowcr und recorded tagcther with�his <br /> �•�R �,�,:Y <br /> '��•-!�•,� " � Secudty In4tniment, the covenants of cach �uch rider �h�ll be incarpora�eJ inw nnd +hall amend and supplemem �he <br /> �,`�w �4�` <br /> �� �_.'�,..., covenants nnd ugreemcnGS of'this Security Inswment as if�he riden�)were in u pun of thix Security Instrumem. <br /> -_'°"�'�:."-vp``�= (Chak applicable boxles)�. <br /> _.�,.... <br /> .�r�.:�,:`_. _. <br /> -'�:��;;��,,,L� �Condaminium Rider �CZraduated Poyment Rider �arowing E.yuily Ridcr <br /> �t..;. <br /> �f:r;r�ri�,�'.,,u��� � <br /> —.—: �';;;;ic�;ti. <br /> a�,^,�;;�:,>i;.:;;�„, '� �Plunned Unit Devclopment Rider U Other(5pecify� <br /> - � �'�,�::�s::�:;• <br /> "': '"'"`r�'�""�' . BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrowec accepts und ugn�es to �he terms contuined in paBex 1 throush 4 uf'Ihis Securily <br />� • Instmment end in any ciderls)executal by Bonower nnd recorded wi�h it. <br />.aa� ,� ..�rh,,;�! . <br />_ : , • '�:'.:(r!'� .� 1 4SN5: <br /> �� .;, '�'l` �.. �A.+ �+ _ (Seal) <br /> -�` �� ��- - RQB[_RT 0 WH I TE �Wer <br />-�' " ��__S�.Q _��..L � o � � <br />--._ . :;.�;�� seu� <br /> �,°i--=---'��''b'',,'S;':= V1CK1E L WIII TE Barowcr <br />;-�, '"�''�°,y:: (SC��) <br /> • . • Bormwcr <br /> __- .a::��� <br />_�:� " �Seall <br />-.,=-,��;; .. .,�_ Borrowcr - <br />---- • STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL County ss: <br />:"::�� '. ' . <br /> , On this 13t h `�"y"�May. 1�192 •�fore mc,the undenigned,a Notury <br /> . .� PuNic duly commissioncd and yuulit�cd for,aid cuunty,pcnonally�amr <br /> ' � " _ R08ERT D WHITE AND VICKIE L WH[TE IIUSBANU I�ND WIFE ,i� �nc known w Fx the <br /> ' ideMirul perr;on(x)whose namel�l are suh+critkJ ta Ihc forc�i�ing imtrunxnt:md achnowlydgeJ Ihc exrcWion thereaf to tx� <br /> their voluMury:wt and dcrJ. , <br /> Wimc„my hund nnd na�riul�cal ut GRAND I SLANO in �uid rounty, thc <br /> - date aforesaid. <br /> ; <br /> MyCummistiion expirc.: - � ���`� <br /> Natan 1'uhlh <br /> JULIf 30, 1994_ RO[3Cf2TA I_ RLLD � <br /> .____- --'Y'�_.. .. �.�11wY.G�1�G1�1� <br /> -- �- ------ -- hcan.r...........'-_' <br /> �X� ROBERTALREED K��IfEST FQlt ItI:C'UNVfiYAN('� <br /> . luqi 30.1994 <br /> ., Thc undcnigned ix thc holdcr al'Ihc nolr ur nut�,.ccurr�l hy Ihi� (krJ u('IYu+I. S�id nul�ur note�.tugether wnh all <br /> � othcr indcbtcdnr., .ccund by �hi� [k:ed of"IYusl.huvr Ixrn pnid in lull. Yuu an 1►crrh��Jircric�•rl .aiJ nutr ur <br /> . nuic� anJ thi,Dced��f lhi,t.a•hich •rrc drli�•crrd hrrrh�•.and 1��rcrom•c�.w nh„u���arr:mi�.all thr c�tatr nuH hrld h��yuu <br /> unde�this lked of'IFu�I lu 1he Fxro�m ar�xn�m�Ir�ull)•r��o�i�d ih��ciu. , <br /> ' U�xe: ------ -- ---- - -- <br /> ��,�r�•�,����.�e.•,� <br /> .. <br /> 4� <br />