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;'i;��e:.;��.; .. r � �..,.:M1�.1:::;''t?ca-":?: ;4NSt%r;nn�.SjA t•;:Lti� P t µ ;i�•:. 'j,'�. . . . ;fu '.�P � <br /> I i .]P . `i,� �1_ �" y � �. 3 L�? F� '�.;: ^ �� ' )"�iS�� -e ,;-, '�F�.� "a___...� - <br /> � .�� �� :.nci%. .� '' ;'�.�t�t `�Y �J,i, .r t'` � jS►tSt�i4'v ii"Sl;'c��� �r Y 14 i,�rw._ ;14,� .�k x t t �n9}',.1. - '-' –'.� <br /> r .i'` ,• '� �rjt}�,}1��:�� ':��� t�•+`' %�ti`' ' a}���'�� �' <br /> �� , lyitt.3�.�1 rj��� t{�.:,�,:� .r �� _�-�,.--. <br /> .. � . .�ti •�. ���(�� A� .YII+� 1 � .. .. - <br /> 'W�.R�1-..}71�f. - .Lnw.r�.�a.- <br /> - — , _ . . �.,� o. (•�J,.,at:'��:--'_" _ . . -__ .._,..- <br /> . ."_� ! � i�5�`i'�4i1�: ����� _ . .— ---•_J— �.... _ ..._. ._. <br /> � . . <br /> `������:= : �92_. �o4�s1 �- <br /> «, 1. Payment of PrinclpAl�Intereat and Lete Charge. Borrawcr xhull puy w en Juc Ux p�incip�d ol,uud irner�rl un. � <br /> "- �����.-... thc debt evidenced by the Note wnd late charges due undcr the Note. -- <br /> —•'�""'�:�-�ti•;:�- ' 2. Monthly poymenta of'Ibzes,lnsuranceand OtherChAry�es. Borrowcr+hull includc in curh mun�hly prynunl. <br /> _�:+1�:ot.�.r'r�r ` together with the pdncipal and interest as set for.h in the Nntc and any lutc rhurgcs,un inr•�ullmem uf any lu)luxr�und __ <br /> ° .:; - special acsessments levied or to be levied against Uie Property,(b1 leasehold puymrntti��r gmund rcrn.un�he 1'ro�xny.u��J — <br /> ". (c)pn:miums fur insurwK:e rcquircJ by Purngruph 4. -�---- <br /> ,,� � �-•; Eech momhly ins�allment for items (a), (b)smd(c1 shull cyuul �rn�-twclfth ��t'�hr unnuul umuuntr, u.r rca►onuhly <br /> . . ; es�imated by Lender. plua nn amount wfficient to maintuin un udditional huluncc ��f nut more ihun une•wixlh uf Ihc <br /> • •�---- -- � ,';, eytimate�i un�ount�. The full unnual amuunt for esu:n item shall be uccumutatcd hy Lcndcr wiihin :�peri�xl rndin�!unr G___ __ __ _ <br /> ' �A, month before an item would become delinquent. Lender shall hold the nmaunt,r��llccled in�ruxt�c�puy i�ems 1u1,lb1 u�ul <br /> , .�,�,. � (c)6efore�hey became delinquern. <br /> d�:..... <br /> 4 .... ., If at any time the tatul af the pAyments held by I.endcr for itemti lu),(h)urnl Icl.Iugc�hrr wi�h�hr fu�urc mumhly <br />—�� u,,.,;..;,� _ �:�•'���. . • pa.yments for such items pnyable to Lender priar to �he due datex uf such items, cxcccd�by more �hun unc-,ix�h thc <br />�x •• , .t.• esdmated amount of puyments required to pay such items when due,unJ if puyments on thc Nutc um currcnt,thon L.cndcr <br /> ' ° � shall either refund�he eacess aver one-tiixth of the estimuted paymems or crcdi��hc cxcex�uvcr onc-.ix�h uf�ho cs�imutcd <br />,�', <br /> ,. ° . payments�o subcequent puyments by Burrower,At the cry�tion of Borrawcr. If Ihc lotul of thc paym�nty mudc by ti��rrowcr <br /> y., .. � for item(a),(b),or Ic)is msufficient to puy the item when due,then Borrawer�ehall puy lo Lend�r uny amuum necevsury lo <br /> J'=' . ' , make up the deficiency an or bc(ore�he dute�he item bernmes due. <br /> +'., � Ax used in tMx Securiry Intitrument."Secretary"mcanti the Sccretury of Housing und Urhan I�velapment ur hi+or her -- <br /> ;. .' • . designee. In uny ycar in which the Lender must pay u mangagc insurunrc premium�o ihe Serretury,cach monthly paymcnt _ <br /> shull Al�o include eUher: (i1 un instullment of�he Annuul monguge insuruncc premium �u bc puid My l.andcr tu �hc _ <br /> � • Secretary,or (ii) a manthly chu�ge insteud of u mortguge insurunce premium it'thi.r Sccuriry Inzlrument �a hcld by �hr _ <br />, �� Secretury. Each monthly inst�llment of the martgn�ee insurnnce premium shull be in un umoum tiufficicM to uccumulute tix ,•-:_ <br /> ' full unnual mortgage insurance premium wilh Lend�r one month prior to thc datc the full unnuul �nonFuµc innur�ncr 'e;.;'_:'-�-�- ___ <br /> " pr�emium is due ta the Secretnry;or if this Security In�t�umenl is held b�the Secretary,each m�mthly churgr tihall Ix�in un . __ <br /> umount equal to one•twelfth of one-hulf percent of the autsttmding principal balunce due on�he NMC. ,;w. <br /> - If Borrower�enders to Lender the fuH payment of all xum�secured hy thi.Securiry In�trumen�, Borrowrr',uccuun� , <br /> � ° shall be credited with the bAlancc remuining for ull insiullment� for item+ (ul. (hl unJ lc)and uny mungagr inruruncr °` ' <br /> • 6 V premium installment thut l.ender huti not become obligoted to pay�o�he Secretury.und l.ender xhall promptly refunJ un� T x , -� <br /> • � cxcess funds to[3ortower. Immediulel y prior[o a fbreclosure sulc uf'the Propeny nr ils ucquitiition hy Lcnckr. Hum►wcr� <br /> uccount shall be credited with a�y bulunce remaining for all instu l lmems for i�cmx lul.l hl un d Ic►. ����'"�`�w -. <br /> ...,,- _ <br /> ' 3. Application oP Payntents, All puyments under Pnragruphs I and?.+hul:hc upplied My LenJer a�li►Ilaw�: ��• <br /> .. FJ$$T,to Ihe mongage intiu�unce prcmium w be paid by Lender to ihe Secretury or to thc niunthly churg�by il�r ., ,� '.q� <br /> Secretury instead of the monthly mongage inruraace prem�um: _ <br /> " •� SECOND,to any taxeti,tipecial ussexxments,Icsu�ehold payments or ground rents,und fire,tloocl uixi nther huiiud - • <br /> insurance premiums,a+required; -- <br /> ' THj$ inleregt due under the Note: = ---- <br /> -- - FOURTH,to umoniu�tion of Ihe principal ot the Nac: "�- <br /> . . ' ��,to lute charges duc undcr the Note. �-:-_ <br /> � ; 4� FMe.Fluod and Other Hayard Insu�unce. Borrower,hull inxure�►11 improvcmrnts un thc Pnipcny,whclhrr nuw �'��`�=�.�.-- <br /> in exislence or subsequendy erec�ed.uguinxl uny hu�urds, cucuulties,und contingencics, including fire, for which l.rndcr � �%'',� .: - <br /> . _ rcyuire.r intiurance. This intiuruncc sh�ll he muin�ained in tF�umounts und for�hc�xri u c lti�hui Lcn der requires. Rurrowrr ` �°n�`:`'` "— <br /> ' +hull ulxo intiure ull impr�vements im the Prop;rty,whether now in existence or sufitieyuently erecied,uguinst lo+ti by II�KKI. '�',. <br /> lu tln:extent reyuimd by the Secret:�ry. All insurance shull ix curried with rompunies up�rovrd hy Lrnder. T hr intiurancr <br /> , �xilicics unJ uny renewuls .hull be hcld by Lrnder and tihiill include los.r• puyuble cluuses in i'uvor of, �+nd in u ti�rni � , ��_,•� : . <br /> � ucccptablc�o.Lcnder. � , -__ <br /> M thc cvcnt of loss, E3orrowcr,hvll givc LenJcr immcJiutc n��tirr hy mail. Lendcr muy make pnxif of lu„ if not �'"'''�` -- <br /> iC. <br /> muJc �mptly by BoROwe�. Each insurunee compuny concrmeJ ix henhy uuthoriird and direc�eJ to muke puymcm ti�r f �'�► - <br /> , nuch I�n�Jirectly lo l.ender,inxte•rJ of tu Burr��wer und lo Lendrr jointly. All ur uny pun of Ihe imuruncr pnxeeJs may Ix � <br /> upplicd by Lcnd�r,ut its opiian,ei�her la►�o thc mductNm ol'�hc inJrMeJnc.r.imJcr�hr Notc anJ this Security In�trument. ' • --__ <br /> tin� t��uny delinyuent umoun�, applied in �he �xder in Para�ru�h �.unJ Ihen tu prcpayment �d' principal, or Ib► to the j .. ` <br /> - re+Nrr:�tiun or re air of Ihe damu ed ro rt , An � licat ion ut thc nxred+lu the rinci al,hull nat exlrnd or KI nr 1 ''--"=- <br /> . r► F n �. � r=rr r r r �� � :�,-�_ <br /> Ihe due date of the monthly paymeniti whic tirc rcl'erreJ ti�in P,�ragroph 2,or chrinE�•�he amoun�uf�urh payment�. Any � :.__.._ <br /> • ��xce�+inwrunce proceed�over un +unuunt rcyuired to puy ull c�wst:inding indeMeJncy+unJer the Note und this Security �;;�„.._ <br /> . Intitrumen�xhull hc paid to tlx entiry Irgully cn��Ned ihcrctu. ' . ,•�_• <br /> In thc event af forcclosure of�his Sccuriry Instrumcnt or��thcr trumi'cr of�iUc �u Ihr Pn�Fxrty lhut extinguishcti Ihc � z'_ <br /> „ • inJcMeJnc,..all right.liNc und inlcrc�t uf Rurrowrr in+mJ tu in,urancc pulicic�in fnrrc+hall pa„tu Ihr purchuxcr. � <br /> • S. Ilccupvncy. PreservuUon, Mainlenance und ProteclMn of the Propertv; B�Mrower'ti Loun Applic�tlon; � -- <br /> '�:eholdr. H��rrowcr tihull ix:cupy,cs�ablish. and use Ih�Pro�xrty uti Hurri�wrr, prinripal rc,idcncr within �izty Jay. ;+� "'' <br /> :dtrr �hc cxcculiun id'thiz Sccurily In�trumrnt and tihuU rrnitinur����x��ry�i,���,��ny c�. Hnrro�vcr:princ�pal residcnrr � 4""_' <br /> .. li�r ut Iru,i une ycar ut'Icr the Jutc of�xrupa�nry,unless thc 5ecrrrrry dctrrtnine�this rcquircmenl will cau,r unJur hard�hip �w <br /> tur liunuwci, or unlcss rxtenua�ing circuni.�anccx �xix� whidi arr Ixy�md H��RO��er'. cuntroL Borrawrr shall nutil'y , <br /> .� I..ndrr,al u�y rx�cnua�ing circumstancrs. BoROwcr�hall nut cummu wa,lr or dc,troy,Jum:igr ��r.uh�tunliully rh:ui�� ' <br /> thr Iku�rty ur i�Uow �he Pn►�xrty�o dctrriuratc.rc•r+unaMr wrur and tr:�r r�reptrd. Lender m�iy mtipcct�hr I'rapcny if thc <br /> , Iko�xny n�:icun�ur uhundoncd or ihc k�:�n is in Jet:�ol�. LcnJcr ntay tuF.r rcu,onablc ar�i�,n a,prutrct anJ prescn�r+urh � <br /> wir:�nl ur��h:�nd��ncd I'ro�xrly. Borrowcr+h.dl al�o tx in dcf:�ull il Hurrower. durin�,Ihr lou�t:�ppllrutiim pnxc�+. guvc <br /> � matrrrdly I:d.r ur inuccur:Nc infumiuliun ur �wtcnxnl. u� Lcndcr lor I'�iil�d w pru�•idc I.�ndcr ��•ilh uny malcriul <br /> .. mlin�n,diuiu io.•unnrrlion with�hc loan rviJrnccd h�•Uir Nutc.includin};.hut nol IitnilrJ tu, r.pre+rntutiun.conrrrning <br /> Hurr��wcr'ti�KCUpaikw nl �hr I'n►peny:�,�r��„��pal r�.ktcnrc. If�hi.tirruri�v Imtrununt i.un a Ica.rhuld.Borruwcr tihzdl • <br /> �unq�lY u•ilh thr prm��.i�m.uf thc Icax. If H��rruwrr:Kyuirc. Ire uUr lu thr 1'ruprrly.lh� Ica��hold and tcr liUc.hall nul <br /> tx�mrr�!��d unlr..I��nJer agrcc��o thr mrrEcr tn wriiing. <br /> ' A. l'hurKc.r In Hnrrower and Praterli��n af Lendcr'x Ri};ht�in the I'ropert}. Horrrn�•rr.hall p:ry all Euvemnuntal <br /> ur numi.ip:�l .hurgc,, linr.aod un�xnitian,lhat arc noi incluJrJ in I'ara�!raph�. R��rru��•rr+hall�r.ry thc�c ubli�auun.�,n <br /> � I�wr dn.�.tl} 1�� IIk�rnuly uhi�•h i.o�v�d Ih� p:iym�•nl. If I:iilurr a��r,�� w�iuld aJvcr�rl�• affrct Lrndrr'ti intrn+l in thr • <br /> Iko�h•iiy.iqHai I.rixlrr',rrqur.t N�n-rowrr�h�dl pmmpll}�ti�rni,h in Lendrr rcreipt,rvidencinF the.�•paymrnt.. <br />' ' II Nun��wrr I;ul.t�� mal�e Ihr,c paymc�dti ur Ih��pa�•mrnl+ rryuirrd b}• I':�ragr:iph '.ur�xrti�m� uny iNh�r <br /> .•�w�•n�m�.;u�d,i�irrn�eni.runt:�mrd in ihi�Srruri�y ln+t•t�nknt.ur thcrr i.:i Icgal prurerJing Ihat muy,i�!nitiranQy uftert <br /> _ _. _ I.��nJci'� nuh�.ui d�r Ik�ryxny �+urh a.a pruccc�in�: in hunl�ruph•�•.ti�r cundcmna�iun or tu rnlurrc I;iws�ir rrEulutiun,l. <br /> Illi'n Lrlldel nl;l)'�lit.qld����� ��h:U��•CI'I�nCCC�s:1�)' tt�rpNCCI thC v,11UC ol IhC i�rupert�•anii�ier'.rigim in tnc rnqxn}•. <br /> mcludmµp:�yuirnl u! I;��r,,haiarJ inwrunce and uthcr nc�m mrntiixxd in f'aragr:►ph'. <br /> Anv:u�u�unn d�,hur.rd hv I.cndcr undcr Ihir Pura�ruph.hall hccunu an;iddiUunal Jrhi�,f liurcu���rr:md Ix.rrured <br /> hy Ihi+tir�w�1► In�U wnrnl. I'Im,r�miuunt,+hull Ix:u imrm�t from dtr Jatc uf di�hurormrn4 al thr Nutr ralc.and al thr <br /> upUun ut I.•n�lr�.•.h:�ll Ik•umnrdiatrly dur unJ�aynhlc. <br /> 7. 1'ond�mpwUon. I hr{�nxrrd.�,f uny:�wurd or claim li�r dant;��c�.Jirr�t��r run.rqu� runnrctiun with:ui� <br /> cundrum.iu�n►��+ oih�.•i i.�h�n}�id:my p;�n��i thr Ihri�x nq.�•r liir runvcvancc in placc uf r��ndcmnation.arr hrrrhy:�..i�:nrd <br />� •md.hul!ir� p.u.�i��i �•m�r� w u�r r�irm w inc iuii amuun� ui ihc inJc6irunc,.ih�u irro:�in.uu�+:u�{ un���c��. ti..t..���d�I��. <br /> lrcw dy lu.1i�nnrnl I rndci �h.dl upph +uch prixc�d�tu thc rcJuruun uf thr indrMcJncx�wiJrr dir Nulr anJ thi.Srrurm <br /> lo+uwn��ui. �in� in .�u� .Irhm�urnl �un��unl+ ;�pplicJ m thr urder pru�•idrd in Para�!raph ;. :mJ Ihrn Iu prrp:►�mrm ��t <br /> pimripel •\m .�ppluauun ��1 Ih.• pr�x•�ed+ tn ihr ptinripal �hall nut extrnJ i�r putilp��nr Ihr duc dale ul thr trnntthh <br /> �p�er 2,��J p�ix�•�i <br /> '. 1 <br /> . 1 , <br />