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201i00053 <br />provided in the Act. Nothin�; in thc preceding sentence shall deprive the Secreta�y of any rights otherwise <br />available to a Lendcr under this Paragraph 18 or applicable law. <br />Upon rcceipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to ihe purch�iscr '1'rustc:e's dccd conveying the Property. <br />Thc recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidencc of thc truih of lhc stalcrncnts made therei�. "1'rustee tihall <br />apply lhe proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all costs and expcnscs of excrcising the power of sale, and <br />the sale, including the payment of the Trustee's feeti actually incurrcd, nol to cxccal 0% of thc principal amount af the <br />note at the time of the declaration of de#ault, an.c:i rcasonablc allorneys' fces as permitted by law; (b) to all sums sccurcd <br />by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to thc person or persons le�ally entitled to it. <br />19. ReCOnveyanCe. Upon payment of all suma secured hy this Secrxrity Insirumcnt, Lcndcr tihall requtest �'rustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrumcnl and all nolcs evidcncing debt sccurcd by this Sccurity <br />Inslrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withoul warranty and without chargc lo thc person or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persnns shall pay any rccordation costs. <br />20. Substi#ute Trustee. T,ender, at its option, rnay Prom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hureunder by an instrumcnt recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyanc� of thc Prnpe:rty, ihc successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />21. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of thc noticc5 of dcfaull and sale be scnt io Bortowcr's addres� <br />which is the Property Address. <br />22. Rlders to thls SeCUrlty InStrument. IFone or more riders are executecl hy B��rxowc:r and recorded together with <br />this Secuxity Instrurnent, thc covenants of c;ach such rider shall be incorporated i.ntn and shall amend and supplement the <br />covenants and agrccrncnLs of ihis 5ccurity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security Instrument. [Check <br />applicable hox(es)]. <br />I I Condominium Rider L� Growing Equity Ridet I_=1 Other [spc�ify � <br />LJ Planned Unit Development Rider ❑ Ciraduated Paymcnt Ridcr <br />LiY SIGNING B�LOW, Borrower accepts and �grees to the term� containcd in this Sccurity Instrumcnt and in any ridcr(s) <br />exeautvd by Borrowcr and recordcd with it. <br />Borrower � <br />� - . <br />cycr <br />�`� <br />Date <br />Seal <br />HCFG•00703 <br />FHA Deed of Trust-NE <br />VMPGJ <br />Wolters Kluwer Financial Services <br />Revisad A(96 <br />201012294. 20100902 Y <br />Page 7 oi B <br />"7A189 0 fi' <br />