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zoii0004a <br />BORR�WER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully sciscd of khe estate hereby conveyed and has <br />thc riight to grant and wnvey the A;roperty and that the Property is uncncumbered, except for encumbranccs <br />of record. Borrower warrants and will defen�d generally tbe title ta the I'roperty against all claims and <br />dema.nds, subject to any P*+M�mbranccs of record. <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform <br />covenants with limatod variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifvrm security instrument coverin� real <br />property. <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covcnant and agrce as follows: <br />l.. Payme,n�t oP Principal, Interest, F.�crow Ytems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. <br />Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and irxterest on, the debt evidenced by tlxe Not� and any <br />prepayment charges and latc charges due u.nder the Note. Borrowcr shall alsa pay funds for Escrow IteAns <br />pursuant to Section 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrvment shall be madc in U.S. <br />currency. Howev�r, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or ilxis <br />Security Instrument is returned to I,cndcr wapaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments <br />due under the Notc a� this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following fvrms, as <br />selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certi�ed check, bank check, treasurer's check or <br />cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whase deposits are insured by a <br />federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or (d) �lectronic Funds Transfer. <br />Payments are deea�ued received by I,ender whcn received at the locatzon designated in the Note or at <br />such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with thc notice prvvisioaas in Section 15. <br />Lender may return auy payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments aze insuFficient W <br />bring the Loan current. Len�der may accept any payment or partial paymenk insuff'icient to bring the Loan <br />current, without waiver of any rights herennder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial <br />payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are <br />accepted. If each Feriodic Payrnent is applied as of its sc�Zeduled due datc, then Lcnder need not pay <br />intorest on unapplied fiwds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes paymcnt ta bning <br />the Loan� current. Tf Borrower dca�a not do sn within a reasonable period af timc, I.ender shall cither apply <br />such funds ar return them to Borrower. If not applicd earlier, such funds will bc applied to che outstanding <br />principal balance under the Note immediatcly prior to foreclosure. No offset ox elaim which Bonrower <br />might bave now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Bonrower from making payments due under <br />thc Notc and this Security Instrument or performing thc covcnants and agreemenis secured by khis Security <br />Instrument. <br />2. Applieation of Payments or Proceed�. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all <br />payments accepted and apphed by Lender shall be applied in tho fallowing order of priority: (a) interest <br />due under the Notc; (b) principal due nnder the Note; (e) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments <br />shall bc applieci to each Periodic Payment in the nrder in which it became due. Any remaining amaunts <br />sha11 be applied fiust w late c.�arges, seco�d to any ather an�ount,s due undcr this Security Instrument, and <br />khen to reduce the principal balance of the Note. <br />If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquont Poriodic Payment which includes a <br />suf�cient amount to pay any late cbarge due, the payment may be applied tv thc delinquent payment and <br />the late charge. If more khan one Pcriodic Payment is outstanding, I.ender may apply any payment received <br />from Borrawer ta the repayment of the Pexiodic Payments if, and to thc extent that, each payment can be <br />paid in full. To thc extcnt that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or <br />more Periodic Payn�nts, such excess ma.y be applicd to any late charges duc. VnYuntary prepayments shall <br />be applied first to any prepayment ctiarges and then as described in the Note. <br />Any application of payments, insurance procceds, ar Miscellaneous Prnceeds to prineipal due under <br />the Note shall not extend or pastpont the due date, or c��ange the amount, of the Feriodic Payments. <br />3. �nds for E�row Itema. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due <br />under the Note, wntil the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide fvr payment of amounts due <br />for: (a) taxes an�d assessments and other items which can attain priority over this Security Instrument as a <br />lien ar encumbrance on the Property; (b) lease�old payments or ground renGs on the Propexty, if any; (c) <br />premiums for any and all insurance x�quircd by Lender under Seckion 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance <br />230q019749 D V6ANE <br />NE8R43KA - Single Famity - Fannis MaelFrrddl� Mac UNIFORWI IN3TRUMENT WIIF{..�IERS <br />�$/��N��10810) P�q� 4 of 16 Irdtiels:�� �� Form 3028 1/01 <br />