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2oii00025 <br />EXHIBIT "B" <br />TO FINANCING STATEMENT <br />(Legal Description) <br />Parcel 1: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot Thirty-Seven (37), S.W. Little's Subdivision of the West Half af the <br />Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 10 North, 6 East of the 6th P.M., Lincoln, Lancaster <br />County, Nebraska; Thence in a Southeriy direction along the East line of Lot 37 on an assumed bearing of <br />South 00 degrees 00 minutes �4� secands East a distance of 140.13 feet; thence in a Westerly direction alang <br />the South line �f Lot 37 on a bearing af Sauth 89 degrees 58 minutes �F2 seconds West a distance of 79.90 <br />feet; Thence in a Northerly direction along a line 70.Q0 feet East af a.nd parallel to the West line of Lat 37 an <br />a bearing of North �0 degrees OQ minutes 0� seconds East a distance of 140.14 feet; Thence Easterly a.lang <br />the Southerly 50 foat right-of-way line of "Q" Street, saad line also being the North line of Lot 37 on a beaxing <br />of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 79.87 feet to the Paint of Beginning; <br />� <br />Beginning at the Narthwest corner of Lot Thirty-Seven (37), S.W. Little's Subdivision of the West Half ofthe <br />Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 10 North, Range b East of the 6th P.M., Lincoln, Lancaster <br />County, Nebraska; Thence in an Easterly direction along the Southerly 50 foot right-af-way line of "Q" <br />Street, said line also being the North line of Lot 37 on an assumed bearing afNorth 89 degrees 59 minutes 51 <br />secands East a distance af 70.00 feet; Thence in a Southerly direction along a line 70.00 feet East af and <br />parallel to the West line of Lot 37 on a beariz�g af South OQ degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of <br />140.14 f�et; Thence Westerly along the South line of Lot 37 on a bearing of South 89 degrees SS minutes 42 <br />seconds West a distance af 70.00 feet; Thence Northerly along the East 50 foot right-af-way line of South <br />l�th Street, said line also being the West line of Lat 37 on a bearing of North 00 degrees 00 minutes QO <br />seconds East a distance aF 1�0.1� feet to the paint of beginning. <br />Parcel 2: <br />Units 1 and 3, Bell Tower Condominium Regime, Lincoln, Lancaster Caunty, Nebraska; according to the <br />Declaration recorded May 6, 1998 as Inst. No. 98-21262; as amended by First Amendment of Declaration and <br />By-Laws recorded June 2�, 1998 as Inst, No. 98-31286, in the Oi�ice of the Register af Deeds of Lancaster <br />County, Nebraska; <br />EXCEPT a partion of Unit 1, Bell Tower Condominium Regime in Lot 32, �.G. Miller's Subdivision in <br />Section 20, Tawnship 10 North, Range 7 East of the 6th P,M., Lincoln, Lancaster Caunty, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />[Cantinued to next page.] <br />
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