<br />EXHIB�T "A"
<br />A. All structural and mechanical components of any structures, buildings, and improvements
<br />erected or placed upon the PROPERTY described on the foregoing Exhibit "B," together with all trees,
<br />shrubs, flawers, drains and drainage rights appurtenant to, lacated an, under, or above ar used in connection
<br />with the PROPERTY and the improvements situated therean, or any part thereof, whether now existing or
<br />hereafter created or acquired;
<br />B. All goods, inventory, machinery, equipment, apparatus, fixtures, furniture, furnishings,
<br />appliances, including without limitation all built-in furniture and installations, shelving, partitipns, door-stops,
<br />vaults, elevators, dumbwaiters, awnings, window shades, venetian blinds, light fixtures, fire hoses and
<br />brackets and boxes for the same, �re s�,rinklers, alarrn systems, drapery rods and brackets, screens, linoleum,
<br />carpets, plumbing, refrigeratars, fr�ezers, heating units, stoves, ovens, water heaters, incinerators, furniture
<br />and furnishings, communication systems, a11 specifically designed installations and furnishings, and a11 of said
<br />articles of property now or at any time hereafter a.i�ix�d ta, attached to, placed upon or used in any way in
<br />connectian with the use, enjoyment, occupancy or operation of the PROPERTY, all building materials and
<br />equipment now ar hereafter deliver�d to the PROPERTY and intended to be installed or placed in ar abaut
<br />the improvements, items held far sale or lease, items leased to others, and all items used ar consumed in
<br />DEBTOR'S business;
<br />C. Accounts, accounts receivable, cantract rights, chattel paper, including tangible chattel paper
<br />and electronic chattel paper, promissary nates, drafts, instruments, investment property, maney, letter of
<br />credit rights, cammercial tort claims, documents and supporting obligatians (including but not limited to all of
<br />the rents, royalties, issues, profits, revenue, income, proceeds and ather benefits of the Premises) arising from
<br />the use or enjoyment of all or any partion of the Premises or from any lease agreernent pertaining thereto, and
<br />all right, title and interest pf the DEBTOR in and to a11 leases af the PROPERTY now or hereafter entered
<br />into and all right, title and interest of DEBTOR thereunder, all guarantees of tenants' or occupants'
<br />performances thereunder, cash or securities deposited thereunder to secure perFormance by the lessees of their
<br />obligations thereunder, whether said cash or securities are to be held until the expiration af the terms of said
<br />leases ar applied to one or mare of the installments of rent coming due immediately prior to the expiration af
<br />said terms; in additian all amounts paid ar to be paid by the federaA or s�ate gavernme�t or any governmental
<br />agency ta or on behalf of DEBTOR or any tenant arising from the use ar enjoyment of all or any portion of
<br />the Premises;
<br />D. All deposit accounts of DEBTOR maintained at the affices or any branch of SECURED
<br />PARTY;
<br />E. All rights, title and interest of DEBTOR in at�y and a11 building permits, and any other permits,
<br />licenses or authorization required by the gavernmental authorities having or ex�rcising jurisdiction over the
<br />PROPERTY, all rights ta performance or payment of any other nature which DEBTOR has or may have in
<br />the future under any contract or agreement regarding the PROPERTY, all rights to the names under or by
<br />which the PROPERTY may at any time be operated or known, and all rights to carry on business under any
<br />such names, logos and gaodwill in any way relating to the PROPERTY, and all general intangibles, payrnent
<br />intangibles and software now or hereafter associated with or arising fram the PROPERTY;
<br />(continued to next page)
<br />