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k'' �� 20110000s <br />riglik to reinstate sh�ll not apply izz tlie case of acceleration under the section titled 'Transfer of the Property ur a <br />13eneficial Interest in I3orrawer. <br />S��le of Note Change of Lo�n Servicer. fl'k�e Note or a partial interest i�i tlie Note (togeth�r with this Secux�ity <br />Izistrument) may be 5old ot�e o�� znore times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result iai a change in the <br />entity (known as the "Laan Servicer") that collecls periodic paynxents due under the Note and this Security <br />instrutnent. There altio may be oz�e or more changes of the I�oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of tlae Note. lf lhere is <br />a chan�e of the [.oan Servicer, Borrower will be given wrilCen notice of the change it� accordance with the section <br />tilled Notices and Applicable Law. The natice will 5tate the name and addresti of the new I.,oaz� Servicer and th� <br />address to which p�ynients should he made. 'I'lae nolice will also contain any otl�er infartnalivn requircd by <br />Applicable Law. <br />Hazardous Substar►ces. i3ormwer shall not cause or pern�it tlle prese�ice, use, disposal, stc�ra�e, or release of �i�y <br />Hazardous Subst�ziceS on or in the Yroperty. Horrower ehall noC do, ttor allow anyone else to do, atrything afFccting <br />the Prc�perty that is izi violation of any Envir��nmenta) 1_,aw. I'lie preceding two sentences slaall ziot apply to tl►c <br />presence, use, or storage on tlie Property of small quantities o£ IIazardous Suhtitances that are generally recognized <br />Co be appropriate to normal resideiitial uses and to maintenauce of ttie Property. <br />Borrower shall promptly give l..,eiader written notice of any ixivestigation, clairn, dernand, lawauit or offaer action by <br />any governrt�ental or regulatory agency or privlte parCy involvin� the Property and ���y Ilazardou� 5uhstance o�� <br />Environ►nental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leari�s, or is iiotiliecl by any <br />goverittnental or regulatory �ut}iorily, that any removal or other reinedi�tian af any IIazarcic�us Substance al'1'ectirig <br />the F'roperty is neces5ary, Borrower shall prorx�ptly take all t�ecessary retnedial actions in accordance with <br />Gnviro►acne�ztal Law. <br />As used in fhis paragraph, "IIazardouti 5ubstances" are tl�ose substances detined as Coxic or hazardous substances <br />by Envirorutiental Law and the followi.z�g substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petraleum <br />praducts, tc>xic pesticides azid herbicides, volatile sc�lvents, �x�ate��ials asbestos or i'ornialdehydc, and <br />radiaactive materials, As used in this paragrapti, "Enviro�ymental I�aw" meazis federal laws aiid laws ol'the state c�f <br />Nehraska t}aat z�elate to health salely or environmental protection. <br />Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sh�tll give notice to Sorrower prior to �►ccelerntion fpllowing 13o�•rower's <br />breach of nny covenant nr agreen�eait in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratiou u»der lhe <br />section titled 'I'ransfer of the Proper .ty or a Seneficial Interest in Borrnwcr, imless Applicable Law provides <br />otherwise). The �xotice sltall specify: (a) the default; (h) the actio�� reqi�ired to c»re tlie def:�ult; (c) a date, <br />not less tlian the ininimum numher of dt�ys estahlished b,y Applicable Law from tl�e dale lhe notice is given <br />to Borrower, by whicli tlie defuult must be cu� and (d) t}►at failure lo ciu•e the def:iult on or before tlae <br />date speci�ed in the notice mfiy result in acceleration of the swns seciu•eci by tl�is Security Instrumcnt and <br />sale of the Yroperty. 'I'o tl�e extent permitted by law, Cl�e nrytice shtill ftu inforn� k3orruwer ot' tl�e right <br />la reinskate after acceleratioa� and tlie right to bring a conrt nction to x5sert tlie non-existence of a default <br />or any otl�er defense of Sorrower to acceleration �nd sale. If tlie default is n�t cured o�a or before the date <br />specified in the nolice, Lender nt its optiun ma,y req�►ire inaniediate payment i�i fnll of all siuns secured by <br />this Sect�rity I��strunaent witbout fnrtlier demand and may invoke the power of sale And Auy othe�• remedi�s <br />pern��tted by Applicable Law. To the extent perrnitled t�y Inw, Lender sltflll be entitled to rollcct all <br />expenses incurred in pursui�ig tl�e �•emedies p�•ovided in this Section, includia�g, but nut lin�ited t�, <br />reflsonable �ttorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br />lf the power of sale is invoked, Trustee sliall record � nqtice of deft�ult in e�ch county in wl�ich any part vf <br />the Property is 1ncAtecl �nd shall mHil copies of sr�ch notice i�� the manner prescribed b,y Applicable to <br />l3[►rrower ttnd to the other perso��s prescr�bed by Applicable Law. After tlae ti�aae ceq�ai� b,y Applicable <br />I,aw, 'T'rustee shall give public notice of sale to tLe persons and in the manner prescribed by Applicable <br />1,aw. '['rustee, witliout demaa�d on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auctio�� to tl�e Ixig►xest bidder <br />at tlae time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any <br />order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sAle of �ll or Any parcel of the Property by public <br />announcemenl at the lirne aud place of any previously sche�luled sale. Lender or its desig�xee ariay ��in <br />the Property at an,y sale. <br />�Jpon receipt of paymeaxt af tlte price bid, 7'rustee shtill deliver ta the purcl�aser Trustee's deed conveying <br />the Property. 'I'he recitals in We Tcustee's deed shall be prima. facie evide��ce: of tl�e truth of the statcrnents <br />made tlterein. '1"rustcAe shall �pply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all costs and <br />expenses of exercising tlte power of sale, and the sale, including the pAyrnent of the Trustee's fees actually <br />incurred and reasonnble attorneys' fees as pernnitted by Applicable .I.,aw; (b) to all sums secureci by lhis <br />Security Instrument; and (c) Rny excess to the Person or persons le�;ally entitled lo it. <br />l:teco�iveyance. Upot� payment of all su�ns secured by this Security Inslrurneni, Letader sh�ll request "I'rustee to <br />reconvey the Property and sl�all surrender tl�is Sect�rity l��strun�e��t and all notes evidencinK debi securecl Uy this <br />Security lnstrument to 'I�nistee. 'f'nistee shall reccmvey the Prop�rty witho�it warracity ta the persoil or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Suclz person or persot�s shall �ay any recordatic�n cosls. Lender may charge sucki persori or <br />�ersons a fec for reconveying the Property, but oz�ly il� tl�e Lee is paid to a third party (tiuch as the Trustee) far <br />services rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted ur�der �pplicable Law. <br />Substitute Trustee. i,er�der, at its option, may from tirne to time ren�ove Trustee and appoii�t a successor tiustee <br />lo any Tru�tee appointed hereunder by an instrumeut recorcied in tlie county in which this Security lnslrurtae�at is <br />recorded. Witltoul conveyance of tlie 1 'roperty, the successor trutitee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties <br />conferred upon ']�rustee lierein and by Applicable Law. <br />?.9 2U114-2010 Cnmplivice Sys�ems. Inc EFOL�-9PA2 -:p 10�03379 <br />Consumer Rexl Fstxle - Sccurity Inslrpmeut UL2U3G Page 5 of 6 ww�v,e�omplitmcr5yxlam.c.enm <br />