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<br /> TtX;Ll'Flt:lt Wi!'H all the improvemenu now or tureifter erected at t}►r pro��ttly,rir.i�►!1 wreii►ents,Ap�wrle►uuka�,whi �
<br /> fixWr.s nia�a or hrs�zttcr a {�vt ef thc pivpci�ty. All r�l�;,rmcitts �ud additiosic shall alsa be covorai by ti�i� Srctirity -
<br /> Iustnu»ent. All of the foregoing is�Forrod to ia thls Socurity Itutruntctri�the"1'ruperiy."
<br /> BORF�WfiIt COVENANTS that Barrow•ar is tawfully ccisod of the esutc hereby aonveyeil arki tws tlu: ripht t���rrsN w�c!
<br /> can•ev tht P'roperty and that the Aropeny is unencumbeirod, excopt for encumb�a�kYS�f recorJ. 8orruwnr wrrr.uuy rruJ wll!
<br /> dzfzad gener3lly thc tittc to thc Property ugainst all ctalnu aod ciu►�zruis.wbjxt tc�uny encun�bnix�r9 c►i racbnt.
<br /> THIS S&CURiTY iNSTRU�i$NT conibi►u:r unlfortti�covc�uc for nztia�!use und non•unifwlu��tc�als kith l:nili�l
<br /> vsriatians by jurixiiction ta canstiWte a uniforn�security instrunr,nt rnvering re�!propert��.
<br /> UNIF(?RM GOVFNANTS. Bc►rmwer and I.crxkr rnvu�ant u�d�rce s.�foll�wv: _
<br /> 1. Aryment ot Principal �ul Interest: Pre�ymeat and [.ate Char�er. Borrow•er i:t�ll pra�uN1Y I�+Y wbu� �n�
<br /> princi�xxl of�ur!intemst on ti�c delu cvi�nca�by Q�e Note vxl auY p��epaymeiu a�x!late clwi��es du�ucider thz N�ue.
<br /> 2. Fl�ada for Tiuces and Insuriwce. Subject to applica6le law or to a K�ritttn w�iver by Ltndcr, RormN•cr �1�11�wy w
<br /> Lei�dcr on the d�y monthlY paYcucrus are due under thc Nou,until ttu Note is Qaid in full.o swn("FutxJs')fur:(a1 ye�rly t�uce�
<br /> and asscssmcnts which may attain priority ovcr this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Properiy:(61 yrsrly leasehold pay ments
<br /> or gnwnd cuus on the Property. if any; (c)}'oariy hazard or property insurance prcmiunu:(d)yearly ilood insunrne prtaalunu.
<br /> if any: (o)Year"ry mo�t�;�e insunrxe pr�miwns, if any;ana�fl•ny s�uns Paysb►e by BoRawu co t.cnder, in aa�xduwe with
<br /> tht pmvisioru of par�nph 8,in liw of the�a��ment of�mrtraga iuuuance premiun�s.These item.s u�:called `Etcruw Iceror."
<br /> L��er mxy. at any dme, colleci an�hoW Fuads in an amount not to e�cceod tt�e maximum�nwunt a lonier for a fodtrolly
<br /> ria:ewi martgage loan a�sy rr�u'ue for Bormwer's rscrow sccowu wxler the Caier�l Resl Estate Settlen�u Qruceciurts Act af
<br /> 19:�!ac amersdz3 tia��ui time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sxaoo 2601 �i seq. ('RESPA'),unlcxs a�xuber law th�t�plies tu ttse Fwids
<br /> sets�kssee�:..-�cacrec. !f so. l.ender may, at�y dme. eoilect �nd hold Funds ia an amoant not to wceood the lessec wr�ount.
<br /> [.eaier mqy �ra2c the amouut of Funds�irue on tt,e basis of curnut awa and reasooabk estimates ui expenditures of futura
<br /> F.scro�Itcros�u�otlun�is:in acoordance with applicaDle law.
<br /> The FuA3s s3�x11 bt hzlr� in an institution whosc cJ�pusits are insured by a foder�l agcncy, insuumenulity, or cntiry
<br /> (ine�uding L,�n�es,if Lead�r is such ao institutiun)or in any Faieral Hou�e Loan Baulc.Lcnder sls�il�pply the Funds w pay tde
<br /> Fscrow Itecas.Ixnder may not chuge Bom�wer for holding and applyin�the Fwds.annually analyzin�the e.ccrow�coottnl,or
<br /> verifying the Fs�row Icuns, untess I.ender pays Borrower intuest on the Funds and applicable law pertniw Lendte to atalce cucl�
<br /> a t2+arge. However.I.cidu cnay �+equire Borrower to�ay�on�-dme ct�arge for aa i�epc�e�u rcal estate wt rqx�rtlt�tetvice
<br /> used!by Lender in cannection with this loan, unless app6cable l�w provides othenvise. Unless�n a�roeitxnt is nw�lo or
<br /> appiirable law ra�uires iaterest to be pgid,Leader shaA aot be requircd w pay Borrower aay iuter�u or e�min�oA the Fwds.
<br /> Horrower ud Im�er may agree in writing.hawcvu,tt�at interat stWl be paid at the Fwxis.l.er�der ahall�ive to Borrower.
<br /> without chArgt..tu�anaua!ao�ounting of tt� �unds, showiog crcdits and dobits to the Fuads�ad the pur��oie for which a�ch
<br /> deb�►to tbe Fu�s wav ms�de.The Funds are ptodgai�s a�d�itiona!security for all sums secured by t4k Security Instrument.
<br /> ]f the Fuads heid by Lw�rr exaed tbe anxwnts pawiuod to bc htld by applicabk law. Lender cful!aocount w Bormwer
<br /> for tbe�xcess fi�a3s ia accocdsnce with tbe roquiremcnts of applicable t�w. If tbe amount af tGe Fuad�htW by l�ender at�ay
<br /> time is not suf�st'czmt to pay the Escrow Items when due.[.ender may so aotify Borrower in writin�,and,in wch case Barxower
<br /> shwll paY ta Leadcr tbe aimunt neoessary to malce up the def"icimcy.Borrower sha11 mdce up tLe def'fcipocy ia a�o more tlNn
<br /> berc�r�s moathl.r vavmeuts,at Le�der's sde discretioa.
<br /> .._. _. . -----------� ----�--._. ..
<br /> _ . _ . _ ...
<br /> . vP�PyY�s in full af a!! suass sa�uKC!by this Sxusiry iauium�st. L.end�shsll prasrspslY srfc:sd so Hasroro��er m�
<br /> Funds heW by l.afder.If.undrx paragriph 21.Leader shall xquire or seU the Property.Lender,Prior to the acQuisition or�a1e
<br /> of the PropeYty.s�ll apply aay Fuuds hdd by Gender ai the time of xquisirion or s�1e ar a crodit�siast tbe wms cecural by
<br /> tais Security Inswm�ent.
<br /> 3.Applic�i�w at Paymdats.Unlrss applicablo law provida otberwise,stll paymeats roceived by La�der uader Wr�r�phs
<br /> i �nd 2 slull be a�splitd: fir�,�:a aaY P�'WYrnent charges d�e w�der the Note:sec�ad.W am�auats payablo usder pat�rapb 2:
<br /> ti�in3,to interest due;f�urte�,cci priucipal due;u�d last.��,v late c}nrges due under tlu Note.
<br /> �. Ci��;fide�. B�iriowa shall pay all taxes.�ts,char8es, fines and impo�irion�mribut�ble to the Propaty
<br /> w�hicb aoay attsim�riority ova this Security Iastnuna�i, sud lease�oid paymeats or groand rents, if�ny. Borrower sbslJ P�Y
<br /> tl�wt obii�tioas ie d�e mans.e,r pruvided ia par�gr�h 2,ar i�not pa9d in that mmner.Bonuwu shall pay than on time directly
<br /> ws�o`pe�son owod psymeu�.$omowtr sho11 promptty fiux�iosD to Landa�II notices of amauus w be paid unia this pv�r�.
<br /> iff�Crow�a�these pmytnaxs dirxtly.Borrnwa st�sGl piampdy fumish tv Leader rooeipts evidexinQ ttte p�ymeatt.
<br /> Hormwsr shsil promptly discharge any lien which has priority ova this Security I�trua�a►t unles�s Borrowa: (a)�t�+ees ia
<br /> writing to tLe pagmmt of the obligation sear�.�}by the lieu in a a�v�es aocept�bk to i.wder:(b)�oasats in�oai faith tl�e lisa
<br /> by. a defends �gsin�t aifoc� of the Iiea in, leg�: pocxedings which in ttse L�wder's opinioa o�xrate to prcvent tbe
<br /> eeforoaaa�t o.°the Lita;or(cD�xures fran the halder crF eb�e Zien s�a�greemeat satisf�ctory to Lender subordimtin�tbe Lien to
<br /> this Saurity Insuumcnt. If Li�.+�er determines tl�at any yxa.-�of th� Property js subject to a liea which msy cttain priority over
<br /> this Socurity Insuuioent,I.CIldCr litZy gIYC�'4'Hf1bWCl 9 i�d:]CC 1(jWtl�titlg II1C�1d1.BOlMWG St3iII&ipSF�f iE1C�1GG O!GI{CC OtlC Ot
<br />, anore of the sctia�as set forth above wi�hia c�ciays of the giving of ootioe.
<br /> ions BoZ� !1!0
<br /> , r.a.�or a
<br /> � �� . �
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