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<br /> 96- i�'i�6r1 _
<br /> 5. �i�xa�or 1'roperty ira�ce. Borruwer sfwll lap the impmvcn►eats n:�w czisting or herrxQes crtct�d u�� thc
<br /> Proper�y i�uura9�:u�ist t��� by t�ra. hu.u� i:�lw'.a�i uithin thC tenn 'extcc+cirsl ��ver�e" and any ntlltr hk��at�ls, itnlutlinp �
<br /> iluod�ar flooding, for wl�lch l.axkr requirrs iiuur�kr. Tl�is iucu��k�stull b�►tiuiutai«;::!ii�th:a��au��:,w�fnr Q�a�riac�:
<br /> that i.axkr rcquires.T�e insun►s:�c carrier proviJing the i►uu�nce sluill be churen l+y Borrawer wbjcct ca l.c:��lcr'i a{►pruv�l
<br /> which sfull not be unrGawc�ably u�iQ�held. If Borcuwer f�ils tu na�nwln a,ve��ge describ�i o►bave, laa�fci• uw,y. �t l.eudcr's
<br /> optiai,obtain covera�e to pracat �'i.ernie�s richts in the!'mperly i��cco►dwue with par�qnph T.
<br /> All insurance palicies u�d re►xwals shal! be�tie�xable to l.encter u�x! st�ll i�uluile -r swrr.iard n�:��tga��clause. [.ender
<br /> stutt tia�=tM right to haid the pa:icies su�d ranewals. lf I.ettler r�yuirca,Bortt�we�sl�l1 pra�+ty�tly gira ti�l.endcr all r�ccipic of
<br /> pAid Pnxniunu And re,ciew�l noti�es.I�the eve�u oF tuss. Bor�ower siull�ive pr�uzpi notia ta t6c ir.sutun�x c:crrier ins)Leixicr.
<br /> E.e�k3 n���r�wi:z p�a��of ia�if:x�t i:�a3:pra-r.ptiy by�artt�ku.
<br /> Unless L.endcr uxi Borrow�er otherwise�gree in writing. incurancc prooeeds stull be appliod tn restaration o�repai�of thc
<br /> PropertY damaged,if the rcstc►ratian or repair is eoonomiralty frasible a�d Lender's securiry is nat ttr.sened.if thc restorAtIun ur
<br /> rzpair is nw cxanonucally feasible or I.ender's wcurity woutd be lessened. the insurrnce proctedt sd�ll t►e appliod ta d�e sunu
<br /> socurod by this Socurity i�utrwnent. whettkr or not thuc due, with any e,ccess paid to Borro�:er. If Aarrow•er abandans the
<br /> Proputy,or does nd ancwer within 30 days a notice frocn Leudcr thzt the inwrance carrier ha�►ufferod ta settle a claim, then
<br /> i,ender may oollxt the inwrance pooaeds. I.xtul�er may use tJse procoods to repair or ratnra �he� Property or ta pay sums
<br /> ixurod by this Socwity Inwuma�t,wt�ether or aot thw due.TGe 30-day�poriod will begin whtn tha ntxice is given.
<br /> Unlass i�eoder aad BornoKU otberwise agree in writing, any applicatioc� of pmaals ta principal stwll aot extend or
<br /> postpooe the due date oF the tuot�tbJY PpY�� rcfe�+ed to in puagraphc 1 snd 2 or chx9n��tho�r�uoi of the paymwts. If
<br /> under par�raph 21 the Ycoparty is acquiral by Lendu, Borrow�r's right w any inwranee�nNcics au�proaaods resulGng from
<br /> damqge to thc PropenY Prior to the acquisiti�o shsll pxts w l,eador w the extau of the sums.cccurod by this Sxuriry Instcument
<br /> :w+�+�••��y prior W thc acquisitioa.
<br /> 6.Oocup�ocy„t'�Servat3oa, 1�iainten�ace ana Proteaioa of t�e rropercy; eorrow��r's I,oAn Appttc�tjan:I�s�oidC.
<br /> Borr�wer�1 oecupy. extablis6, xod use the Pc�opetty as Bomower's principal raide�w�thi�sixtyr days aftu the ta�ocution of
<br /> this Soc,writ;v Iastruma�t snd sh�ll contuwe to occupy thc Pmpercy as Bomawer's pri�cipa.l�rosidaxo far at least one yru after
<br /> the dste o�F��cy. uakss Leoder otherwise agtres in writia�.whirh ootuent shall nol�bc unreasonably w�ithltieW.or udess
<br /> extmuatin� ci�tuxs e�ciu which are beYar3 Borrower's oonuol. Borrowu shall tx�t d�stroy^, daz�e or impair the
<br /> property. �llow the gt��v W deteriorate.or ccur�rrt waue on the Pro{xity. Borrowu ctsall bc in d�fault if sny forfeiture
<br /> action or pro�eoding, w-bd��.r civil or criminat. ix L'+�gun tlwt in Lender's good fai�h judgn►rnt oould�suit in farfeituro of the
<br /> PropertY or otl�erwise anuerially iinpair the liea crestod by this Securiry Iastrument or Lar:1xi's savrity intuest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a defsult aod ninctau,as provided in parstQcaph 18.by causing the�ctian or proaeecling to be diunissod vvith a ruliag
<br /> tt�t, in l.e�der's good faith daermination, pre�iu�ies fo�feiture of the Borrower�T 171t[JtiSli 7J1 (lld Pf0�2ty Of O�I1Gt IIl�[ClI�I
<br /> impairment of the lien creatod by t}us Socurity Tiuwrsm�eat or Lender's sxuriry intertst. �itrrrowrr shaC�s�lso ba in dtfault if
<br /> Horrowpr.durin�tbe Iwo application process.6gy�c-�riall�r£rlse or inxwrate infomn�tian�oT.stAtt��ua Lender(or failod •
<br /> w p�vxBt l.ender with aay m�txisl informuion)in oucme�ia�u�irh the toan evideaco�tr}.tt�Note.inw�',wdri�g.but not limitod
<br /> w.r�raeatatioaa�ning Bortowu's occupaocy of tbe Prqr�.y as�priacipsl residGnoe_Ati eZ�is Sa�rr6ty InutumasY is oa s
<br /> 3eitdwW, Borrowa sEnll ooniply wiW all the ptovisiot� of tbe kase. LE�,.�csower srqziipes fee tiC6�^, oa t6e F'toQaty. tl�a
<br /> lwebold and the foe tlde shall aot merge ualess l.eader agrees w tbe mpger ia writi�ag.
<br /> T..o:M►��.�„r r�w��a Qi.l�a iw tlr Rw�.rt1r.if Bnrror+e:.fails.tn Otlfarffa_tLt.00rYe�aauts,aod,�meait o0otaio0d iii_. _ _ -
<br /> . .____ '��T���"�_'_�r_
<br /> this Savrity Insuumeat,or t?oae is a iegal ProceaI+nY ttu�t r�ay signifjciniiy�'aci i.�1's ri�.'7tc in tha Pro�ty(ssc�a=a
<br /> prooeeding ia b�niczuptry.Probue•for rnndemn�tion or forfrauuti or to a�foroe tawa onregulatious),ttxa Lxnder cr�y dn aad
<br /> paY for wis�ceva is neoessary w pratux the value of the P�opaty and Lender's righta in the Ptaperty. l.evder's actiont miq�
<br /> iaciude p�ying any sums securod by a lirn which his priority aver this Seeurity Iustnu�mt, appestfng ia ooutt. payiag
<br /> reasoo�ble�aomeys'fees and wteliag on she Pea�a�ty to make repairs.Althou�hh I.eadt��ma,y take aaiahs ucdtr this paragraph
<br /> ?.l�eoder das not 6ave W do w.
<br /> My aaauntc disbursed by Leader under this paragta�Jr ? s[�Il become additimnl debt of Bonowa sxunod by this
<br /> Seavity In�umait.Unkss Bomower and I.a�der agroe tm cntire�terms of payment.tt�x amouats s1aU 6ar inta+est from the
<br /> date of disbursemeat at the Note r�te and shall bie P4Yabd�, ayth interat, �on reotia fromn l.ender to Borrower roquestia� .
<br /> P�Y�• c
<br /> a.11�rt�e Iawra�oe.if f.a�der reqnimf mw�r.gage inwrance as a ooA3ition ot•m�lciaE tbo loan secw+ed by this Securiry
<br /> IntWmeat. Batuwa sIW! pay tlx prcasiums r�aired w m�ituain the mwtg,age imurao�ca ia d�'ect. If, for aoy teasoo, tbe
<br /> mongags inweanx epver�{go aquired by I,eader.L-�es or ctaxs to be im cffrct.BorraW�ez.tball�WY�P�+�*���
<br /> obs�in oova�e subetaati�tly oguiv�la�t co tl�e m�ot�ge insuruur previaut�ia effazl a�.a cuat uibaeaoeia3ly equivakat W the
<br /> oost w Borrowa af the mortg�ge ias�uaswe prcuia+tsJy in eft'xt, fcom an aiosri�ate martgag�o iasurer�proved by I.d�ks. If
<br /> wbstaotially equivalent moctg�ge iecurance covtc�e is not avaitable.Borrower shatl pq,y w•I.ender eads month a sum oqual W
<br /> ' aK-tweEfth of the yearly mortg+ge iasuru�oe prrauium being pui�by Barower wheo tba ins�traace ooverage lapsed or aased to
<br /> be in effect.Leadri wiU aoa.pt,use aad ret�in t�aese paymeats as a loss ceserva ia lieu�o� mattga,�e insuraua. Loss reswe
<br /> � faM 302a 9tio
<br /> Wp3d6 '
<br /> '� ��.�i•� �.`t �
<br /> �
<br />