<br />The East Half qf the Southeast Quarter (E 9/2 SE 1/4) AND the Southwest Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (SW 1/4 SE 1/4) AND the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (5 1/2 SW
<br />1/4) AND Governm�nt Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10),
<br />EXCEPT a tract of land as surveyed by Deryl D. S�rgenfrei, NE R.L.S. 578, dated October 8,
<br />2010, all located in Section Two (2), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the
<br />Sixth Principal Meridian (6th P.M.), Hall County, Nebraska AND all accretion attaching thereto
<br />lying between the East and West lines of said Section Two (2). Cantaining 461.$4 Acres, of
<br />which 120.14 Acres is Accr�tion.
<br />ALSO
<br />The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) �XCEPT a tract of land as surveyed by Deryl D. Sargenfrei, NE
<br />R.L.S. 578, dated �ctober 11, 2010, AND the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 5E
<br />1/4) AND the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE 1/4 SE 1/4) AND Government Lat
<br />Two (2), all lacated in Section Ten (10),
<br />AND
<br />The Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) EXC�PT a tract of land as surveyed by Deryl D. Sorgenfrei,
<br />NE R.L.S. 578, dated October 11, 2A10, AND the Northwest Quarter of the Nartheast Quarter
<br />(NW 1/4 NE 1/4) AND Government Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6)
<br />and Seven (7), all located in Sectian ENeven (11),
<br />AND
<br />Government Lots �ne (1), Two (2) and Three (3), all lacated in Section Fifteen (15),
<br />AND
<br />Government Lot One (1), on Shoemaker Island, located in Section Sixteen (16)
<br />ALL LOCATED IN Township Nine (9) North, Range �leven (11) West of the Sixth Principal
<br />Meridian (6th P.M.), Hall County, Nebraska AND all accretian attaching to said properties in
<br />Sections Ten (1p), Eleven (11), �ifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) lying East of the West line of
<br />Government Lat Une (1) Shoemaker Island, Section Sixteen (16) and West of a line between
<br />the Northeasf Corner of said Section Eleven and the Northeast Corner af Sectian Fourteen (14),
<br />Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West, Hall County, Nebraska. Containing 1064.04
<br />Acres, of which 275.65 Acres is Accretion.
<br />And excepting the real estate described in Quitclaim Deed recorded as Document No.
<br />20100$220 of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, which is the same real estate
<br />referred to in the survey by Deryl D. Sorgenfrei, NE R.L.S. 57$, dated October 8, 201p, referred
<br />to above.
<br />Exhibit "A"
<br />