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<br /> 't�3.;L-"��. w�i a:t de L�,:or�.�a:.��,w�:G:;.:°::�t:.:3�a�:.Fsst.»`�ty.wr3 atl c::;»..ta::�:�'--�,...,:..w:.::
<br /> fixtu�uow or horaitlar��rt of tba ptxKsarty./W reQi�x�ntuis�ad ac{�itioiu�4at1 a�be covecnd by t�is 5owriky Iasttumctu.
<br /> A�l af t6c face�oia�ix referrad w in 1�Sec�ri�y It.s�ruraiaat�t�e"Prupm�ty•
<br />: BORROWER C�OVFN�tNTS tbat Harower is I�wfully�ei�ed of tbe awe banby ooaveyod aad das thc riQnt tn�ant�nd
<br />, c�oavey tAe Prqsa�ty �o�d tmet tbc Property is uaxcxiaaber+ad.except for wa�mbrwca ot c�ecord Barrawer w�a�ais usd wil1
<br /> doioid�wa��aily ti�e r�issie rr�ik P�ir�mty��la:i rU c.�as r.id ci�iad�.wr,J�oe.i t�r.ay es�.u+�b���c ot raa�r�.
<br /> TFIIS SECURtI'Y INS'IRUtvffiM' combion uoif't�m covr�ots for n�tiavl twe aod oaa-noifcxm o�ea�ntt wid�lic�iiod
<br /> v�ittioas ay,�utifdictian to couainite�uaifam iec�rity inwvmeat wver�o�real pwpecty.
<br /> IJAJII�ORM CY)VFS1�N7'S.Btxtowes�ad Landei aovmmt�ad�+x sf foib�vs:
<br /> 1.Pa�eM ot Pri�rjpal ud 1�a'est;IPf'e�f7�eat awd I.ate Cl�sr�a. Barrower sA�il F�P��Y WY wbea due ttie
<br /> �of�nd msa�t on tbe aebt cvid�xd ey�se Nooe�d�ay p�vmwt aaa�Se c�es aue uada are No�.
<br /> 2.F�tor Ta��d L��sce. Subjax W appiicd�ie law ar to�w�rieien waiver by L�dar.Be�rower sha11 p�y w
<br /> I.ex�der oo the daY�Y pY��re due aada the Note.�mW d�e Nok is paid in full.a snm('Fundc")for.(a)yearty n�ces
<br /> �nd asscmamts w�hich may�Ibia pciaity over dtis Serurity I�rusaene as�lia�oa tbe Att�ttY:(�)Y�iY�P�Y�
<br /> 0[�'OUOd eYA[S OD d1C Pt�QSy.if illy:(C)Y�IY��a P'�P�Y�P�:�d)Y��Y E��iwan���{f
<br /> �ey:(�)Y�Y��R��+�+Y:a�Q(�+�►Y�P�Y�bY Botrow�er w I,mBer.m aocatd�ox wi1L t4e
<br /> p�ovltlo� of p�n�r�h $, ia lieu of @�e paymeat ot moetp�e ia�naox p+e�iums. '1be�e i�ns at+e called 'Bscsow�Itw�s."
<br /> Leoder�uy,at Ac►y�me.oadloct and boid Fuads io ao amouat aot w�oeed tbe ma:imuim a�uouat a kaclrr far a fedei�Jty re]�Ied
<br /> mortpga la�a may req�cire fa Bar�aw+rs'o escm�v�000nuc uada d,e fodaal Ral Fisnee Sarle�me Pfroce�res A�x of 19i4 ss
<br /> �se�ded from time q omc.12 US.C.Sactlm 2601 u sa�. ('RFSPA")�uaksc aoother Mv d�t�Qpties b the F�t1i aets i fe�ua
<br /> �a�ouot If s0.I�may.�t any time,cdiect aad 6dd F�is ia an�nooat not n exoeed t6e ks�er amoant.Laorler may
<br /> qdaa�te the�aouot ot'Rm�s due m d�e batis of c:u�rmt daa aod n�anaF�ie esti�ra of m�peac�it�res oi fuwre Fi�ctow Le�s ar
<br /> o1Law�i90 ia aceo�d�oa witL�sitcsble 1a�v.
<br /> ibe Pu+oa:eball ba hdd io aa iastimtim��wse depo�ts a�in�aed by a f«3eral a�eoc�.ias�m�al�Y.er e�iY C�
<br /> Imddr,if l.auder is snch an�tioa) a irc aoy F�ederal Home Laau Bae�.I�e�doc a��pply tbe�oo p�y tbe Fsuzow
<br /> I�a►s.l�eoclr�ma�r�dss�e Buaow7a fa troWi�;g�od�iyio�tLe F�uu}�,.�co4aSIY�F�B tbe ex�oM aoc�m�ar vai€Y�
<br /> tbe F�cro�►I�ms,unless Leader pzcys Bocm�a�aa tbe Fvuds�ud�bae 1s■c pe�usit�L.endQ lo cotke suc��c�rga
<br /> HoMever,I,e�Wer may reqnae��ua a ryy a aoo-t�e charge for ao mcf�eat o�i awe tu�ortiqg un►ic�ured by
<br /> I.eoder m ooanecooa �vi4b tbis 1ow,uaku�We L�v�mvides olhervise.UdGts an apument is mde a apQlicabio la�r
<br /> enqak+a m�a�esc t�b�pia.La�dar sh�u na be ca�ea q pay s«roMa�ny iotarsc or amiqgs oo the Fmds.somo��rer�oa
<br /> I.eodQ mty ags�ee m wail's�g.bo�ver,t�t amlacrit tt�il be p�id aa the��mds.I.et�der sLai!give b Boa+ewrot.writhoot cL�caa,�n
<br /> aomuo�u�mtia�of die FWds.�S credi�t�ad debi[s ta the Fuods�od I�e putpose for rv4icb acb debit�o ibe F�r�uds�t
<br /> mad�'�Fnnds are pia1�{ed ts x�omal sociuity for al1 a�os eea�red by tbis Saxnity Iu�rammt.
<br /> If d�e F�oads bdd by I.a�3es exxa#d�e�awmts pamiued 10 bc held hy appiieabie 1aa�e,Y.wtkr s�ll aoc�oant m B�a far
<br /> We e:ocss Faotls iu aowrd�cc�tbe requarme�s of�p�lic�bie lnv.lf the am000t of Ibe Puods�dd by I.mtle:at f�ny tiooe it
<br /> nc�tt a�"iamt to pr�w si�a Fsa�o+v I�xm xhea due,I�ea�er may�o notity Sam�oa.s ia alits�.�od,a mrL a�e Boao�ar tha11 P4*
<br /> n I�eaaer�e�mow�oeoesary b m�i�e up tbe d�C.y. Boao�ra sMil mdoe qr tl�e defr3mcy in ao mone thie t�dvr
<br /> aodhf�►worme�s.�t I.eodes's�ole dixs+ctioo.
<br /> _ . ...._. _. _.
<br /> Zlpoa P�aeat��!af tg s�ss socsaed by t3�Se��I�s.I.��drs s!�gompt3�3 s�saod to BaQa�u�er a�Fioa�e
<br /> � 6dd 6y L,eoBa Ii,�dar p�r�papb 21. I.eada s�II acqu�e ar�e71 tl�e Propacy,I.eadts.Pioc�u tbe s�aq�ticion a�ale of t�e
<br /> , Phope+ty,s�i1 appiy ary Taids bdd by Le�kr aa�6e oime af ac�smoa a s�ie ac s a�edic a�st ffie�s sxa�ed by tbit
<br /> Sac�rib►Irw�omeat.
<br /> 3.A�tioo o�ia�. Uniess�ppiic�ie h�v pwy�o�a�vi�e.aII payme�oes xeodved 6y Leo�fer an�gu��r�pi�
<br /> 1�od 2 sh�!be appt�io� fi�.to anY P�Y���e�mder�a No�saood.s�amoaotc PU►+��'P�Pb�:
<br /> �'sd.1�i�OR dae:�o�ed.b p�mCip�dn�aod 1ast.10 my LIC Ch�r�es du0l�o�et 15e NdG
<br /> 4.Ci�r�LiienR B��O�es th�D pry ail teuai.anr�ma.c�ee„f�es� ap0�io0fm�tabie b de ProQeRy
<br /> � � ��'l�P�'���Y I�caman.�od le�oid paynieats a�omd nm�.if any.Bm+�wri�hlt pay Wae
<br /> �i•r the aaooer poviaecl m p�sa�eapi�2.a�if aot p�id io that n�toos.Borrower stil!pry iem au time directty to Ibe
<br /> peqom aD1Yed p�ymeot.BO�sO+wet s�➢prom�tly fiaai�h!D I.mdls aD OOtins OE amo�ei b be pid ader fiit p�ph.If
<br /> Baeo�a mdcei tLese p�ymests d'aectly.Ba�sv�rer smll p�a�aipdy fiu�mh to L,epdet reoeiP��+'�i�P�Y�'�
<br /> Basvwer shall promQtlY diac�e aoY lim�vbieh Ins priooty ov�et tbis Sec�aity Iat�ommt noi�ts�Ba:o�r�es: (s��ees io
<br /> Mtili�1�tbe ptytamt of tbc oWi�tion aeaur�Dy dre 11m m a m�ootr aooe�t�ie 10 I.eeder:(b)caae�b i��ood i�616e lim
<br /> ` bp. a�ckfmd� ��fae�sasemt of We lim ia.iepl pooeedio�,s wbicb io the I.em3er's opioioio oQes�le tot p�veat tbe
<br /> eafaro�t of tbe 1iea;ar(c)ia�,s f:om the boider of tbe lim�a a�t+aasfapoay to Laider�ubo�di�ado�t6e lim 10
<br /> �ie Sec�aity Instrt��eac If Lend�dda�minGS tWt�oy p�rt o€d�e Ptopery is s�ubjea n�tiea.vhicL aoiy�pcioricy ova�is
<br /> Sa�r'sY 1ns�tuaa�L�der mry�i�e Ba�ro+�rer a nooce idm6dyin�the lim BaQO�er smll saa�y tbe}iea a ute ooe a moa
<br /> aE the aqiona tet f��aMe wi�ey 10 days of tbe pvie�of norice.
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