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<br /> �',�:�`-.��'_.`„ POWER OF' 11TTORNF:Y �_______
<br /> ..,��a��fh�'i�? �
<br /> •�. . •��x. That I, Cl�ra Huebn�r, of Alda, Hall County, N�breaka, does by the�e � �
<br /> �l..�•,'� _ , present� oa�ka, aonstitut�, and appoint my aon, Roderick Huebner of cirand
<br /> �.�s�• `� �• �
<br /> ��;. �. ,;, Islend, Nebra�ka, as �y Attornay-in-F+�ct, to dc �or m� and on my behalf •ny
<br /> - _a.�'=3er.',
<br /> _ ;�;s-�s �.°' oi th• followings
<br /> �,.W.�ati�o_,.....]i �
<br /> •;"'• ,��,���(-,.`,•�r"� • 1 . To withdraw by oheck or otharwise from any aheakfng acaount or
<br /> ' lYd:�yri:�jj��t�tb'`
<br /> ��i=�•�x,.. savinqe aacount whiah i may hev� . __
<br />-- . �;��x".�._�.�:..
<br /> ''"�°'"��x'a"~' 2. To endorae ch�cks fos deposit tio my ahecking nccount or aavinqe
<br /> '.�;:F.tiaw�i�:taa�,,:.. .
<br /> ''. �, ►�.,.,;. s� account and to receive a�y property or credite owned by me, includinq eny
<br /> x�..
<br /> _ _.�!�^��;�:'..: ooniaa payeble to se by any qovsrnmental aqency. _ _
<br /> _��-^P=ai+',,.: .;.
<br /> .f-�"��-�-�f - 3. To +swl l or leaae any asaets owned by me, whethRr rQel estato or ---
<br /> -,.,�-�;;�..;g��.�'.,:.. . •
<br /> • ,. •'^� $'-;� areonal ro erty dnd includinq homestead property and atocka and bonds, at �__
<br /> .;_;,ri '�.._�:,��±r�jt;-0t�r.�.. . p P P
<br /> ,Y^. _ �'� � , such pricea, on such terma, for such lenqth of term , nnd in such manner,
<br /> =s". �.; � � �"�'�' �'�;::' whether at private or public sale or negotiatian as my Attorney-in-Fact �::;;,T,;;
<br /> .'!?�:' a`., . ,.. ::Y��'!�'-.. ------
<br /> •�;f.,, , �,, , deema advieable. N� �nay convey any proparty so sold by him by instruments
<br /> - ;�^,:ti dt� . !`.i'�•I He may enter any safe ty deposi t rtisZf �
<br /> �,1,;:�Yrr;`•�• tt?�;(.,, of conveyance with customar warranties.
<br /> .. s,)i,.,;, �'h. �°::'' Y �t�.;�:-u
<br /> �� box I lea�e and may remove any itams therefrom. He is empowered to make �,. _
<br /> ? '�. +�r,�ai;u�tii �'
<br /> �• '�;,,r,;��• a�y qifta for ma. + ^'?�
<br /> �"?,;��::
<br /> . . . ;�'�;;:� .. 4 �..
<br /> " . ' � a. To enter into agreeme�ts pertaininq to any property oX inteseet in +,'<;eri�.,
<br /> • ro ort owned b me and on auch terme as my Attorney-in-l�'act deQms ��'�"�`'
<br /> :..� a:_�,,tr� P P Y y
<br /> - .. ; `,;5`�:�, advisable. This ahall inciude contracts for yoa3s, repairs, improvzmenta, _ ---_
<br /> .. �.
<br /> �,,,�•�;� replacements, and peraonal servicee for tha maintenance of my property.
<br /> ,. . ...:: •�°
<br /> ?:���s '�
<br /> ' '� :xi'.,`�i�;��,..=.� �t• , 5. In general, to enter into any business transactiona pertaininq to ____
<br /> � �"�•'�� ��;�iti�'�' my property and for my maintenance as fully as i could do it myseif. y��,;�;,�-
<br /> � —
<br /> ., .. �o`'r.'�t.,i�'jr�;xj;!a;���.
<br />