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201009794 <br />)- Protcctiun of Lcnder's Interest in the Fruperty and Ri�;hts Under this Seeurity Instrument. If <br />(a) 13orrnwcr failti to perform thc covcnants and a�reetnants contained in this Security Instnuncnt, (h) thcrc <br />iti a Iegal proceeaing that might tiignificantly affect Lender's int.eresl. in Ihe Property and/c�r rightti under <br />thiti Security Instnunent (such as a proceeding in bankniptcy, prnhate, fi�r condemnation or Ii>rieiture, lor <br />enforce�nent nf a licn which may attain priority ovtr this Security Instriutnent ��r to enforec lawti or <br />regulations), ��r (c) I3orrnwer hati ahandn�ned the Praperty, then Lendet may du and pay f��r wkratever is <br />reasonable or lppropriate to protect Lendcr's interest in th� Property an�l rights under this Security <br />Inslnunent, includin� protecting and/or assessing thc valu� nf the Property, and securin� and/or repairing <br />the Ptr�petiy. Lender's actlons cun include, bul ate not limited to: (a) paying any suins secured by a lien <br />which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in coi►rt; und (c) paying reusonable <br />attorneys' feeti to protect its interctit in the Prop�rty and/ur rights undet t.hi� Secutiiy In�tr��ment, inclucling <br />itG secured po�itian in a bank.n��tcy prnceedirig. Securing t.he Properly includes, buf is not limitecl to, <br />enlering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water <br />lrom pipes, eliminate building or other code violations nr darigeraus conditiotis, and laavc utilities turncd <br />on or off. Although Lender may take action under this 5cetion 9, Lender clnes nnt have to do tio and i� not <br />undet any duty or obligution to do 50. IL is agteed that Lcnder incurs no liability for not taking any or all <br />actiuns aulhorized undet thiti Section 9. <br />Any amour�ts disbi�rscd by Lendcr under this Seul.ion 9 shall become additional debt of Bnttnwer <br />secuted hy Ihis Securiiy Insttument. These umounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of <br />di�bursement and shall be payable, wit.h such interest, upon notice from Lcnder to Borrower requesting <br />payinent. <br />If this Sccurity Instniment is on a Icaschold, Fiortower �hall comply with all the pr��visions of thc <br />lease. If Borrowcr acquires fee titic to thc Property, the leaseh��l�l and ihe fee title shall not merge unlcsti <br />Lenaer agree� 1.0 1he merger in writin�. <br />]0. Mortgagc Insurance. If Lender tequired Mortgage lnsurance as a condition of making the Loan, <br />Borrower shall pay the premiumti requircd to rnaintain the Mortguge Insutunce in eflect. If, Por uny reason, <br />the Mortgagc Insurance covcragc rcquircd by Lcndcr ceane� tc> be available 1'rom the mortgage insurer t}iat <br />previously provided �uch insurance and Borrower was required to make separatcly designated payments <br />tnward the premiumti f�>t Mortgage InSL�tance, $orrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain <br />coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgaee In�urance previou�ly in effect, ai a cant suhstantially <br />equivalenl to the cosl to $orrower of the Mortgaee Intiuranec �,revi��ualy in effect, frorn an alterriatc <br />mottgage insurer seleclecl by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mnrtgage Insuranec cavera�e iti not <br />available, I3orri�wcr shall continuc to pay to Lcnd�r the amount of 1he sepututely designated paymenis that <br />were duc when fhe insurance coverage cease�l to he in effecl. Lender will accepl, use and retain these <br />payment5 ay u non-reFundable 1055 re5erve in lieu of Mnrtgage In�uranec_ Such lo�s rescrve shall be <br />non-retundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan iti ultirnately paicl in fitll, and Lender tihall not hc <br />reqt�ired to pay I3nrrower ariy interest or earnings on tiuch loss reserve. Lendet can nu longer reyuite losn <br />reservc payments il Mortgage In�urance covetage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) <br />ptovided by an insurer selected by Lender again hccotties availahle, is obtained, and Lender requires <br />separately desiQnatcd paymentstoward the prerniurns fur Mottguge Intiurance. I£Lendet tequired Muttgage <br />Insurance as a conditron nf making thc Loan and i3nrr�>wer wa� requited to make tiepar`ately designated <br />paytnentti toward the pre�� li�r Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the prcmiums required to <br />�naintain Mortgage Irisurance in effect, or to prvvide a non-rehmdahle loss reserve, until Lender's <br />requireinent for Mortgage lnsurance ends in accordance wiih �i�y wrltien agteeme�t betweeT� F3ot�r(>weT apa <br />Lender providing fi�r such tennination or until tern�inatiun is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this <br />Sectinn 10 affect� Borrower's ubligation to pay interest at thc rate providcd in the Note. <br />M.�rtgage Instirance reiirihurses Lender (or any enlity ihat purchases the Note) ior cerlain lossey il <br />may incur if Borrowet does nol repay the Loan as agrecd_ I3orrnwer is not a party to thc Mortgage <br />Insurance_ <br />Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all tiuch insurance in fotce fr��m time tp titne, and may <br />cntcr into agreem�nts wit{� othcr parties that share nr modily their risk, or reduce losses. These agreeinents <br />are un tenn5 and condil.ions I.hal are satisfactory to the ►nortgage insurer and thc other party (or rartics) to <br />these a�recments_ 'l'hese agrecrnents may rcquire tfau mortKuge insurer lo make paymentti using any 5ource <br />of fi�rtd� that the mort�age intiirrer tnay have availuble (which inay includc funds obtained from Mortgage <br />Insurance premitiuns). <br />NEBRASKA- 5ingle Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT +� ' � <br />�-G�N�� (0811) Page 8 nf 95 initiais: Form 30� 1/01 <br />� � �.. <br />
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