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_ '���.;}. , � �.�_ -�_ ' -� <br /> . �si �`, . _ .. . .:�;W�J�1►IiA/�lr�X'.:l�t� Y � 'e. . . .a.'._ ..-- <br /> �.,�n':�„4F1/11/6t�1��cY�►r.�.- „ , .. <br /> ..' . . . . �l._ . <br /> ..'_..�r ----- --• - . __- - -. _ � .__.. <br /> ,�y ..' ' _i��°a-, __ <br /> __ a.�.�.`u-:-��� <br /> -' 9�-- 10��:�.21 <br /> �-.:�_�_ I <br /> _ ------ .;��, applicabk law mAy�peclfy for reinstatemenq before sale of the Property pSf9uwtt ta any powcr of salc cunt�IncJ in Ihis <br /> Sccurlty insuument:or(b)entry of a judgment entorcin�this Sccurity Insirumcnt. Tha�c conditions erc that Borrowcr: (a) <br /> ��__-_,_�__- peyr l.endu all sums which �hen would be due under thfa Security Instrument and thc Note as lf no xceleretion had <br /> ---------- occurred;(b)cures nny deiault of any other covenants o�ugreerrtents:(c)paya all eapenses incurred in enforcing Uiia�S�ti�urity <br /> •,�����:'k•; �t;y�;� � instrumem,including, but not timit�d to, reasonable attorneys'Pceg:and(d)�ekex xuch ucdon iw Lender mAy reasonably � <br /> ~^����,;�,� requlne to assure that the lien of this Securiry instrument,Lenderk rights in the Property anJ Bortower's abligation to pay thc <br /> .� sums securcd by this Security Instrument shall continue unchunged. Upan reinata�ement by Borrower, this Security <br /> -�����'��" Invtrument a►nl the obligati�ns r.ecured her�eby shall remain fully effecdve os if no acceleration had occurred. However,thia <br /> '' ��� �ight to reinstatc ahall nat apply in thc case of nccelention under pAragmph 17. ` � <br /> *�'��'::�'�1 i 19. 3We ot Nok;Chap�e of I.oAa Servker. The NMe or a partiai interr.rt in the Note(together with ihis Secudty � <br /> ��-�T;�;.� �� lnswment)may be sold ane or more�imes without prfor notice ta Borrower. A sule may result in a change in the enuty <br /> —�..—�'�,�`. ' � � <br /> �_������ � (known as ihe'Los►n Servicer')ttiut collects manthly payments due under the Note and�his Security InRtrument. There also <br /> may be one o�more changes of the Loan Service�unrclated to u sale oP the Nate. If there is a change of the Loan Scrvicer. <br /> •z i_r,.: ::,,. _4:;` ' � Bomnwer will6c given written notice of the change in accordance with parugrnph 14 ab�ve and npplicpble law. The ndice <br /> ;w��;"::s��:::ti:.:.:;. � will xtate the name and addrcss of�he new Loan Servicer nnd�he a�idress to which payments should be made. The notice wiil <br /> �:'�,,�,,'�.���;�,`• � � ulso conlain ar�y ather informetioo required by upplicAble law. <br /> ��,��.,� �a�..� �•� . 20. Ht�rdaw Substaqces, Borrowcr shall not cnuse or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or releuse of ony <br /> . Hszardous Substances on or In �he Pmperty. BoROwer shull not do,nor allow anyane else to do,anylhing affe�:ling�he ------ <br /> �:;.�',�st;,;.�3�+� ' Propeny thnt is in vlals►don of any Environmenl�l Luw. The preceding two�;entences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> b. , u;.�- <br /> •�', � i�r,r��.Fi��`r-�: storage on thc Property of small yuantities of Hazurdous Substances thut are genernlly recognized to bo i+pPropriate to nonnal <br /> y:�"�•• .,.••,�,'t?`� <br /> .�_�.r. :;���;;y: ,.,:,'L�%r '� I residential uses and w maintenonce of the Property. <br /> ri�� •;;'.f. �.,.ts,:, ; Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any invesligation,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> --- -•*�����" `�;•,•ti�� avernmental or re ulutu u enc or rivate art involvin tik Pro rt und an Hazardous Subswnce or Env(ronmental �.- <br /> _� .���ti,�'..;;;;�� I 8 � �Y S Y P P Y B P� Y Y <br /> _•_�iw.,.�.„����,��Jz,,.:• i Law of which Borrower hes actuAl knowledg�. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmenlal or regulatory <br /> _ _ .�r:•''�,;'�•"�'��f nuthority,that any r�emoval or otMr remediation of any Hazardous Sutstence affecting ihe Property is necessary.Borrower <br />_='���� ��-' ' �'�."a shall promptly tuke all necessary remedial actions in nccordunce with Environmental Law. <br /> - • � � As used in this paragraph 30,"Hazsudaus Subswnces"are those substances defined as toxic or haznrdous substunces by <br /> -:.;�� ,� . Environmental Law und the following cubstunces: gaxoline,kerosene,other flammable or tozic petraleum praducis, toxic <br /> }�i" ' . . . � pesticides nnd herbicides, volutile salvents, mnteriuls conudning asbestos or Tormaldehyde,und radioaclive materials. As <br /> _�:�� � I used in this paragruph 20,"Environmemal Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdirtion where the Property is located <br /> thet relatc to health,snfety ur environmental protection. <br /> �,�� , " ' ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender further covennnt und ngree as follows: <br /> __,�� �: 21. Acceleratlon; RcHnedies. l.ender shall give notke to Borrower prlor to acceleraUon tdlowing Borrower's <br />_ b r e a c h o P a n y c o v e n w n t o r a g r e e m e n t i o t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e n t I b u t n o t p r i o r tu acceleratbn under paro�ro ph 17 <br /> =-'����,' .�..; �w.,,::";.J_ unless appllcable law provides atherwtse). The notice shall specify: (al the defAUlh lb►the�ction required to cure the <br />�;:s;�'� � � , .--`•;,:�I + default:(c)a date.not tess thAn 3U days Prom the dAte the na[ice ig given fo wi�ich ihr drf,�uii mtssi b2 <br /> cured;and(d)that failure to cure the defaull on or bePare the date specitied in the nuilce may result in acceleratioo of <br /> : .� o,p• kT"",:?:ij',;;;�� II tMe sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sAle otthe Property. The notice!ihall further inform Borrower of <br /> �• • • �"`<'�;:,'•��'� 1 the right W relnstale aRer acceleration and the right to brin�a court action to assert the non-existence of a defpult or <br /> ,�'r'�r' '• ��i;r,{.!.'>�,"'`� � eny otder de�'ense oP Borrow•er to acceleration and sele. If the dePault is not cured op or before the date speciHed in <br /> the noNrn.Lender at ile optlon may require immediate payment in full of'all sums secured by this Securfty Instrumeot <br /> � ��''��`F''I �-�;•���'�,`�` � wlthoat further demand and may invoke the power otsale and uny other remedies permitted by applicable law <br /> ' ' ,, ,i,;��'�;_;•� i l.ender shall be entided lo collect all expenses Mcurred in pursuinq the remedies provided in this pA�ngrapA 21. <br /> . ",<.°` ;.,;«�� including,but not Ifmited lo,reasonable uttorneyg'fees uwl costs uf titte evidence. <br /> -. ' '';�.'�',< 'i,'.,:• ,•., li the power oP�ale ia invuked.71�uclee 4hvll record u nutice of default in eac6 counly in which any paH of the <br /> - ��'''t''r•'��•�� '• Property is located and shnll mell cupieK oP such nutice in Ihe manner prescribed by s�pplicAble 1�►w to Borrower And to <br /> • � _�:�'�� ���'�1�,.. the other persons presrribed by applicable luw. After the time required b�• �pplicable law.'IYustee sh�ll give public <br /> , " ,.: ..;;�`��s�' nMice of sale tu the persons And in the munner prescribed b�•upplicable luw. 7Yuctee.w�ithout demand on Borrower, -- <br /> -- '. ' sB�ll sell the Praperty al publir auctiun to the highe+t bidder ut the time and pincr und under the terms designated in r�=• <br /> a.'' "� .. <br /> ' , � • the notice ol'sale in one ur more parcels and in any order Trustre determines. '11�ustee may pustpone�Ic uP aU or any <br /> ' parcel of Ihe Property by public annuuncement al the time und place oP any previuuslv scheduled!�le. Lender ur its � <br />'���.� ,�''� �• designee mwy purchase the Property ut uny sale. �-. <br />- ` ��' � � Upon receipt of payment uf lhe price bid.7lruslce shall deliver to the purchuser 7�ustee's deed runveyinR the —" <br /> � ' �", ��� ' Property. The recltals in the'llrustee's deed shall be prlma facie evldence nf the truth of tBe statements made Iherein. �'_` <br />_:�- ._ : G� <br /> -.. " � ���'� 'I�ustee shall apply the prceeeds uf the rule in thr Pidluw inK order: 1�1 tu�II cuux und expenses uf exercising the power �__ <br /> �.. <br /> .��, , I �., <br /> _ �y f� i - � _� <br />� ' �' <br /> I �... � � i <br /> �. I �. <br /> i... i <br /> ' fiKm JD2N 4�911 ��x�ee�n�r.��,�e.•.i <br /> :� <br /> . , i <br /> i � ' <br /> , r , <br /> ' `.� ""__"-•--"_—_ `__ . "_ .. .. , . . <br /> . � . <br /> � <br /> . i <br /> . i � � - -- -. - __. <br />