<br /> � --��...:�n— _ _�.—_ `
<br /> _ _..-,--r _ -- .--- - --- - --��;�� _ -
<br /> _�
<br /> -,,,,,,rm,w. ---_._ ... .. . . - --� .. _._ --a- -
<br /> - � - . -�. ,- ��__.:"
<br /> ��_. -. , —..._ -. . � .�.� .
<br /> 7Hi�^ _
<br /> _ �stiA'�i:.'�S�..T74:1fO�d. '.�f�.%#1^�±��T.'�_ "
<br /> -tutv'-•���$•�71Wa1c:.LACZtr'-:F:..r.-,-`- __ - _
<br /> , . � ' 17. Transtar of ttw Prce�rty or w flonaHcl�l I�t�r��t In B�rrowar. n .� or r�ny part ot tnr �c�op.ny a �
<br /> � �rty k+Nwst In K M sdd a tnu�alrrr�d(or M a bN►Mcl�!fni�wsl In 9artcwr 1�sold or transf�rc�d and Borroww a not�nsUx�l
<br /> Rsrao++) wMhout L�n�r'e p+ior wrltbn consmt, 4�ndrr mry,�i iu optbn,tpu:r�Ytwt�df�l�WYn+�nt in hitl ot vE sums s�ourKl bY ---
<br /> thls SscurttY Insttw��n1. HowwM. tNs oplia► sh�N noi b�oK�ct�d by Und�q sxarcla� tY ptohlbftW by t�d�r��w u d iM __
<br /> d�U of thb S�uRy Inattu+rwn�
<br /> N L�naiK �x�rds�s thi� optlon. L�ndt�►ah�ll GN� Borto„+�►nWic� of acc�ferWon Tho noUc� ahslf prov!d��R+�lod ot naj�
<br /> ku tt►�n �0 d�ys kom th� dat� th� nolk� i� drWuwi or mW�d wkt�n wtw.h Bonaw�r must pay a8 sums s�ounrd by t
<br /> S�cu�ity Instrumrnt. tt BartaNw foW to pay th«w rwsw prt�x to th� a�-ulan o!Ws pwiod l�nrlK �y Invdu u►y ronMdiN =_ .
<br /> p�ra�ttsd py this SecLrlty Mstrwn�nt wRhout Iw1Mr notic�or dw�w►d cn Bun�w�r. _
<br /> 18. Sa+'rCw�r'! Rlflht to Ra�nsti�t�. t! Borrowr mwta urWn conddioru, Borrow�r cha11 hav� uw rlqrit to hav��
<br /> �nloranwnt of thb Saa+rftY kuUum�nt diacontkw�d al �ny tim� prbr W tha wiiw at: (�) 5 daya (or wch othar P�d a�
<br /> �p�p�icab{�I�w may sp�city tor ninaLt«nanq bafon sal�ot tM PropKb Pursuani to�iry pow�t oi tala cor:tslnad in this S�cwRy -
<br /> lnsWmenG or (b)�ntty ot�jud�m�nt sntorclnq th4 S�c+uily InsLum�nL Thot�conddiotis u�thai Borrowr. (a)WY���� --
<br /> sunu which th�n wou{d b�dw und�r thta SecuritY InsLUewnt�nd tM Not�q U no accM�ation had ocaund; (b) c�uw an
<br /> d�ta��t ot any othar wv�nant or ayra�m�nU: (c)Wys�II axpmsa incurc�d In �ntarctny thl�S�auGY Instrum�nt, hdudh�. Du
<br /> not Ymit�d to.rwsorut�altaneYs'i�a: +�nd (dl Wcw wch�ctlai as l�nciw rn�y rwanat�ty rpuks to assun that Uw li�n d
<br /> chls s.a►ritv In:Uwn«►t, I..na.Ps ti4nes h u�. Rop«ty .na 6ortow�rs oeYpawn fo p.y u►. sums wau.a by en�s s.curitv
<br /> Instrummt shaq continnw uncFwty�d. Upan rNnstat�rnw�t by Bortow�r� tWs S�curkY kutrwrw►t and th� oWiyWona s�au�d
<br /> h�nby shaN�tuAy MtacW�as H no acpi�rWon had auw»d. Haw�vr,this ri�ht to t�insLLP shW not Mpply in the csse
<br /> p��pp�{raUon untlx paraqraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sal� of Not�: Ctfsng� of l..o�n SYrvicar.T1w Not� or � • panW Int�nst In the Not� (wg�thar with thls
<br /> �cwity Instrurrwnt) m�y ba sold on�a mon tinws withhout prior notic�to Bartowar.A sat�may rauM N►�chang�in th��ntiry
<br /> (known as t!�'l.oan SMVkar'1 that coliw.YS maithlY WY��ta due w-�dw tha Not��nd this S�a+ritY InsUwn�r►t. Tlw�dsa may
<br /> be one or mor� chan0�s of lha loan Senricr wu�t�d 2o a sa{e of the Not�. M then la � cAanpe ot th� Loan Suvlc�r.
<br /> BortOwar vi�l b� ykwt writ�1 notic� 01 tM chanq� in YccordYtG with plraqi'fph 14 abov��nd appYk'abi�I�+w. TM notlC�wi1
<br /> a4U th�rwrM and addiva�of tl►�nwv Loau► Swicor�xi the ad�tess to wNch paymants shouid be rtwde. The nctic�will a4so
<br /> co�tain �ny oth�r inio�e�otlF,+n nquked by�PP�i+�w-
<br /> 20. t�rdow Subs�nc�s. s«row.r�.n�ot �,�o� a«++�c sn� a«�,�.• �e. a�o�. �«a9e. or�ww a
<br /> �ny Hvsrcp,x� SubstancM m or in tho Pro�ty. Bortowur shstl nct do, nar dow anyoM Nse� c3c, anYthY►0 a�inQ tha
<br /> Rrop«ty u+.t ts in woMdllcn ot.ny E,viro�nw L�w. rn.pr«.ditsy�two ,.ow�s sl,ar nw .pc�t�: A�tn.pns«us,us.. «
<br /> s=q,� q�yw propw�,� r�`mwft quantkta of Haat►Sur�Substanoes ti�at are y�►�rally ncopnize�d to t�appcopr�q W nomr►
<br /> �p{dmtiN usea'and to e�t&�t�r►co ot th�Pro�Ry.
<br /> eoROw� �w �oRwny �. �«�a« �a.�, �� �r .�y �+v.�.ssw�, a.rn. a.r,,.�a, w�we� �► wt,Y. � by .ny
<br /> yov�rwntal or npui�to�y a�►C.Y o►W'�v W�Y�►Y��9 tha Pro�+ty�nd�ny Fiozardous Subatance a Envirorxnw►LI Law W
<br /> whkh E3arowr has aetuv bwti+Mdp�. H BoROwx twr�s, a is�cr�ned by�ny qav�rturwntal or nq�tory autAo�l�f, th�t �ew
<br /> nmoval or ot!►� rwn�diallon of any Har�rdous SubaA�c�a atf� A'opKtY ts n�saa�Y� Bortow� stW F���F�b Wc� M
<br /> n�c�ssary nnNCid adions h eccord�nce wkh Envlrorxr�3 iaw.
<br /> /ts w�d in Ws prapraph 20, 'H�zardous Subatscaoas' �n dx�r wbstanca deflnsd as toodc or h�iardo�•t s�noM EY
<br /> Envirot�ai L,aw and tfw tolfowY�O substan�w: 9��• Gaansr�ne. oth�r A�nxtt�6M or to�da P�'�� P�+�• �
<br /> p�s8cidn�nd tiabicid�c,volat�sobmts,trw�t�rl�ls car+�i�tn0 asbastns.or fam�ki�hyrdr, and raddar��nMtni�ls. /Ls w�d�n
<br /> qnytaph 20. 'Envit�o�aw�i Law'mMns t�daal hwa�nd Iows of tM�ulsdia'tfon wt��tla Pmpr:4y'is ioea�.it+at nl�t�«�
<br /> tw�tt►.sai�tl►or�rrvirnrrmntal pr+obction.
<br /> . .....-NONdIMIFOF�M COVENANTS.9otrcww and L�ndr iwtiMt C6vM►ttW N1d+➢rN�s io�o�s: � — - :.. . - --�— -
<br /> 21. Acc�M�atloe: R�n�dl�s. Lw�d�� shall 9hr� natic� ta Horra�rar Prior �o �oqiKatbn
<br /> �sc�,�i�aUon undsr para�raph t�untiss �ppilcaW� law pro�id�s c�ri�). Tf� nctic�
<br /> shau sp�ctry: (a)th� drfaul� (bI tf� sctio� hqutnd to cun ttN drfaul� (�) a dat�, nat�el�an
<br /> 30 dsYs froe�+ tt� dab tM eotic� Is 9iv�to eo Bo�row�r. bY wt�ich tt� d�ult �t�st b�ct+t�d; aed
<br /> (d) Hat fsitun to cun tiw d�fauit on or bNon th� da� sprctlMd In tlt� notics my wsuR in .
<br /> s�rallon of t!N sute�s s�cund h'y tttb Sscuriiy I� and s�i�of t�Prop�rty.Tha tbtk�
<br /> slali iur�h�r infarm Borrow�r of tiw ri�lit to niaeiaRs silNbr acc�Mraflon and tl+� ri�ht !o britg •
<br /> cairt actioa to assKt t!w �onyxMta9cs o� a 6#au@ or aay ati� drt�srs� of Borraw�� to
<br /> aa�iKation and sai�. If tl� d��tlt!s taa� �nd o�t or betoe�o t�e dat� sp�iH�d tn iat� natic�.
<br /> t�xl«' �t Ib opllow ncaY nquin Imn�dia� psYe�+��t in tull of'ai� awn� s�cund by thb S�eu�illl
<br /> i�trut�nt iwMi�otd ttwtlMr d�nartid �nd a�a�/ (nvoic� tff� po+iwr af ssl� snd er�l a1lNr r�nwdNs
<br /> , P�� �'�'!►sPPlieabN taw. L�otW�r shaff b� wrtld�d to colMrt ail �xp�nsM iecurnd fn punt�lnp
<br /> t!N nenrdi�: prarW�d in thb parapr�pls 2A, tneludin�, but nd Un�ibd t0. nsaoeiahl� +ibon�l+'
<br /> fws and coats of titN wid�nc�. � .
<br /> ff t1M po�wrr af ssi� h Invok�d, Tiusbwr sh�0 noord s notic� of d�fauit in s�s�cA couaty/ In
<br /> wNch aay part of fitW Prop�rty is locabd anci � �ai! copNs of wch nctic� �o th� a�aa�
<br /> prpc�ib�d t►'!/ �pplkabl� law to Bonowsr a�nd to th�othK p�rsons pnscrib�d b1l ��� �-
<br /> Aib�tl»tien� nquind by appikabi� larr.Trust� �hal! giw publia ndic� d sslo to tl�s p�rsons
<br /> and i�t!N ma�uwr pns�rib�d bY aypplic� I�w.T�u��wHhaut d�mand on Bwr+aw�r. slWl s�li
<br /> th� PPOp�ty at pubUc :uctlo� to t� Ni�h�st bidd�r sR tlw d� ae�d pisc� and und�r tlr tWms
<br /> • d�si�saE�! te th� �otic� a� sal� tn on� or mor� puc�ls �nd ta �ny oM�r T�usiN d�mlt�a.
<br /> Tru� mry po�saas cal� ai aQ or assy parcel of ths Prop�rty h,� puWic s�.ttou�ra�nt at th4
<br /> � tin� and plac� of at�y provlouNy sCtwduiad sai�. Gond�r or i� aai�ru �l i�cyr.�a �a
<br /> propwEy at anY saN-
<br /> Upon nc�ipt of psym�t�t of tlw pric� hid. Trusb� sbdl d�iiwr to tfM W%rchawr Tn�sW's
<br /> eN�d �t�tt�Propwty. 'ft� ncitats in th�T�'s dwd shall b� pritna fac1� ovid�e�ca af
<br /> tl� trutl� of tiw � mad� fl�rNo. TrustM si�all appiy ttN procMds of t� saM tn ths
<br /> i!+N!+t�� n.rd�r: (sl to ail cosls and �tD� of �xKChin� t!N pow�r af saM. and iiM sal�,
<br /> ieietud�tfw psymu�3 of tlw TnntN's fi�s setu�tty tncurnd. not ta axcMd tiuw ,
<br /> % af th� principaf aenount of ttw
<br /> not� at ti�ti�of tiw d�clanHon d dafauit.and nasonaW� sawn+Y's fws as p�ne�ltsd by law+
<br /> (e) to al{ sums sac�u�d by this S�cwtty �dru��a� and (c) awy �xcrss to t!r p�rson or p�raons
<br />- IpNly �d to k.
<br />_- F13K.UA0(3Ai) P�pt�of 5 �_� �
<br />�� 9f0�
<br /> i
<br />