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.. . 2010�9733 <br />paid to f3orrower. in the eve�rt of a partial taki►�g of the Prc�perty in which the fair market value of the Property <br />immediately before the takixig is less than the amounl of the sunas secured inunedi�tely before the taking, iuiless <br />Borrc�wer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless Applicable Law ot}�erwise provides, the proceeds �hall <br />he applied to the surns secured by this Security lnstrument whetk�er or not ttie sum� are tl�eai due. <br />If fhe Property is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after notice by Lender to. Borrower that the condertuior oi'I'e"rs to <br />make an award or settle a elairn for damages, Borrciwer fails to respcynd to I,ex�der within the minirnu�r� number nf <br />days established by Applicable Law atler the date the noCice is �iven, Lender is audiorized tci colleck �tacl apply the <br />proceeds, at its option, either Co restoratiox� or repair of the I'roperky or ta tlie sum5 secured by lhis Security <br />Iustrument, whetl�er or not then due. <br />Uziless Lender and Horrower otherwise agree in writing, any ap�licatic�n of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpozae the due date of tlie payments due under the Contract ar change the amount of such paymc:nts. <br />Bprrawer Not Released; F'orbearance Sy Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension of tl�e time fc�r pay�ment or <br />modification of amortization af the suins secured by this Security Izistruitient granted by Lender to any successor i�i <br />interest af Borrower sl�all not operaCe to release t}ae liability of the original I3orrower or Borrower's tiucceasor� ita <br />i��terest. I,ender shall nat be required to commence proceedings aga.irast any successor in intere5t or refiise to <br />extend time for payment or otherwise modify am�rtization of tlie sum5 secured by this Security IraStniment by <br />reason of any demand m�de by th� original Borrower or Borrpwer's successors ixz interest. Any li�rbearance by <br />Lender �in exercising any right or remedy shall nol be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />Saccessors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and SeverAl Liability; Accommodation Si�ners. The covenants and <br />agree►ne��ts of this Securiry Instrument shall bind and bene�t the successors and assigns �f Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of section titl�d TrAnsfer of the Property or a Bene�cial Interest in Bori•uwer. <br />Borrower's coven�nts and �greements sh.all be joinc and several. Any person who co-signs this Security Instruix�ent <br />but has nc� personal liability uuder tlie Contract ("Accornmodation Signer"): (a) is CO-51�17117� Ct115 Security <br />Instnunent only to mortgage, grant and convey that Acconttnodation Signer's intere�t in tkae Property under the <br />terms of the Security Instrument; (b) is not personally ohligated to pay the sunis Gecured by this Security <br />Instruinent; and (c) �grees that Lender and any other f3orrower may agree to exlend, modify, forbear �r rnake any <br />accotximodations wiCh regard ta the ter►ns of this Security Instrument or the Contract without that Accor.timodatian <br />Signer's consent. <br />Loan Charges. If the Ic�an Secured by tliis Security Iustrument is subject to a law wl�icli sets maximunt. loan <br />c:harges, and that law is finally inter�reted so that the interest or other loan charges collecled c�r to be collected in <br />coiuiectibn with the loan exceed tt�e pezxnitted liznits, then: (a) aiiy such Ic>an cliar�e shall be reduced Uy the <br />a�nount necessary to reduce the charge tc� tlte permitted limits and (b) any siims aTready collect�d f'rom l3orrower <br />wltich exceeded per�nitted limits will be refunded to }3orrower. Lender may choose to make this re�una by <br />reducit�g the principal owed under the Cantract or by making a direct payzt�ent to Borrower. lf a refund, reduces <br />principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment under the Contract. <br />Notices. Any notice to Barrower provided for in this Security Izistnunent shall be giveal by delivering it or by <br />maili��g it by first class mail unless Applicable Law requires u;;e of another method. `I'he notice s}�all be directed to <br />tlae Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender, Any notice to Lender sliall be <br />given by first class mail to Lender's addregs stated herein <7r any other address Lender desi�nntes by notice to <br />Borrower. Any a�otice provided for in this Security Instrutnent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or <br />Lender wlien given as provided in this para�;raph. <br />Goverr�ing Law; Severability. 'I'his Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and lhe laws of lhe state <br />of NeUraska. In the event Chat any �rovision or clause of this Security 1n5trum�nt or the Contract conflicts witli <br />Applicable I,aw, suc}� conf]ict shall not. affect otkier provisioiis of this 5ecurity Instrtunenl or the Contract whic;h <br />can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To tliis end the provisions of tliis Security Instrument and tlie <br />Contract are declared to be severable. <br />Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instrument. . <br />Trfln�fer of the Property or a Be��eficial Interest in Borrower: If all or any part of the ProperCy or any interest <br />in it is sold pr transferred (or i£ a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or trafisferred and Borrower is r�ot a <br />naturat person) without Lender's prior written consent; Lender may, at its option, rec]uire immediate paymenf in <br />full of all sums secured by tf�is Security Instrument. Hciwever, thi5 option shall ual be exercised by Lender if <br />exercise is prohibited by tederal law as af the date of ttiis Security Instrurnent. <br />If Lender exercises this option, l�ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a <br />period of not less than the minimum number of days establistied by Applicable Law from the date the nc>lice is <br />delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. lf l3orrower <br />f'ails to pay these sums priar to lhe expiration of tl�is period, Lender may invoke any remedies peru�itted by this <br />Security Tnstrument without further notice or demand on I3c�rrower. <br />Bnrr�wer's Rigt►t to Reinstate. lf 13orrower meets certaitt conciitiqns, Borrower shall h�ve the riglit to l�ave <br />enforcement of tlzis Security Instrument discontiiiueci al any time prior to the eariier of; (�►) 5 days (or such other <br />period as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of sale <br />conCained in this Security Instnunent; or (b) entry of a judgment enfoccix�� this S�curity Instru►nent. T11ose <br />conditicros are that Borrower: (a) pays I..ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument <br />and the Contract as if no accelecation had occurred; (b) cures any default of a�ay other coven�nts or agreements; (c) <br />pays all expenses i.z�cura�ed in enfvrcing this Security Instrument, including, b�rt not limited lo, re�sotaable attorneys' <br />a9� 2004-2009 Complianec Systcros. Inr, OU:D-6R88 - 20f19.I2.3G8 � , � . <br />Consumcr Rcal Estatc - Security Instrun�enl D1.203G Pagc 3 vf 5 www.cotnplin+i[tsysleuic.enm <br />