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2010a9�3� <br />PAGE 2 <br />to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, exceed the original principal amount stated <br />herein, or 74 768.81 whichever is greater. <br />2. Continuin Effect. Except as specifically modified by this Agreement, all ather <br />terms and provisions of this Deed of Trust hereinabave identified shall remain in fu11 force and <br />effect. <br />3. Effect on Other Securitv. All real estate mortgages, deeds of trust, assigiments <br />and security agreements her�tofore or concurr�ntly herewith to be granted shali remain infull <br />for'ce and effect to the extent not inconsistent with this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement <br />and shall continue as security for Borrowers remaining indebtednes� previously existing until <br />such sum shall be paid, as well as any future indebtedness owing from Borrower to the Lender <br />for future advances and renewals in respect to all sums owing from Borrawer to Lender. <br />4. Additional Documentation. Borrowear further covenants ta and with Lender that <br />Barrawer shall, and wiil, at any time, now or later, upon request, make, do, execute and delivear <br />all such further and other acts, deeds and things as shall be reasonably required ta effectuate the <br />intention of this Deed of Trust Modi�cation Agre�ment and to irnsure and confirm to the Lender <br />all and singular the property, securities and rights described, and intended to be conveyed, as <br />security so as to render the same, and all portions, whether now owned or later acquired, subject <br />to these terms, provisions and conditions according to the true intent and purposes expressed. <br />5. Waiver. The failure of the Lender, at any time, to require the performance by the <br />Borrower af any of these ternas, covenants and agreements shall, in no way, affect its rights to <br />enforce the same; nor the waiver by the Lender of any breach of any term, covenazat or <br />agreem�nt be taken or held to be a waiver af any succeeding breach of any such term, covenant <br />or agreement, ar as a waiver of the term, covena.nt and Agreement itself. <br />.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hav� executed this De�d of <br />Modi�cation Agreement on the date first noted abave. <br />-�. - <br />, �� ; - <br />FRED L SCARBOROU�H <br />�� � �. <br />SAN E SCARBQROL7GH <br />� <br />HOME �"EDERAL 5AVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSQ TION OF GRAND S <br />By �c�� <br />Its <br />"Lender" <br />STATE QF NEBRASKA) <br />CQUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing Deed of Trust Modification Agreement was acknawledged before me this <br />� day of DECEMBER, 2010 by FRED L SCAKBQRQUGH ANI) SUSAN E <br />SCARBOR�UGH HUSBAND AND WIFE_ <br />Nota ub ic <br />STATE OF NEB.RASKA) GENE 1. NOr,4RY • State o� Nehraska <br />CQLJNTY OF HAL,L JACALYN A. AYbUB <br />� -�� My Camm. Exp. July 16, 2014 <br />The fnregoing Deed of Trust M'�cation A�reement was acknowledged before me this <br />,�� r.,�day of DECEMBER 2010, by �_ ���_,:.�>�. � � � , �� ��-__ / �.`:�.� 2_._- <br />.c z.��_ ) - <br />of Home Federal Savings and Loan Asso ation of Grand �sl , a fedexally chartered savi g <br />and loan association, on behalf of the association. <br />�(i�IYEAAI. NOTAFiY - State of Nebraska \.� T �-- ti �� - ` l�� �.r�-,.---v_. �._., <br />JE�WEITE K, J�NSEN <br />_�''""�� � �A►�m. �a. �ch 5, 2o�a Natary Pu lic <br />_ _.�- <br />