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201U�9729 <br />interest rate. The final maturity of such indebtedness as madified, secured by such Deed of Trust <br />shall be DECEMBER 1 202Q, notwithstanding any other date of maturity which may hav� <br />been speci#ied in the Deed of Trust hereinabvve identified. <br />2. Continuing_Effect. Except as specifically modified by this Deed af Trust <br />Madification Agreement, all other terms and provisions ofthis Deed af Trust with Adjustable <br />Rate Rider hereinabave identified shall r�main in full force and �ffect. <br />and security agr eme ts ���to oecuritv. All real esta.te mortgages, deeds of trust, assi�,mments <br />re or concurrently herewith to be granted shall remain in full <br />force and effect to the extent not inconsistent with this Deed af Trust Modifcation Agreement <br />and shall continue as security for Borrowers remaining indebtedness previously existing until <br />such sum shall be paid, as well as any future indebtedness owin� from Borrower to the Lender <br />for futwe advances and renewals in respect to all sums owaing from Borrower to Lender. <br />4. Additional Docwnentation. Borrower further covenants ta and with Lender that <br />Borrower shall, and will, at any time, nvw or later, upon request, mak�, do, execute and deliver <br />all such further and other acts, d�eds and things as shall be reasanably required tv effectuate the <br />intention of this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement and to insure and con�rm to the Lender <br />all and singular the property, securities and rights described, and intended to be canveyed, as <br />security so as to render the same, and all portions, whether naw owned or later acquired, subject <br />to these terms, provisions and conditions according to the true intent and purposes expressed. <br />S. Waiver. The failure of the Lender, at any time, to require the performance by the <br />Borrower of any of these terms, covenants and agreements shall, in no way, affect its rights to <br />enforce the same; nor the waiver by the Lender of any breach of any term, covenant or <br />agreement be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach o� any such term, covenant <br />ar agreemeant, ar as a waiver of the term, covenant and A�reement itself. <br />IN WTTNESS WHEREpF, the undersigned have ex�ute s D d of Trust - - <br />Modification Agreement on the date first rt�ted a i. - <br />�i��,. <br />FRED SCARBOROUGH <br />/�� �� �- L <br />susaN E sc�oxouGx <br />HQME FEDERAL SAVINGS ANT) LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />By <br />Its <br />"Lende <br />STATE 4F NEBRASKA) <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing Deed of Trust Modification Agreement was acknowledged before me this <br />2�- day of DECENIBER, 2Q 10 by FRED L SCARBOROUGH ANI] SUSAN E <br />SCARBOROUGH HUSBAND AND WIFE_ <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebra /� / <br />.UqCALYN A. AY�U �it�•� <br />Camm. Ezp. July 16, 2014 tary Public <br />sTA� oF rrEBx�sx�> _ <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />:� The foregoing Deed of Trust Mo '�cation Agreemen� was acknowledged befare me this <br />_ day of DECEMBER. 2010, b ,�-�� � ,( , �u-LC , .,� , �. _, ;' �.c _ .,� <br />of Home Federal Savings and Loan Assoc' tion af rand Ista , a federally chartered ngs <br />azxd loan association, on behalf of the association. <br />GENERAI NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />JEANETTE K. JENSEN �...�� ^ <br />My Camm. Exp. March 5, 2014 <'��"``� � -�--�-�-•^- �-- <br />TTOtATy 1C <br />