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<br /> �j �
<br /> :7.T�r.�f:r of tbe 1'ro�,�eety ar�liti►efkial lnttr�est Ip Borrower.[f ull ur un��{un uF�9Propeny or�u�y�nc� in it
<br /> IF s�4�i ur ir�u��tcrrcit(ur�f a t+enedcial itue�cst in&�rmw�cr is x�W ur Ir.u�fart��xl��xl lZar�aw�r i�ruit;+natutal�rson�without
<br /> l.ct�d::'�priur w•ritteit cotuetu. l.eixlcr n�y. +�t its uiNia�i, rayulr� i�uo�.li�t� �:►}nx�tit in fuU ��f all �wns s��:uml by thl.
<br /> , Secu�i�v Iuu�wtixnt. Huwe�•er,thi���tion�hall nW bc exer�is�x!by I.utJcr iFexer.:ise is pruhibiteci b�• f��Jrral law w uf�hr �
<br /> ui�this.Sc�:�ritv Iiutrunxnt.
<br /> If Letixiur exer.i�es�this uptum. Lrixtcr s;hall�i�•e Bnrruwer notice of ucceieratioiti The ixuire�hall pruvi�;:a peri�xl�,t�ixu
<br /> � ie�.�itian =j u+�y� f��iit '� ci�t.^. th� �uulc� is�liti�ered or r.uilecl within whirh &,rrrK�er mu�t nay all wm� u�ar►:�1 by this
<br /> Security Gt�trwiknt. !!Bc�rraw�er fails tn pa��tlusc sunu Prwr to the ex�i�atu�n of this pericxf. l.cixle�nuy iuw+ke;u►y rcnx�lies
<br /> p:+mittc:�b•tfi;::a::uriry In,lrun�nt witix�ut tuc[hcr notic�o+'dcnund e�n&zttt�u�er.
<br /> lb. �Ner's Rl�ht to l�einstate. IP &►rr�iu•u meets �tictai�i c.,nditions. &,rmu�er �iull f��•e the right to i�ace
<br /> e�forc.mc.�f oF thic S:cusity [ns::uir�nt �+is�ont':nusxt at any time prior to the earlier of: (ul S �iays (or such �Kher pericxl as
<br /> up�li��at�lu luw nuy spo�ify fitir reinstatemenU t+efore +alc of the Propert�� pursawnt to �ny pa��er of cale containecl in this
<br /> Scxuriig Iui�tunknt; or(b)entry•of aiudgment enforcing this Seeurity instcunxnt. Tfx��:conditions are th�t Bc�nou�er: (al pays
<br /> l.end4r all sum�which then w•ould be due under this Socurity Ia�wment and the Notr a�if no acceleratian hxi �xcurrcd; (b)
<br /> cures any dufault af any other coveciants ar aFretm�.nts; (c) pays zll experucs incurred in enforcing this Sccurity instmment,
<br /> inrludinp, Iwt �xu linuted to, rea.conable uttameys' fees;and (d)takes such aetion ac Lender may reasonnbly reqwre to assure
<br /> that thv linn of thi� Security In.ctrument, l.ender's righu in the Property and Borrower'.c�bligation to pay the sums socurod by
<br /> this S.xur'r.ty Instn�n�ent shall continue unchangod. Upon reinst�tement by Barmw•er, this Serunty instrunxnt ancl the
<br /> �t+ligation;;sxcured hereby shall rcmain fully effective as if no accetcration t�ad occurred. However.this right to reinstato st�all
<br /> aot applv ira the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. !axle ot Note; Ctwn�e ot Loai► Servictr. The Ncue or a partial intereu in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> instn�men�)may be cold ane or more times without prior notice to Borcow•es.A sale n�ay result in a change in the entity(krwwn
<br /> as the 'Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the N�te and this Security Instrument.There also m�y be one
<br /> ar mc►n:chunges of R.he i.�an Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nate.If there is a chznge of the Loan Servicer,Ronower w�iG bc
<br /> given writ�un notice oPthe change in acconlance with paragraph 14 above and applicable 1aw.The notice will state the nam�:anc�
<br /> xiclt�ss ol'the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which paymetus should be made. The notice will also c�uain sny othe.�
<br /> inforrnati�yn required by appZicablc law.
<br /> 2p, �W�rdous Substances, Borrower shall not cause or pecmit tfie presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hiunnl�w;� Sub.uances on or in the Property. Borrow•er sh;ill not do, nor allow anyone elsc to do. anything affectia�,tlia
<br /> Property ehat is in violation oi any Envirotsmental l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall cx�.�ply to the presenoe.us�,or
<br /> swrago an the Property of small quandties of Hazardous Substaires that are generally reoogmu�.'to be zppropriate ta ocHSnaa
<br /> c�esidantirit uses aTx1 to n�ic�tenance uf the Property.
<br /> &rrrower shall pror.�tly give Lencler written notice of any investigation.claim, demand, lawsuit or oiher action by any
<br /> govemrtt�ntal or regulato+�?' aeency or private party involving the Property:u�d any}i�zardous Substance or Environmental I.pw
<br /> of whicli Barrower hzs a,c�t�t I.-nawia�e. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory suthoriry, that
<br /> any r�mnval or aher remediacioa of�F�a�rdous Subscance affee�Fn;the?roperty is necessary.Bonower shall promptlS take
<br /> a1►ntx,�t,�ssary remedial ac�tionc in accan�•e with Envirorunental lau.
<br /> A:T used ia this r,�ph 20. "H;.�ardous Sub�tanoes" are chose substances dtfined as toxic or hazardous substanees by
<br /> Envimnmental Law � following wbstances: ��soline. kero.ene, othec E�ammable or toxic petro:e�.'n products, ipXlC
<br /> pesticicl�x and hetbicitks.vol�tile sol�eats.materiats rontaining acbescos or fcxa�dehyde,and radioactivc mat,;.rials.As used in
<br /> this pmraigraph 20. 'Environmental La�' nxans fedenl laws�nd laws of the jurisdiction where the Propesty is locatal ttu�t
<br /> relute tn health.safety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> I�iON-UNiFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fun'�c:�ver�ant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Accdastim;Rnaedles.I,enda'slwll give aoti..�e ta Borrovrer prior tn acoderation tolbwiog Borwwer's btr�
<br /> . :.e.:.;s-�;......� ��..d tw tl,,�:c ._`_�_�e+t�r iwctn�rw�nt ��t �11►t Oltiot Lo 9mdllatbn uode[ QYiJPJ��1 I7 Yt1�i _
<br /> appiit,�bte law prov�s otLeewise).Tbe uoike s�salf s}x�fy: (a)tlsc c�d-�...,�'C.-;b1 tEx sc#ioa t+eguired to cure the de[a�iTt;--
<br /> (c)a �tte,aot 1ess t�o 30 days icbm the date the notia is givm to Borrower,by wbid�the ddauk mmt be cu�Yd; a�d
<br /> (�tbht failure to cure the detault o0 or befare tl�e date spedfied tn the notloe may resolt in aocdaYdan o! tbe�;sms
<br /> s�vned by t�ls Secueity I�trmoent and sale of the Property.The ootice s1wU[�rtL�r faf�rm Borro�ot the r}ett�t ta
<br /> i+dns�»te atta�accdn�ation apd t6e rlgLt to 6riog a coart actfoo to assnt tLe non-existmoe of a de�sult or aay c�ther
<br /> dtlimne ot Borrower W aooe�d�atioa aad sale.If the default Ls aot cwYd o0 or be[on tbe date specit'�ed ia t!u antioe,
<br /> Lead�tr, at 6ts option, may nequL�e immediate paymeat in full of all sums secured by tLk Security IIm�uacyt w�¢baut
<br /> fi�rttf�tr demaad aad may involce t6e powec of sale swd any ot6a�s�emedies permitted b�sppiics�bk fa�.Leades shttU be
<br /> emtitJaxE t+r¢�oifec!all acpenses io�vrral in pursuing tbe remedies pcovided ia t6is para�aplt.21,fududiq�.bot uot lit�nited
<br /> to,rw.�o�a6�ie attoroeys'ters and casts of title cvidea�x.
<br /> 7t Wt power ot sak tc ias�ked, Tn�stee sh�11 roeord st mtIoe of default in each county ta whicb any p�rt af the
<br /> Propqty is locsted�b shaU mai!eopks ot suc6 swtioe in the manaer pnscribed by applicat�le law tu Borrowa�aYW w
<br /> t6e ar�Ler persa�s PraQn'bed bl aPPlksble taw.Atter t6e time req�ired by applicaWe law,Tnutee s6sU give puWic[ratloe
<br /> of s��e w t6e persoas�d io tLe mnnner prcsc�ibed by appiicabk law.TrasYa,witbout demaad oa Bon+ower, sY�►41 sdl
<br /> the F.Yoperty at public auction to t�e hE�l�t Wdder At tbe tlme aAt1 plaoe�ad ander t6e t�ms d�axted In tbe aof"aa ot
<br /> ssh:ia one or aw�e par+oels�io aay order Tnsstee determines. Tr�stee�oay postpooe sak ot a1!or aay pn�cd ist the
<br /> �P�+t3' bY P�ic aaaouaoemeat at thr time s�d place ot anY W'e�'iouslY schKluled sak. I.ender or its dasignce�ms�Y
<br /> puc��ufse Nre Property at any sWe.
<br /> Form 302�.9t90
<br /> r,o.sMs
<br /> � �' v�;
<br />