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<br /> 'i'C1a�'f1iE:fi w'IT�I all thc It�rarcmen:s naw or hrrr.a�sr ero.�on thc�±rc�.��4y,uxl a!t c;ucnticntc. ���uf
<br /> Pi�lures nuw �a� ttema.Eim• � �►�ui ui' Itie pr��}�e�iy. All ►Y{►I�:eu�us w►c! acWi�i�wu. �1u11 rlw be ��vr�at b}' thi� S�xwitY
<br /> Instrunknt. All��f the i'ii�egoln�Ic�fem�l to i��th;�:Socurity li�ru��x�u�thc"Prc�rty.•
<br /> HURR()W�.R�'OVENANTS ttut �rtuw-er is I�wlully seiwd uf tfu estsue he��cby�Y�m•ryrJ�rl hYS thr rikht t���riru s�txl
<br /> cwwey �he Pn�eny �uxi Uwt tlx!'ni(►cny is unerxumbc�vd, ex��ept f�w crx�umhrxn��cs��f re.v�rJ. &�m�wer wxrr�uus anJ will
<br /> citir�wl gcne�-ally the till�t��thc Pruperty ��Inst�ll cl�ln�.��uxl cicntt�xls.wbj�tii w�iy cnrumbr�tices c�t'r�►vxJ.
<br /> Tlt1S SECiJRITY lNSl'RUt►l�:NS combincs unifw�m cv�•ewuus fi+r�uuiw�! uxr�ux! �n�unifurm an-cYU�uti wiQ� (intimd
<br /> v�uir�tiuns hy Jurixiic�iui►to�Y,nuituu�wufurm�autity ii�.+trun�c:tu co.c�+��real pr�►�xny.
<br /> UNIFt3R.L!CU�'�l\+AI�TS.&�:to��.^r a::!l.cr•!,.'r ea����.:nt::r:i,^.g,�x s f�s!luas:
<br /> 1. P�yweoi of Principsl iwd Iattresf: PrePo9meat Nad I.ate Ctu�r.v. Bcurower s1w11 pn�mExly pay whcn Jue the
<br /> pcincipul of snci interesl an the debt evidenccd by the Note aixi any PrcpaYnxnt and lue char�es due undcr the N�xe.
<br /> 2. Fl�udc for Ti►xes aad I�u�oce. Subject to applicable law or ta a written w;u�•er by Lender, &,rmwe�shall pay to
<br /> L.etrler on thc day nw�lhlY p�ynxnis ue due under ihc Note,until the Note iy paid in full,a sum("Fwuis')fcu:(a)�•wrly tazas
<br /> anl assesvnerus which may altain priority ocer this Security lnstrumeru ac a lien on thr Prc�perty; (b)yesrly lcaxehoW�ayroents
<br /> or ground ruus on the Property,iF any:(c)Yearly hazard or Pn'P'nY iiuurance premiumv;(d)yearly ftaod iasurance prcmiun�s,
<br /> if any:(el yearly mongnge inwruuc premiums,if any: suxi (� any sucns paynble by Borrowcr to Lender. in accorcLv�cc with
<br /> the provisionc of paragrapi�8. in lieu of the payment of nwrtg�ge iawr�nce pru�uums.These iten�;are calted'Escrow Iums."
<br /> l.ender may. at any time. collat and hoW Fuads in an amounc not co exceod the mauinwm umount a Icnder for a foderally
<br /> relatod mortgage loan n�y requlrc for Bortowu's escrow xcauu w�der the federal Rcal �tate Scttla�xnc PracedurGC Act of
<br /> 1974 zc art�ended from tim�ta time. 12 U.S.C. Soctioa 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unlas siwiher law that a,pplies to tlx Fuuds
<br /> sets �lesser amount. If so. L.ender nwy. at any time.collw.�t aAd t�old Fuuds in �n a�noant not to exce�i che lesser amount.
<br /> Ir,nder may estimatc the aafount of Funcis dus on the basis of currau ds�W and rearonable euiu�tes of expendicurcs of fuwre
<br /> F.scmw Items ar otherwise in scxo��ce with applicable law.
<br /> The F�nds shall be held in an institution whose d�osits are inwred by a fedetal s4gency, insuumuuality, or entity
<br /> (including l.etider,if i.end�er is wch�n instiwtion)or in auy Federr!Home[.o�n Baok.Lender shall�pply t6e Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Itans. L�ender may not charge Borrower for ho:ding tix!�pplyin�tbe Fw�ds.annually analyLng tGe eurow�ccount.or
<br /> verifying tbe Escrow Ituns,unlas I.eoder pays Borrower inttnst on the Funds aAd applicabk law permits l.ender to rt�alce such
<br /> a charge.However, Leader may rcquire Borrower to p�y a oac-time charge for�n independent rtal estate tax rcpcuting serviQe
<br /> used by �der in cooruction v+ith this loan. un3as applica'�lt Is►w provides ahe�vis�. Unkss aa agrornieat is made or
<br /> applicabk law roqu'ua intsnst to be paid,I.cnder sbaU not be roquirod to pay Bonuwor any intercst or eu�s�gs oa the Fw�ds.
<br /> fiorrowu�nd l�ecider u�►�agrtc in writing,howe�er.that intcrest shal!be paid on the Ftwds. l�etder sEa1B give W Iiorrower.
<br /> �vitlwut cl�ge. an wuua!aorouatin,�of the Fw�ds. showing cralits wd debits w the Fussds and the purpose for which qcb
<br /> • debit to tl�c�utrds wu mada'1'he Fuads ue pledged ac additional sa:uriry for all sumc secured by thls Security(nsuuooent.
<br /> . If the Fuads hdd by Iender exceed t6e��*+n�*��permitced to be held by applicabk law.i.es�r3er slsall soa�unt w Bonnwu
<br /> � for the eaceess Funds in s�eoordance with the requirements of applicabk law.If the 9crsount of the Funds held by L�ender u any
<br /> tirne is rwt sut�ici�at to�,:�the Etrrow Items when dme.l.ender may so aotify&�rrower in writiag.and,in scr�h case Borrower
<br /> ` s6all pay W Leader tbe��ount cKOeuuy w m�lce up tAe deficieacy. Borrower s1�11 maice up the deficimrv in m roo�+e tLan
<br />� twelve�v nvmmtF.at T rtder'c r�diuw,tw�n.
<br />- r -..' --. .... -- � ��- - � - -- . , ... . .. .. . . . ._ , ._ . . _...
<br /> j UPot� �Yatrau in fu11 of all suuii sa.�urexi by tLis Socurity InsU�wnent. Ix,�rler sf�all prornpUy refw�d W 8ocrovrYr wy
<br /> - Fuads hekl by I.et�der.If.under par�gra�h 21. U,nder shall�cquire or sdl the Property,Ltider,prior to the�ac.�uisitioce or ssle
<br /> � of the Property.sl�ll appiy any Funds beld by I.ender at the time of aoquisitian or wle aa a ccrdit�gunst tL�5ums s�aured by
<br /> j tbis Security Iast�ument.
<br /> ; 3.Appi�i�stioo at P�ymeata.Uakss appiicabk law provides odaerwise.all paymeant�cei�ad by Le�der uader Fu-+8raphs
<br /> ' i and 2 shaii Iae applied: irsi. to anY c�re.�s�Ymeat ct�rges due wxi�es cY►:Note:socoad.to aaocc�pxy�ble und�ar p�ragraph 2;
<br /> third,w iaumt due;fa:.�h.to principal due:and last.to any Izte chz.�es due cader the Note.
<br /> f � 4.Ch��es;I.iea�.�xrawer sh�ll pay all ta:.es.assaunaus. dtiarBes. Cur�s wd itnposidons utritwLat..'ye to d�e Frnpa�ty
<br /> which miy attain prior:ac�over this Socurity Instn�axot, and kaselsobd paymau.,or ground retus. if any. Bomowu st�all p�y
<br /> these obli�avons in We��aner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manna. Borrowa sh�U pay them on time dira�tly
<br /> , w the person owed paym�eat.Sorrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ali ootias of amounts W be p�ud undcr this par�graph.
<br /> If Borrower m�lces these paymeats dincxly.Borrower shall promptly furoisl�to i.wder rereipts evideacing tbe paymctWS.
<br />. B�orrower st�U pnscx��aly diuhar�c any licn which hu priasity ovu this Se�arity Iasbumu�t u�ilas Baasuwu• (�)agrees in
<br />:�. writiag to tt,e paymec�a��olsligation secund by tl�e lien in a manaer sooepc�bl'�to I,ender;(b)contests in goud fsith the tiea
<br /> ' by. or deEi�c3s ag�inct�..°oir,emeiu of the l;en in, legal proaodiags which in the Leodtr's opinion opente w prevau tLe
<br /> .`, eafarcuuas�of the lien;or(c) secura from the holder of the lien�n agrameat satisfactory ta.",.ra�der subordinating the lien to
<br /> � this Socurity Icuuument. If Lender detercnims that any part of the operty is sub;oct to a ti.� which nn�y attain priority ova
<br />`,: '�,tis Security Insuumasc„L,ender may�ive Borrower a notice idu►tit�ing tlx Di�.BxroKes sl�aU s�tisfy :�.3icn or tafce one os
<br /> - moce of tl�xtious sec f�th�bove witLin 10 days of t6e giving of notice.
<br /> ,
<br /> Foro 3G?8 9�0
<br />.� ►w.iaa
<br /> i i. .t`
<br />