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�? ,�I'( 1�','bt J1. ,►s ,. '_ .. _ . . . r�, ... ,., �i� . , . , . . ' _ F <br /> I �. � �i.�r.ti'�a � �a t: ° f'�h+�4�� <br /> �+L. ....�*irG.a�e�r d•~�t, _ .��y:' �,�.�;^�,yr�- .• ' ^ ''� . ._ - <br /> 7'a�:__.. <br /> -Ya ,�ewn. d�. •1a. ` ��� <br /> � �t F �• wr,f+.. �P� ��I <br /> . • � <br /> +� ' . ..a.'7a,A.Yir�AY.�-..1_.• - .-y• <br /> . ..,...,..�i'�s,... .. ....._-_ - . <br /> � _ 'Tt}�('•_'"'J+�i�-�wris�a�...__.. ���� • __ __ _. _ ....-�.._��. -�_ _-s.� <br /> . -__ <br />. . �, �•�.���_ �j-_"'_ _'..`�.�..... . __.. <br /> .- <br /> � _.. 1U�11� �-.-..,- <br /> � .� , •to. Sa►ow�r'� Rlpht to RdnM�t�. n eonoww m.N.o.aln aonawon•.earow«s� n�r• u»ripin a n.v..MaoNn.M ------- _ <br /> , .. • d�oontinu�t!tl�n�►Yn�0�to Ih��Mr al: (�) 6 dM (or woh dMr p�rlod q�ppYubl�Mw m��P�Y lor ninstalan�nQ Mla� �aN <br /> , '� , . . d fh� Ropwyr P�� a �^N P� d W oonWn.d fn tl� S�aNMY hswnwnt, a (b) �nW of �N+dp�n.�u�nla�okw � �Y <br /> ' .r ' g� .•' in�l. Thos�oondlYon�w th�t 8ortowr: l�)P���►dl wn�s whleh tlNn waYd h�dw undw uw 8�airMY In�kunw�t �nd tM <br /> �� � � Nob s� M no �oo�Mon hsd ooaxndt (b) � �Y �* �NY othw oovr�anlf�:�1��WWS wah �alion �� Lrndu nMY <br /> � �n1„oir,O p,M s.o„rity Inswn�N� Inaud+na� a,Q na wmit.a a. n..on.a+. attom.�r� - <br /> - - . -� - - - - rM�otwbiy nquin W uwn th�t th� 9m ol thb 8�ewMy Insowmnt� I.mda's tiphu In th� PropM'ty se�d Borrow�r'� ob�Ap�i4^�t �nd th� _ °- <br /> ` �. . ' � wnw ��ow�d bY Ihis 8�awl�► In�Yummt �hN aonUnu� wiclw�p�d. Upon rNnWt�nl by Bortow�, tt�h 8�oiwNY <br /> ' " � obq�tlon� s�ow�d h�r�by �hY rwn�Yi WM dlwth'�a q no�aod�Uon h�d 000uR�d. How�vw. Ihls iqht lo�ImLt��h�l not�pply b <br /> . � ---�, <br /> . iM aW of�ooMwMlon undrr W�Yr�Ph 17. --�_- <br /> � ��. SM� d Not�; Ch�n� 01 Lo�n S�rvic��. Th. Na. « . �w „,«..� h u�. �. n�«n« „� w. s�rr <br /> . �. InspwuMnl) m�y a sold on.« mon tlm�s wMhout qbr notM� to Bortow�r. A W� rtry nruN In. dwnp�in IM�ntMy poic�wn u tM <br /> � ,� •Lo�n Swvlar') th�t oaMob monlhlY P�Y�ts du�w�d�►th�Not��nd thb S�cwilY In�trun�nL TMr�Nso m�y b�oM a mon alw�p� <br /> . 0�ltl� �Otfl$NY{OK WN�1b 10 �t�l�O�lhf NOU. I�1�1��3��Q� 0�1�I� �OYI$�IVIGf�80f10M/f M/��N �YMI WI�IIMI f101�C�O�1�1� _ <br /> ,� oh�np�in scoordmc� wtlh p�npraPh 14�hov��nd �pplicabM law. Th� noUa rvi sut�th� n��nd�ddnrs ot th�nwiv I.o�n 8wvlar <br /> md th�addrM� lo whWh p�ynwnU should b�m�d�. Tha noUcs wIN alw aonWn�ny olh�►fnlamatlon r�quind by�ppYo�bi�I�w• �,�,r- <br /> 20. H�zWdous 8ub�ncq. Barowr sh�M not oaus� a pwmit th� prq�no�, us�, di�Pusal� ato�p�. a nlNa� of am► <br /> .� H�sudous 8ubst�nca on �x b tla P►oprAY. Barow�r shaA not do, na�iow�nyan�Ns�to da. �nYthM�Y �atYq th�Pr'apKtY tluit is In i.L_- <br /> . vloMtlon ot my Ersvirorumnbl Law.�o�dino two�rnbnc�s.hall not�pply to Ih•pra�na� uu. «stanp�on tl»P►ap�ty a smv <br /> . to namd n�ldnril usw �nd W e�at 2F� ----. -__-- _ <br /> ., WmWMs of Has�rdous SubsbncM thst �n q�n�nMY ncopn@�d b b� �ppropritl� <br /> . ��. <br /> Bartoww shY pramptll►9iv� L�dw w�Mlon not{c� of�ny Nvatipdbn. dum, d�nd,l�wwit a olh�r �wliw�by �ny yorwnnM�W a �_- _ _�_�_�--- <br /> ��t�Y �aY a P*�b pWty Imolvinp the Prap�ty�nd�ny Hatardous SubsLna a Env�W law al whbh BoROwo►ha aa3w1 . - <br /> Imowbdp�. Y Barow�r M�ms. w b notHNd by any yov�nm�nW ar�put�torl►wthorNY� that �ny nmovd or oth�r nm�tion of anY �l.�e�r�_ <br /> la n�aswry� Bartowr sh�l prompllY ��,,:ti,.=. �- <br /> . .. Hwr�dous SubsLna� aM�o1N�p th� ProVMY �a lak� Y n�ass�y nrtNdtl aatlons in �000rd�no� wNb �y.-- <br /> �, <br /> • • EnvironnNnqllaw. <br /> � As us�d in Ihls p�ra0►�Ph 20. 'Fl��rdous Subsfanca' �n thus� subst�nc�s d�lfnd u toxla or fw�rdous wbsqnas AY <br /> ,., Envlronm�nW Law �nd Ih� fotowinp wbsunus: �soNn�. krosen�, othx t�rmu�bt� a to�a pMrolam poduds. toxla pat{ddrs and 's..:.-.-,.�. <br /> �..rJ,,:�-- <br /> . ., . hMWcld�s. �ol�tlN salvwits, m�twids eonukdny �ebestos a fomrld�hyd�� �nd radiwclhr� mat�is. /u us�d h Ih{s paraqr�Ph 20. -- — <br /> 'Enrirp�m�nW• rnMm t�d�ral I�ws �nd lawa o/ ih� MuisdlcUon whK� tM PropatY le boat�d th�l ►� to h�MF�. tawtY a _ <br /> ' «wkonnNnW proUafion• <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortow�r�nd LandK 1uAh�r covenant�nd�prw�s IoNows: - <br /> � 21. Aaa�l�atlon; R�m�dl��. L.�ndK shall �tv� eotia� to Borrow�r prlar to �caN�rdion tollowinp ' <br /> Barow�r's bn�ah of any eov�nsnt or apn�mm+E i� tiiia �acu�3ty la�rtss:tese!{�tst nat p►tor tQ �ec�braHan =----_—_ - <br /> _ __,:.:_. <br /> � und�r puapraph 17 unt��s appliaabls law pravld�s athrrwlw). 1'h� natic�shall �pool(y: (�1 th� d�f�ul� <br /> (b) th� �otion roquir�d to cur� 1h� d�ul� (c) • dN�� naR I�w than 30 days trom th� d�t� th� noNc� is � ., <br /> ' plv�n to Borrowor, by whlah th�. dohult�munt b� curad; and (d) that faillur� !o cur� th� dohuR on or ',:�.t��r,'=�'=- <br /> botoh th� dat� sp4c11isd In tho notice msy nsult,in�aocaloridion of th� sum� sacur�d by this Socurfly ; �,�:',.`'�y� <br /> �`;.,.,:, <br /> Inatrum�M and sal� of th�Proporty. 1'h� nottco ahdl fuMhor intorm Borrow�r of th�ri�ht to rolnstdo attar �' � <br /> accobratlon �nd th� ripM to brinp a court,aotion to ass�rt tiw non-�xistonc� of � d�fAUR or �ny oUwr � :�:_, <br /> d�fons� ot Bonowar to aaaolaralion and B01e. If th� dofault is not cur�d on or bNor�th�dat� sp�cifl�d � n^--� � <br /> ; In th� notic�, L.�ndar At tts optlon may requin Immadid� paymont in iull of �11 �ums s�cur�d by th�� • _ <br /> � S�curity Instrumont without further damand ancl may Invoko the powor of�ab and anY othor r�madbs . <br /> � � p�rmNtod by �pp��aobls law. Londo� shall M ontitlod to colloct all �xpons�� inou�r�d In pursuinp th� <br /> � . r�m�di�i p�ovidod in�1his pa►apraph 21� includin�� but not limtt�d to, r��son�bl� a�lormys'h�s a+d cwb Y . -- _ <br /> • of titl� �vidonce. ��� •.-_` <br /> H th� ppwp� of sN� i� Invokad, Trustoo ahd� r�cord � notic� of dofaulf in ��oh county in whiau b: ••� ,;�, <br /> . p�t of th� Prop4rt�► is locatod and shall mail copi�a of such nMico in th� m�sn�r pnso�ib�d by�pp .,' ",'w;:�`°-� <br /> � law to 8orrow�r �nd to th� otho► porsons pro�crib�d by applicablo law. ARor th� tim� raqui�ad by , ' T <br /> apptla�bl� Isw� Trustaa shall qtv� public nofic� of salo to th� porsons and in th� m�nnor pr�scribad by <br /> oppllcabla law. Trusto�. without damand on Borrowar� shall soll tho Proporly at public auctlon to thv <br /> hidh�st Wddar at th� tlma and placo and undor tha tarma doelpnatad in tha notico of aato in ono or moro <br /> , p�►cds �nd in sny ordor Trustao datonninos. Tru�t�o m�y poatpono wl� of all or any psrcol of tho .. . , <br /> � � � Prop�rty by public announcomant at th� timo and placo of any proviously achadulod ssl�. L�ndor or ita , <br /> daaipno�mry purchas� tha Proporty at any sala. , <br /> , Upon �acaipt of paymont of tho prico bid. Trusto� shall dapvor to iho purchaoor Trustoo's dood <br /> convaylnp th� Proporty. Th� �ncital� In tha Trustoo's daad shall tw prims fs�clo ovidanco of th� truth of <br /> � tha stat�mer�ts m�d�tho►ofn. Tructao shall apply tha proceods of tha salv In tha fdlowin�ord�r. (a)to sll <br /> • cos4s and oxpo�aos of oxvrcisin� tho powor of wl�. and the sala. includinp th� p�ymont of th� T�ustoa's <br /> f�o�actually Incunod. not to oxaeod "* % of tha princfpal amount of th�noi� at tho tima of tho <br /> � � daclaratioa of dofault� and raa�onable attornoy's faea as pormittod by law; (b) to all sums wcurad by thia • <br /> • S�curity Instrumont; and (c) any axaoas to th� porwn o� porsons logally onUtlad to R. <br /> . 22. Raconvayanco. Upon payment ot eM sums secured by thia Secwity I�strument, Lender �holl roqueat Truateo to �eeanvey the <br /> � propwty and aA�A aumnd�r this Security Inst�ument and oll notes evldenGng debt necured by thb Security Inatrument to T�ustee. Trustee <br /> � � ' eh�p rcconvey th�Property wHhout wartrnly and wNhout charye to tho person w Pereons�e9arY enUUed�0 8. Such penon or pers°^s ahall <br /> ' � ' p�y my rocordatlon co�ta. <br /> 23. Substituta Tru4too. lender, at its optlon, may hom tkne to Ume remove Trustee�nd appolnt a successu Wstee to eny <br /> Tms�w amoMt�d hwaunder by an Inatrument recorded In the couMy In whlch ihis Secu�ity Inatrument Is recorded. Wdhout convayencv ol <br /> th� PropMty, auccessor t�uatee ah�U aucceed to dl 1he iRle, power and dudes conlened upon 7rustee herem ana oy�pqcabie ww. <br /> � 24. Roqu�st for Noticas. Borrower requesta thtl coples ot tha notlees ol delauft and alo be sant to Bortaww'f�ddnsa whlch <br /> I� the Proparly Addtesa. <br /> 25. Rld�n to this Socurlty Inatrumont. II one a more rldera are executed by Borrower md recorded topether wNh thls <br /> Sec�xity IntWmmt, th� cown�nla and oqreementa ol each such rlder shaA be Incorporeled Inlo and sh�A amand �nd aupplement the <br /> co�:ensnta ertd npreement!c+f thi•Rwcu►ity I�etrument�s N Ih�►ider�s)were�p�A ol thla Saewity Inttivtnent. <br /> +► �}LI.Q�IABI.E IA�Qt STATE I.AW. <br /> I <br /> .�� . 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