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<br /> �`'.t � .� �' �..
<br /> I' •u�• V' .ei_JA:�r�1111L:�W.l.��u'.1 . Y.F..
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<br /> ; �, • �„ , not b wta�d tM iwxYw�n �marM � Nndw lor �NdwdY �Wt�d n�atp�p� b�^ m�Y�+ � �+K�s�saraw �aca�nt uidr Ih�
<br /> Iod�ral Rwl EqW B�tIMnMnI Proo�durM Aot at�074 s��nd�d kan 1Mro W tlnN�1� U.B.C.2101 M s�4('REBPA'). w�lw� anoth�r Mw _
<br /> ',�1•,s<o„�rr�aa�;� .. 1hq�PP�to Iho Funds �ts�I�K � M w� Lr�d�r nMY. M �ny tNn�. ad�ct nd hold Fwids M an�nwixA nol w aoMd tM �
<br /> - Nsw rnounl. Lw�dr nrY �n�M th�rnoint W lund� dw an th� b�N d amni d�ta�nd►w�orabMr MtYn� d Mp�ndwxM o1
<br /> :..
<br /> IutiLr�8so�ow K�ar oY�wwM�In�000�d�no�wMh�PP�M •
<br /> � r
<br /> • • �n Inawrd by�Wdw� �pmaY, N�Inwn�nWMY• a �n1MY lk�fl l��►� N --
<br /> J - ==N,,.-��---�-a=, � � 1'ha Fusds alstll�a Aold !n m bstll�Alon whoe�d�pn�M�
<br /> I.�ndw k woh m Y�iNutlon) a b �nY F�al Fian�Lwn Bmk. L�ndn�h�M�pply th�Funda W pry tM Esaow B�ms. landw m�y aol °—=--T-_-
<br /> . . , . ' ' chrp�Baroww fa hol�ny�nd�pplyiny th�Fu�,�rww�MY�nY�rsin0 Ua aarow Rcoow'N�a vwYylnO Ih� E�aow It�nM.unlMS L�ndu
<br /> ,' .. ��°.'� - ,. p�ys gpro�,w IMr�t on th�Fund�a►d�p�bU taw pwrt�t� Lendr to m�ka weh• eh��. How�vv.L�nd�r m�Y r� 8a►ow�r 10 �_--�,-�----�-•_:
<br /> � °,�'"��., pry�on�tNn�aha►q�ta�n Mid�pmdwd tNl�taW Nut nPorthO�«'�uad by L�ndR M �otfon wkh tf�lo�n�unlM��ppYo�hM Iw+
<br /> , . n pra,w.. ou�uwis.. unl... .n syr.wmnt h �n.d. ov .ppYoY�l. I�w nqWr« int.nat a b� p.w. undrr .n.M not be nqur.d to wr --
<br /> � .. „ gorrowv�ny InUns!a Mrt►wW�on th�Fund�.Bartow�r md L�nd�r n�y�pn�b w�kNq,hbwaw.th�t k�tw�st shr b�pdd on Ih�Fund�.
<br />�. ,
<br /> Undu sh�N pN�to 8aroww.wNhout ehWY���n �rnual�ountYW of th�Funds�showN�p endNs�nd d�blt�to Ih�Fund��nd tM pupw�
<br /> " la whl�h Mah dM�lt to th�Funds w�s m�d�. fi�fund�w pl�dp�d w�d6tlonv��a+rMY tar d wm�s�ound bY thls S�aNNY In�trunm4.
<br /> H th�Fund� htld by l�ndu �xaNd th��mounts prnnllbd to b� hNd by appYcabN Uw. Und� aIW �ccaunt to Bamw�r 1a th� � - ,
<br /> � , ��Funds b�000�d�nc�wkh th�nqu�ts°��PPOe�bM Mw. N th�anount d th�Funds h�W M► Und�r�t�nfl�k not wlAdwit
<br /> � ' . �P�Y th�Esorow(I�ra wh�n dua� UndK m�y so notNy 8ortowrr In wrNinp, and� In woh oss�BortowK shY WY���L«idw'e soM -
<br /> . � n�awy b nMk� up th�dMciw�ay. 8arowM � m�k�up Ih� d�d�noy In no mon th�n hvohr�manthlY WY�^
<br /> ' . . . �0f�. Fundt Mld by
<br /> � � �P� P�Y�t b IuA of Y wms s�wnd by Ihfs B�awNY InsUum�nt, L�ndr�1ia1 pramplN nlund to BortowK a�ry -- -
<br /> ... ° Lw�dw. N.ued�r p�rayraph 21.L�nd�►sh� �quY+a �th�Prop«ty. Lmd�r.Prlor W Ih�acqul�Nlon a�aM of tM P�opNtY.dW�ppb
<br /> �r Funds hNd by I.rndr�i th�Wm of�cqul�llon or esl�n�a�dM�y�ind lh�sums �ed by tl��aauityr InsqumeM. _ .LL - ---- -
<br /> ' 3.Applloatlon d Payln�nts. unlMS �ppYcabN I�w provtdn othwvb�. al pay�n�nb na�M�d by Und�r und�r p�raqniphs t�nd ��:•:-e-
<br /> • du�undw the Not�� s�cond. to amou�is p�y�bM undw Wayr�Ph 2�Ihfrd to M�wt �:--
<br /> 2 tIW b��ppY�d: Ilnt, to�nY Pr�W1R�� �9� --_-
<br /> dw;lowih.to prinolpd du�� �nd lut,to�try�N ahu9�s dw und�r iM Noi�.
<br /> 4. Ch�r�si U�n�. BorrowK ahtll p�y �I hxw, �uaunmts� dw►Yes. th�s md Nipwltion
<br /> s aUfhwbl�to th�PmpNty whtoh �•��`-'"�_'
<br /> .. nyy�thin piaNy ovr thls S�adty InsWmont,+�nd IMS�hotd paymenis a qround nnts,M airy. Bortow�r shal p�y th�s�abR�tlans N tM
<br /> m�nnK provid�d In pua0raph 2, a H not prd In that rtwwwr, Buroww�haY p�y th«n on tMna dk�W to th� pwaon aw�d paynMn4 �i;��:_��±'.
<br /> Bor►owu shal promptly tumbh to L�ndw d notk�s of anounla to b� p�id unCa thb puapraph. If 6artawr m�k�s th�Pa�
<br /> � , dM�clly,Bortow�►sh�prompW lumish to lend�►nceipts widrndn�th�p�pn�nb.
<br /> Baroww�hal prompW dbahuq��ny Qm whkh ha pb�iry ovr this S�wrHy InaUuin�nt w�Mss Barow�r: (�) �y�s In wrltlnp to th� ,
<br /> p�ynNnt of th�obMWilon �au�d by th�Y�n h �m�nn�r accpUbN to Undw; N)coM�sts In qood faNh th�Wn bY. a d�f�nds �Inst ti .
<br /> • ---._-_- -__ �nloroMnml oi lh�Wn in,Ip�l P►acMdinY+ wiwoh in ih�Lwui:r'c r,pinbn opzraW 2a pravea!the attSacess�ent d the Y�n; a(o) s��trom =-- -
<br /> � th� hold�of the INn �n�pr�n�nt s�tkqctory to Lend�r suhordkiatlnp ih�A�n to this S�auity Inspum�nt. q L�ndar d�tMmin�thtt�ny
<br /> {wt of tM� Prop«ty b wbJ�ct to �Ila�wbich m�y�ttaMi prfo�ly ov�r Ihis Secudty Inttn�t L�ndrr m�y yN�BarowK�notid IdwitNY1�Y
<br /> th�Wn. 8orrow�r sh�Y aristy 1h�Wn or tak�on�or mon ol tM adbns ut forth abov�wilhin 10 d�ys ol lh�pNNq of noYe�. ,
<br /> ,:,Y.}�'...
<br /> � . .I..:• •.;•: .• 'i
<br /> S. Hazard o►Prop��iy Insuranc�. Barower ah�M keep ih� MprovMmnts now exl�tlnq a h.n�t.r .na.d on t�e Prov�Y -.
<br /> � Imund �p�inst bss by fln� hwrds Induded wilhln th�term 'exlaxl�d cavKape' md my other h�ards, fnd�dinq 1loods or Ibodlnp, la �.• . .
<br /> whiah L�nd�r raquke�insur�na. Thls Inwranee sh�N bs malntafn�d In th�amounts�nd for ih�pwiods th�t L�ndw nqukp, Th�inaurana
<br /> O�RIM �OVIdI11Q 1h� (11WI�fIG 6INN b0 ehoaen by Bortower eubJect to Lender's �ppror�l whkh ehaN not M unrwson�bly wllhheld. Ii �� . �..:� .`.,,_«�i��"_
<br /> 8ortow�r IaNs to m�hWn cova�ape datxib�d �bovo, L�nd�►mey,�t UndK's aption.oDWn eov�nps to probat L�nd�r's dphts In th� �, •-."
<br /> P�op�Ay b accorduro�wNh p�rayraph 7. ' .
<br /> . pr hs�ti�polblsi�nd ronwv�ls�hall be �ccept�bl�ta UnWr ond sh�Y Inciude�st�ndud morty�ye dauss. Lendw shd havs th�
<br /> . �ipht to hald ihe poYclas and ronawals. If Lendw nquk�s, Bor►ower ehaq promptly qlva to Lenda�II raceipts oi p�id pnrnMMns�nd nnew�l
<br /> . notk�s. In ihr event o1 bsa,Bortoww shall qive prompt nmla to th� inwrana c�rl�►nd Landw. L�ndK tn�y m�ke Prooi oi bs�q not , y:A.:j+-r
<br /> , . rtyd�pramptly by Bortoww. °t::;--._-
<br /> Unlas Lmd�r �nd Bonower oth«wis� ��re�In wrlUnq� Inaurance Proeeeds ah�ll be appllad to rnloratlon cr np�ir o1 th� PropM/y c.=_;�.�•
<br /> • dmuyed, N Ihs n�toraHon a ��pak la econornlcaYy 1MSible �nd Le�dw's sacu�ly le not lese�n�d. II th� rosto�tlon or rp�k b aot ' , rS::t'•"r:�
<br /> ��:y�?-�;,
<br /> , . �ewia�edy faaibl�a LendK's e�ourity would b�less�ned,th�Infurance proc�adi alwp bs appYwl to ths wms aaaund by thls S�w�ity , .
<br />' ' • Instrum�M, whelher a not thm dua, wllh any excess pdd to Borrovrer. tl Bortowa abndans the Ropehy. a doas�oi mswK wilhin 30 :`:• ,.
<br /> • d�ys�noUc�trom UndK lh�t tho Nsuranc�ca�r has ofl�nd to settl��cla4n. then Lenda m�y coll�ct the Nsuanc�procNds. Und�r 4.�"'��
<br /> m�y us�th�procNds to rep�k a restoro th�PropeAy w to p�y aums saund by this Saourity Instrunwnt, whMM►or not lh�n dw, Th� ;:°. ���
<br /> 3p�y pwlod wW bpin wh�n ih.nouca is yiv«,.
<br /> Untas LandK�nd Bortower othawbe�yrea In wrltinq, any eppllcatian o1 proceeds to prinelpal shM not exlend or postpont the du�
<br />' d�ta ot the monthly paymente referted to in pvayrapha 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount d the paymenls. If undx puapnWh 21 the PropeAy
<br /> � Is acquired by Lendar, Bortower's�ight lo any I�aurenc�polidea end proceeds resulUng 6om dem�ye to ihs Propaty priar to th��equisiqon
<br /> � sh�1 p�sa to Land�r to the exlenl of the nume aecured by thla 3ecwqy InsWment Immed4tey prbr to the�cqulsition.
<br />' • ' 8. Occupancy, Pr�s�rvation, Maintonanca and Protactlon of th� Proporly; Borroww's Loan
<br />� + i AppliCatfon; I.o�wholds.Borrower sh�Y occupy, ast�hliah, and uae the Property�s Bortower's princip+l resitl�nce withN aixly d�ya .
<br /> • aher ih� uteation of thle 3ecurity InaUumant and ehaY continue to occupy the PropeHy aa Bortower's prindpal resldenca lor�t leaat one
<br /> i yeu oftar tha date oi occup�ncy, unleae Lender otherwise ayreea in writing. whieh eonaent a1wY not be unrNSOnably wllhhaW, or unlesn
<br /> � uctmwUny akcumst�nces exiet which are beyond Bortowa's conird. Bartower shUl not de�troy. d�maqa or Nnpak the Property, albw the
<br /> Proprty to d�twloraN, a eommit w�ste on the PropeAy. 6orrower ahall be In deleuR A any forfefture acUon or proc4ed(nq,whMher dvil or
<br /> crYnkid. Is bpun ihN In L�ndar'a good f�ith�udgment could result In foAeitur�of the Property or otharwiso matalaYy knpdr the Ilen aeated
<br /> 1 by thb Sacwiry Inatrument or lendar'a eeciMty Intereat. 8orrower may cur� such� dN�ull and reinalat�,es providQd in parayraph 1B, by
<br /> r�uslnn th� �edon or Drocaedin9 ie be dsmisaed wflh a niNng that. M Lender'a yood IaHh datem�inatian, precludea forleiture o1 the
<br /> . _- Bortow�r's intanst In th� Prope�ty or other materlal Impakmw�t of �he tien ueatod by Ihls 3eeurily Inat�umenl or lenaer a secumy imer.si.
<br /> � Bortower sh�N alao b�In delault N Bortower.during lhe loan�pplicallon procesa, g�ve m�teri�Ay INa�or In�ccurate Inlomytlon a atatemmts
<br /> to Lend�r (or t�Y�d to provlde Lender wqh �ny m�terfal f�lomullon)In connacUon with ihe Iwn avidenced by Ih� Not�. Including, but not
<br /> Mnited to, npreienutions conceminp BoROwK's occup�ncy ot the Propeity �e a prindpal rcsidence. If this S�curNy Intbument la on •
<br /> i bas�hold. Barow�r ah�N compy with dl th�provlalone oi the leane. II 8onower�cqulrw fa�Utla lo Ihe Property, the le�sehdd �nd Ihs
<br /> � faa ifik chaC no!mrrys untaa the lender e�la the mwg!.in writing.
<br /> Peq• 1 ot 5 Form J�170 9iR1
<br /> Ft0�9.1M6(/N�)
<br /> l �
<br /> . �'? IlY1WN1Sl!] _ . .. . . ..
<br />