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��5� �T . ;.4i -- �����J� ?�I }t� �'w �5 i�' ; ��...-.. q 5i t7SY1@tllE!'. _ <br /> �' � �I.ti;�' �t� 'Atli4�P]Y�' <br /> �. ' ��`� <br /> �r��. �'Liils�et ']h...�L�___.�. <br /> ' <br /> _ -�. i� ' . � , � <br /> ._ .—_. .�.� ._u.... ..��-�.----"..e-...-..'-_,_".". -_�_�._., <br /> ^"�`1�f� ' f +t� - . . . -_. _ <br /> ����" .,, ''wra,�• -" '_ ,.-"--_;.� <br /> '::�; ' • ��.yr"/;���'��f �. `��, - <br /> ,,. � <br /> i '3��.�.�:�..i .e..,. �---.•:.- <br /> � <br /> _- — <br /> ,,��-� - .. -- •� --_ -- <br /> :�� ._. - - --- .. ��_.� <br /> ,�--;�9� . � - <br /> __ _-_ _ ADJUSTABLE RATE R1DER 92 n <br /> — �`�'�'�-� � . U YarTreaWUy Indwc•RateC�psl ` 1,Q��.R7 <br /> -•--°..___:._�r.y:c,s •• <br /> �,-Y-�.z.;aro`a��� Mav .w 92 �_.__. <br /> " THIS ADJUSTABLE AATE RI�EfI i�m�de Ihl��1._d�y of ' <br /> -�'`'�-'°'�� �nd is fncorptwa�d inta�ad ihail be dxnxd to�mend�nd wppkmmt�ho Mon{�c,Deed nf'Trost.a SecurUY�d phe"Secu►ity Insuumrn�"1 of <br /> - �=:� ;��. <br /> - �At uma dqe pven 6Y tAa undKSitneJ p�°���o`rn")�o securc&�rtowa's Adjus�abk Rue Nou(�he"Nae")l01lQ�$�jDERA1J�Mf10 <br /> _�'e.,,a,. .. . � �,�Q(�b�"I.mder"1 of t6�waa�k+tt and caverin�ihe Pr�pe+tY dKCrlbed in�M S�cuHty lau�umeat u�d located W: � ,--. <br /> �it�i.�Y_k.'L�'� •c <br /> ��".!'T.��`rLS7�4�"'" �Sf�� Jt�q�a`Ch Road� 7(1�8�1d 18181x7� TVeb1aB�C$ 688�� � �,.. - - <br /> � -'"—"'-"'— �Propeny Addras) <br /> �'l�Y"'e'. _�ti�.�... !�•' <br /> " ..yti TMi��ote eo�1a1� Pro�Mlor�Wowl�t fa ch��a Ir�wy I�tensl rnte ��d �y nia�iMly <br /> .,��.s��'.,�: <br /> ��'�.,;;�.+ � • pYwc�ls.rM�.■o� uw�u�r...o�ri a�y i.uro.��aa cu ew�t•.��■r o�e uae.Na <br /> .a: .� ,•��R u1w IM IMWINI�ad IM�ntt I�wsl p�y. <br /> .n.:;; �w ----- <br />� � °' . <<.�F_` ^ `��• <br /> ... y ADDITIONAL COVBNANT3.In�ddition to tho corenanu rnd w�reemenu made In the Recurity I�u�rument�Bonowa�nd t.enda - <br />;:���, +:,:�, ;u�.K;i turthet covaw►t and iyree as tollowa: —- <br />�- L`YW-: .. • . �. - --- <br /> , i b A, �MI'0t sI'BT M7E ANO MONTHLY PAYMENT CNANG45 -- <br /> ,JS;;�,��-.,- � �7,e N,xe nrovides for m iN1i�!interat ate of B.0 �.Seciia►0 of�he Note provida for ch�nQa in the intercst ate and tha <br />���' . ' ;o�' moathlY P�Y��n faUow�: <br />� � Y b �, /lV7'EREST RATE AND MONTHLY PA 1'Af�IVT CHANaES �--� <br /> ,.. .. '•� . (A) CYn�eD�w --- <br />�+ .. .;�. .rmv ,i9 93 .andanlhatd�yevay �..�: <br /> � • The inlerat Ate 1 will p�y may chanQe on the flrst day o( . �1(�y'�y,.i. <br /> � ' 1? momlu thetafte►.Each datc on which my interat rate codd ch�nQe is calkd a"Chm�e Oate.' ��;i:;..;,.,, <br /> ay5' ' � R <br />�c•- - - .�y `�y iTVi��;,•�i <br />� .. - - � , ,� 1�� ■w��� .V'.\v.11:�':,_ <br /> '•�� ' • Be�innin�a�ith tMe fi�s1 ChanQe Daie,my intercst rate wfU be Da�ed on an I�dcx.The"Index"fs the wakly avcTa�te yield on United Stma *z� <br /> „�.�,,, �i::::__ <br />�;,,i.'� � �. " d ..,' Treasury securi�ia adjusted to a constont mAwdty oi 1 year,as made available by the Federal Rame Board.The mat raent Inde�c R�ure a" <br /> t,t.. <br /> ���_�'�:- <br />�, �. �"•'`.�.°' ' f av�ilable at of the d�te 4S days before each Chan�e Date ii calkd the•'Currcnl l n d ex.° «�_:_�-- <br /> 1�,;. ° • If the Indeu is no lon�er available,the Nma HoWer wIH choose a aew iudeu which i�based upon compuabh iafornution.The Note `"��'' <br />- • HolOer wiU�ive me notke of Ihis choia. <br />�;;,'- , -- <br /> l • ' lC) C.akwl�do�o(CM�qa - <br />;5-__ •.,.1•:«' ..,5;:.=- ��:. <br /> Threc as►d One—half rccacaQc <br /> ` 8ofom each Cpaa�e Da1e,the Note Holder wfll calculate my new mterest rate Dy addin� ik � '- <br /> . • '' �nu( '�-5 �li)to the Curcent Inda and rounding to the nearat 1/Bth of 14i,subJcet to the Ifmits stated in Seclion 1(D)below. <br /> �,�•.. �..< <br /> , �:r,••<�t :,:H: ,, This rounded amount wfll be my new interat rate until the nex�Change Date. �+..-:�- <br /> ' �'i;;i1���r.n . <br /> ;„�i1;. The Note Holder wiU�hen determine the omount of�he monthly payment that would 6c sufGcien�to repay in fuU the pdncipal 1 am <br /> owe on that Chan e Date in subs�an�ially equal p�ymems by the maturity date at my new fnlerat rata'i'he rault oi thk calculallon �, "�V. <br /> .r. ' ' . . expect�l to a <br /> � •' will be the new amount of my monthly payment. — <br /> . .,:. .. . � <br /> • ' . , • .. . . (D/ [.IduonlrteralR�leCh��Ra _ _� <br /> ' The fnterat rate i am required to pay at �he first Chongc Date will not tx greater than 10.00 N� or less �hon -°--- <br /> +• ' � �_hi.Thercafier,�ny interat rate will never be incceased or decreased on any single Change Date by more�han � c—- <br /> � %. ��� �� Q�� t�om the rale of interat 1 have becn puying for�he prec e ding twe lve mont hti.T he menimu m i n t c r a t r a t c o n�his laan will never be €:f':-�_�____ <br /> � , . ���l�f'{i;y':� �� r�,�_�ond thc ma�cimum interat ratewill never be grcattt than�_.� 'h. �,,;�,--- <br /> :. rY`t�i:y:.y�i1�'�1� oa,cc. <br /> ;�f�,•;t�(.����, .,�•,'. (B) E11ec1ive D�te otCps�Ra ���,:-:;- <br /> '�;�`,�`�f�;`.'-`� : My new intetat rate will become etkctive on each C'hange Date.I will pay the amount uf my new munthh�puyment be�mninQ on Ihe frst <br /> , ,.. <br /> �"r monthly paymtnt date ofter�he ChanQe Date umil lhc amoum of my monthly paymen�chan�es aQain. ��`l' �"- <br /> . •F ..�„ �1..:�___. <br /> . , , �' .;.;,c: `` 5�' <br /> ", ;:itt �FI NOqct Of C6a��lf - .- <br /> 'ti ��'�" The Note Hotder will mafl or delivcr to me a noNce before cach Change Data The notke wfll advise me oF: �"='�_--- <br />;,. . .. c..;����. <br />� .. (i) the new internt rate on my loan as o(�he Chonge Date; �M-��_ <br /> . �. (ii) the amount of my monthly paymcnt following the Change Date; �"`.•�'�'�"i� <br />:�; • ` (i{1) �ny additionol motters which the No�e Holder Is required to disclose;and � "'�:_, <br /> i <br /> :�'i;;l"'' �ivl tAe addras o(tne assaciation you couW contact re�erdin�eny quesdons aboui the ad�ustment notice. ,..�,�� <br /> . �.'-�,;.-^;: <br /> i. <br /> B. CHARGES;LIENS � ' <br /> .. Uniform Covennnt 4 of the Security Inatrument iv amended�o re�d as follows: <br /> � 4.CYvQa:Lkia•Borrower shall pay all taxes,as�essmcros,and other charges,fines,nnd impositions attributuble to�he Property which may . <br /> �tuin a priority over thls Security Iru�rumene,and Icasehold p�yments of ground rents,ff any,in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hermt <br /> , ,.�,��,'-�,�," or,if not paid In such manner,by Bortpwer making payment,when due,directly to�he paYK thereof.Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender <br /> •'�� aU nolkes of amounls due under this parygraph.�hd fn the evem Borrower�tiali makt paymem dlrectly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to , <br /> „ ,. �: s.�;.' � <br /> lxader recelpts evidencing sueh payments. 8orrower shall promp:ly discharpe any fien which has priority over thfs Security Instrument; <br /> 1 ' �� ' hwuever, Borrower shall na be rcqu�red to discharge any su�h lien.o Ion4 as 8orrower: (a►vhall agra in wnting to the payment of the • <br /> � ' '��'1�'� obliQation secured by such lien in�he manner acceptable io I.ender;(b►shall in gc�d(anh contesl such Ifen by,or detend aga�ns<<ntorcemen�of <br /> . ���•" such Ilen in,kgal proceedings whfch in the op�mon a(Lender opera�e ro prevent the enforccment�it'�he lien or forfeiturc of Ihe Propeny or any <br /> ' part thereof;or(c)shdl secure from the holder of such Utn an agreemem in a form soust'uclon•to I-ehdrr<ubordmatlnp such lien to�ha <br /> Securfty Instrument. <br /> If Lender delcrmines Ihat ull or a�iy parl u(1hc Prupertp n.ub��ti1 to a hen Mhich m:�y attam a pnorily a�•er thn Sccunty Inctrument, <br />. __ . •f..wA ..M�. <br /> Lender shiUl glve tlotrow•er a nonee iaenuiymg+ucn iien. nurraxcr,iiaii+a�i�iy w.i�iicu.,i uwa���e�r.��...,...c:....,���-:........--.... <br /> wf�hin ten dnys o(the QivinQ of the notice. <br /> C. IVUTICE <br /> " Uni(orm Co�enom 14uf the Security In�trument n amend�d w rc�J rs tollow+: <br /> 11. Nolke.Excepl fut an�nuuce reywred under�pphcablr law�u he gi�en m another menner,I.0 am�nouce to Burruxer pro��ded tur m ihn <br /> " ' Stcurity Instromenl shall beg�ven by aeli�enng u ur by maihnR�t b>�Ur�1 cla+i mad Ia Butrowrr at the Nrnpert>AdJre��or a�.uchuii�er aJuir+. <br /> as Botrower ma>�dc+fgna�e by nuhce io I endrr a�pnn�deJ hrrem,and Ihl am nuuce�a 1 ender+hall he K��en by�lird�la�+mrd�u I�nder'. <br /> address stoteJ hercin or tu w.h o�her addrr+s a�LenJer ma}Je.�gou�e hv nau.e tu N��rrowcr,r pru�iJeJ hcrrm Am nuu.r pn•�iJrd 1��r�n th�. <br /> �� • Security(nstrument�hall be Jecmed to hg�e heen pi�en to Borr.•wer or!endcr W hrn gi�rn m�hc munner de�iµnatrJ herrm. <br /> c <br /> . � i ' <br /> __ _ <br /> i . _ _.. . . _ _ . ._.. . . ._. <br />