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<br /> � �,�e b �� ..._..�_ �,' N -
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<br /> � -�---+�- � -- , -..
<br /> •._ ' �- -- .�.�_..-.. - -- '`-- ..
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<br /> �'�- -- -- - ���� ��M'it��� �...,_�
<br /> ��,� �vaP�*:i;??g�; S1 -
<br /> 4�'',•u+�.�,��F . Od�d1f M�t�M• ��k bY Trusta in th�papnNnt of a pKtamanc�of th�tKna and caditions of _ -
<br /> ` 11.A�IM�AiM Y/M
<br /> ���'�•.�,t�k� ,��,. .:� tli�NoU, ar m1►r�wals,modilicadons a��t�nsiais th�nof,a tlr porm�nt of my oM�r G�bt�dmss acund f��b�r a in th�prrfarmonn
<br /> -5�::'�',.���-�=-�,i.°,; o}ahr of th�conwaams a apran�ns Mr�d�►.6�fkiory may d�cb�all wms s�ca�Mnb�imn�diat�yr dw ond payabM ad tM san» _.
<br /> - -'�" � � ,dnnond�0►ot�st a notk�of onr kind.Th�nafiK.B�fkiory mor ddivK to
<br /> .'�y�`�„� �I�oM t1M►wpan bcan�du�and parabM without Pns�mm�n1
<br /> �'•��''=-.:. .e:.,��, Truslw a writt�n dakxmia�of d�fait and d�nard fa ioM.Tnntw slnll how tl»powK of saM of tM PrapKty ad if B�fkiary d�cid�s th�
<br /> ,��:.. ;�. '�. .,+�'. • --
<br /> proprrtp is to b�sold it slwll dposit with Trust�this D�d o1 Trust and tf�Not�or notQS and ary othK documiMS�vid�nting�xp�ditu►�s
<br /> _ :' '�-�'T'„�- - , �,i,�k�i,y,r�d shall delivar ro Tnntee a w�itt�n notiu of d�faih ad�bction to cas�th�Prap�rty to b��old,ond Trusne,in turn,sholl
<br /> � �: .-;• ,.�. ---
<br /> .:. .:..._ .. ._.... prrpr�o simllor notic�in tM fam r�quk�d by low wl�ith sholl b�dulp fild ta ncard by TnntN.
<br /> ��`" ,� � d (a)A(tw th�lapa of such fimt os map b�nquind bl'�0M/fdbwinp tlw racordotion oi Nattca of Dofoult.ond Notice of Detouh ad Notke of
<br /> �_�__ ,
<br /> t "�`� SoM hwkp brp�yivm as nquind b�r 1ow,TrustN,without dm�ord on Trusta,sholl s�ll th�Prap�rty in om or mon pornls m�d in such ard�r
<br /> r��.��Na���"' ` ` as Ttustor mor d�t�on tM dat�and oi tM tim�and plon d�sipwt�d in said Notic�of Sob,ot publk auction to th�hiylrst Wdd�r,th�pur.
<br /> �,;�,�r j�.,�'`;• chau priu po�ro6M in cosh in lawful nwnqr of th�lMdt�d Stot�s ot th�tim�of sal�.TM p�►son conductirp tM saN mar,fa an�r ccus�h�or sh�
<br /> ' • �s��pdi�nt,postppn�th�wM f�om finN to tinM until it sholl b�compl�t�d ad, in�v�r�r such cas�.notia of postpo�n►shall b�qiv�n
<br /> _�. ,,. by publk drelorotion ti�wf b�such pNSOn ot tM tlm�ad ploc�kst appoiM�d fa tlw sab: provid�d,if tM saN is postpmnd for lorg�r thon
<br /> .;'�°•' �•o t:`.. - .. at�(1)dol►b�1►�th�day dnipnot�d in tM Notia of Sol�,notk� th�rreof sholl be ylvm in the som�maiwier as tM oriyinol Notk�of Salt. _.�- __- ---
<br /> �-�� � T�ustM sholl�z�cut�ond d�liv�r to th�purcFa��rs OMd com�ylnp Ih�Prop�rty so sdd.but without ony conv�nant or wa►r�ty,�xpnss,a
<br />:=A���� � _ .� " implf�d.Th�ncitats in th�DMd of arnr mottKS a fotts sholl b�cvnclusiv�p►aof of th�1rutMuln�ss thK�of.Any person.includinq without '_- _ .
<br /> ct� . WIIIItO�lOf1 TfIKiN.f110y p11�C�Wf�O�1hf f0�0. • �
<br /> ;� o ,� � �, � (p�,yylwn TrustN sdls purwont b th�powKS Mnin,Trust�e shoN apply th�praNds of th�wl�to po�rmant of th�costs ad expmses of
<br /> -- �xKCishp ih�pow�r of mb and of th�saM,includinp,withoul limitotian,th�pcYmH+t of TrustN's FNS incurnd,which Trustei s F�es shall not � W -
<br /> �i�^ _ ' 9..,. ° M�osprpo�t��xcNd tM foHowlny anwums bas�d upon th� amour►t saur�d hsreby and r«nomirp wipoid� S perc�ntum on the bolonce — -�i
<br /> ,,, , . oip
<br /> : �ac:�-.._�:• � thuwfi and tMn to tl�it�ms s�t fath in subparopraph(d hKeof in the order therein stat�d. �
<br /> • (c)AHK poyirg tht it�ms sp�cifi�d in wbporoy�aph(bl, if Nw sole is b�Trost�e, or the proper court ond othar costs of foroclosun and sate
<br /> if th�sai�is pu►suont to judiciol forKbsur�,th�praeeds of sala sholl be applied in th�ad�r stat�d b�bw to tFN payment of:
<br /> . . ����--
<br /> n , (1) Cost of anr�vid�nc�of titk procu►ed in ca�ction wlth such wt�and of any rerenue required to be paid:
<br /> -: ' (Z) Attortw�s f�sr
<br />- • . r.„ �• �3) ��fW11S 1�1M StCUIQd flll�yi
<br /> . • .. r. (/) Junior trust dMds.mortyopes,ar otM►lienholders;ond
<br /> ' . . „ (S) �r�ind�r.if any,to th�pason a pnsons IpaNy entitl�d thw�to. .�-
<br /> ��~ .�`
<br />,� .. �:....._. . ,-
<br />" (d) If th�B�ficiary of this Oe�d of Trust is a bank as defined by N�b►aska law,an�stotemont contoined in any otlwr sottion of this deed
<br /> . .
<br /> . _ _ .. _ .
<br /> ' • notwithstandirg.the B�neficiary sholl not be ontitl�d to receive o►taico and debra siio�not be obiiyuted sa pay or�iva:acry co�fauicn c i - ��,t,�;ti -
<br /> � ' mrsM,powx of ottorney to confess judpment,power of oflaney to appear for a bormwer in o judicial praeedin9 0►u9ree�+w+t to poy the costs
<br /> • of colbction of the attornays'fees,unless such ats of collsction would not otFierwise be prohibited by Na6rasko law.Provided,however,thot � r
<br />_ ` � ' this sottion does not appl�to the TNStN fa�refened to in paroyraph 6(b1.Provided futMr,thot thls po►ayraph sFall not apply to this Dead of �•�"'• '"
<br /> Trust,If the Beneficiary is not a badc. �-"��,'
<br /> , . � �2, �t�l S�q�h�I�trw�Mts.Trustar,at its expe�se,will execute and dtliver to rhe 8enefitiary.promptl�upon demond,such securi- „•.�
<br /> �:�_;�_::...
<br />' ty instrum�Ms as may be required by Boneficiory,in form and substance wtisfatay to Beneficiory,coverinq any of the Propeny conveyed by �
<br /> ' thfs O�ed of Trust,whkh saurity instnrnents shall be additional security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms,covwiants ond �.x.���
<br /> conditfons of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and any otiwr security instrumQnts executed in connection with this tron• �":-�`^'+�,■-�n=:
<br /> �� ' sation. Such instruments shall be recorded or filed ot Trustor's expense. �1'�'`��
<br /> ���
<br /> 13. A�/�I�f of Srenuo►TnptM. Beneficiary may, from time to time, by o written instrument executed and atknowledged by R�.,'�,�*�r;':��
<br />' ' Beneficiary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county or countNS in which the Property Is(aoted and b�otherwise complyiny with the provi- �,�,•��;�'R,�r
<br /> sians of the applicable lows of the Stota of Nebraska,substitute a successar or successors to the Trustee named herein or ating hereunder. :- ;:r
<br /> 1 r' : ., T.. .
<br /> , 1 q, hq�cliap.Beneficiory, or its ayents,representatives or workmen,are authori:ed to enter at any reasonoble time upon ar in any port
<br /> , �
<br /> �� � " of the Propertp for the purpose of inspectiny the mme ond far tho purpose of pe r forminy any o f t h e a ts i t is au t h roi:e d t o p e rf o r m u n d e r t h e �
<br /> • torms of the Deed of Trust. :. `' �•�����
<br /> ' 15. O'tN�fo Foncka.Upon the acurrence of ony default hereunder,Beneficiary shoQ hove tiw option to fwalosa ihis D�d of Trust in � �''
<br /> »� - ;.
<br /> ' ' the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgayes on reol property. �'�.y� '�" --
<br /> � ,. - �r:.�
<br /> - e - �+� '� 16. F�nMw�a r►�fkMry Mot�IN��r.Any forebearance by Beneficiary in exercising any riqht or remedy hereunder,or othe►wise � � ��»r,,,�
<br /> � afforded by applicable law,shall rwt be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the woiver by Benef'�ciory of � - �M==
<br /> orry dofault of Trustor under this Deed of Trust sholl not 6e deemed to be a waiver of ony other or similar defaults subsequently occu►ring. i
<br /> � • �;• 17. Twrtar Nof R�Mo�.Exfension of the time fw payment or mudificafion or amorti:ation of tlw sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> , �', gronted by BQneficiary fo any sutcessar in interest of Trustor shall not operata to release. m any manner,the liability of the aiginal Trustor and
<br /> � ���'' Trustor's sutcessa in interest. Benefitiary shall not be required to commence praeedings against suth successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> � '��'����;�1 mont or otherwise modify amortizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust b�reoson of any demand made by the aipinol Trustor and
<br /> ':',+,:. .. �� ,
<br /> • trostor's successor in interest.
<br /> ; 18, i�fkt�ry'=�ow�rs.Without atfecting the(iability of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment o(any obligotion here�n
<br /> i mentlonad,and without affecting the lien or chorge of this Oeed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore released os
<br /> . � 1:,: seturity fw the full amount of all unpaid obligotions,Beneficiary moy,from time to time and without notice,(i)releose any person so liable, liil
<br /> ' �i . • . , . extend the mofurity or alter ony of the terms of any such obligations, (iiil grant other mdulgences. (iv)release or reconvey, w cause to be
<br /> relaosed a reconve�ed ot any time at Beneficiary'S options ony parcel.portion or oll of the Property.Iv)toke or releose ony other or additianal
<br /> � saturity for ony abligotion herein mentioned.or lvil make composifions or other arrongements with debtors in retotion thereto.
<br /> 19. Fufun Adv�aas. Upon request of Trustor, Trustee at Trustee's aption pr�or to reconveyance of the Prope.tv to Trustor. moy make
<br /> future advantes to Trustor. Such future advances, with interest rhereon. shall be secured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory
<br /> �_�. _�...0.w.,� ..�... .,,J f�d��.o n�1��nres nnt inrludiro wms ad-
<br /> ���- . — 1Wt@SSfOTif19 tt101 SOiG nOtes are secureo iiereur;N�iiviuev ��n:� u�:����+��..�.�.... ..•..••�-r•�•'�=�r-•• �- - - -- - -- �
<br /> vanc�d to proteCt the security,exteed on aggregote printipol amount of S �
<br /> 2p, �����b�r Twstee.Upon written request of Benef�tiory stoting that all sums secured hereby have been po�d,and upon surrender
<br /> of this Oted of Trust ond the Note to T�ustee far cancellation and retention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee"s fees. lrustee shall
<br /> � reconve�To Trustor,or the person or persons legally entitled thereto.without warranty,any portion of the Property then held hereunder.The
<br /> � recitals in such reconveyance of any mafters or facts sholl be conclus�ve proof of the truttifulness thereof.The grantee m nny reconveyonce moy
<br /> bQ doseri6ed as the person or persons fegolly ennrfed thereiu .
<br /> �
<br /> • i
<br /> �y't
<br /> . '1 r � �r _
<br />