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<br /> � � '^ •``°�.,^.,• � THIS TRUBTOEFA.md�thk 9th d�yol_� �� 1��h�►n��(►�� nnAtl Il. KiAr
<br /> . �.�!�°,' . ond Pamela K. Kjar� hu�band end wifq4�4 �. Nain Street, Wood River, NE 68883
<br /> ... �,.:e _ Nd10N III�YM��ddl�M fL
<br /> ' , .. �, (M►�In"TnNCO►'9t and Ilw���.who��m W irp�ddrw�i�P.O.Box 187,Woad Rivw,IWbrsuYa 88883�(Iwrein"Truste�,�•uid•�B�nalk�luy�y.
<br /> fOR VAIW�tE[ONSIONATION.includbp tlM ind�bt�drrss i�d�ntifird h�r�in ond fh� trust Mr�in u�at�d,fM nuipt of whkh ishK�b� - �_ —
<br /> �.� ', ocknowl�dp�A,T►usta inwaa0l�r qrontc,irm�i�s, canv���,ond ossipns to TnntM,IN TRtJST. WITN POYYER OF SA/E, to�tlr b�Mlt and "� -
<br /> o ': : �piritp of�ikiory,wMMr md wb�ct to tM t�and conditions of this Ond of Trust.�nai aw.►+r e.sc►�e os+o��ows� �_.�-__._
<br /> T,::� ' • The Northerly Furty Feet (40' ) of Lut Qix (b) and the Suutherly Sixty Pe�t --
<br /> � • , � (60') of Lo[ Five (SI in Weet North Lawn Addition to the Village oF Wcaod -_
<br /> - � , River, Nall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � � � . � r.
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<br /> ______ TQ��H��WITH,dl rents. profits.royoltias.i�came ond othar 6enefits derivQd from ihe rQOI proporty:oll leases or subleases covem►q th�
<br /> reol p►op��ty or an�portion ti�eof,now or hereoRer existing or entered into,ond oll right,titb ond interest of Trustor tMreunaer:oii in-
<br /> terests, estot�or otlw►cbims,both in law ond in equity, which Trustor now hos or may fwreofier ocquirv in the reol praperty;all�ouments, �
<br /> riqhts-of-way, tenaments,her�ditom�nts and appurtenances thenof ad thereto; all oil and qos riqhts and profits, woter ri9hts ad woter�
<br /> 7'��•�• ' stak;aU ripht,title and iroerest of Trustor,now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land lyin9 within tha�iyht•of•wo�of any str�et or ` � __�,�_.,_,
<br /> hiqhway adioinirg the real property,any and all buildinps, fixtures, improvwnQnts, and appurteoances now a hKwher enct�d thK�on or '
<br /> „ bslaqinp thereto, (��in referred to as"ImprovemenY'or"Improvements"1; and any and o 11 awards modo fa tM takirp by emi�en�domain
<br /> • ar b�ony p►oceedinp or purchase in lieu thereof,of the whole or ony port of the reol propeny. _ -
<br /> All of the foregoinp estate,proper►q and inter�st hanby conveyed to iruste�hw�in collactively r�fQrred to as tFw"Prapert�".
<br /> (a)Tiw pa�ment of indobtedness evidenced by?rusta's note of eren dote herawith in the principol sum of
<br /> Fiftv-Two Thousand and no1100--------------------_------------���a�s (S_5.2,.QDIIwQO.- �• �.1�•�-=Y==-
<br /> ��• together with intenst at th�rate or rotes provided therein,�herein,together with any and all renewols,modifkations,and extencions tl�eof. }!�� ��T
<br /> , ���:� , , refKr�d to as the "Note")both principol and interest on the Note being poyable in acordanee with the terms set forth therein,r¢ferenee lo �� ;,,
<br /> ��' '�'" which is h�rQby mad�, the find poyment of principal and int�rest,if not sooner poid and if no rmewals,modlfications a�xtmsions a�modQ, �'` ,,.��•
<br /> ' ',,'�. dw ond poyable on Ma� lO, 20 t� -- --- - - - . . . .- ------- -- -- . E �.
<br /> • '��4����:�'';� (b)The performonce of each a��eement and covenont of Trustor herein contoined;ond ' . •
<br /> : ,.
<br /> � '•i�. '���'��• (c)The paymQnt of any sum or sums of money with interest therQOn which moy be FwreoRer poid or odvanced undQr the terms of this DeQd of N,,_
<br /> •��'r' T�ust.
<br /> " " ' � � (d)The payment of any future advances necessay to protect the security a ony future advonce mode ot the option of the porties;and �- �•�?':
<br /> . �:, •
<br /> ; (e)The perfamante of an obligation of any other person named in this Trust Deed to o benef iciary. �
<br /> • 1./q�wwf ef hMd�l w�d Mt�n�i.Yrustor shall promptly poy when due the principal af ard interest on the indebtedness evidented by the
<br /> • . :�����,::" Note, a�all other clwryes ond fees as providad in the Note,ond the principal of and interest on my future Advances secured 6y this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> � . ± 2,Nu+�f�of Thl�. Trusta is lawfully sei:ed and possessed of good and indefeasible t�tle and estote to the Propen�hereby conveyed ond
<br /> ,; �;�.• � , has the riyht to grmt and convey the Property; the Property�s free and clear of oll liens ond encumbronces except liens now of retad:ond
<br /> '�'�-' � Trustor will worrant and defend the title to the Property against all claims and demonds. •
<br /> '"���`,•+'. � 3.M�Y�t��we�wd CqNpIMe�rifh L�w�.Trustor shall keep the Property i�good condition ond repair and sholl not commit woste a permit
<br /> , � impoirment or deteriorotion of the Property and sholt comply with the provisions of nny leose if this Deed of Trust is on a leosehold.l�lo inprove-
<br /> m�nt now or hereofter erecteE upon the Property shall be oltered, removed or demolished without the prior wrirteo consent of Beaefieiory.
<br /> Trustor sholl tomply with all luws, ordinonces,regulations, covenants,conditions and restrictions affecting rhe Property a►d not commlt,suffer
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in wolotion of any low,ordmance. regulation, covenant.condifion or resrrict:e� frustor
<br /> shall tomplete or restore promptly ond in good wo�kmonlike manner any�mprovement on the Property wh�ch mny be damoged or tlestroYed and
<br /> , pav,when due,all tloims for lobor performed and materiols furnished therefore an�for ony alterations the�eof.
<br /> ' 1, Ie�wMa.Trustor,at its expense,will maintain wifh insuro�s approved b�Beneficiary, u�surance wit�respecT�or�e improvemenTS and
<br /> , personal property,constitutinqthe Property,against loss by fire,lightning, torrwdo,and orher perils ond ha:ards cavered by stondordextended
<br /> coveraye endorsement, in an amount equol to at least one hundred percent of the full�eplocement value thereof and insurance ogainst such
<br /> ± ofher hoiads and in such amounts os is customorily carried by owners and operotors of simular prope�ties or os Beneficiory moy require for�ts
<br /> ; protection.Trustor will comply with such other requirements as Beneficiary moy from time to t ime request for the protecti�n by insurarce of the
<br /> interests of tM respettive paties.All insurance policies mointained pursuont to this Deed oi Trust shall name Trustor ond 8eneficiay os�n-
<br /> c�w«Ic, ne tlwir respactive interests mov appear.and provide thot there shall be no concello4ion or modification without no less than 15 doys
<br /> � pria written notifitation to 8eneficiory. In the event ony policy hereunder is not renewed on or before 15 doys prior to�ts ezpirot�on dote
<br /> : Beneficiary may praure such insuronce in actordance with the provisions of poragraph 7 he►evf.Trustor sholl deliver to Beneficiary the orig�nol
<br /> policies of insurance and renewals thxeof or merno copies of such policies ard renewals thereof Failure to furmsh such insurance by Trustor or
<br /> r�n�wals as raquired hereunder shall,ot the option of Benefiaary,constitute o default.
<br /> ��, i
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<br />