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<br /> ��.��..� U YMr Tnstury lada•Rw Gpl —_ =---
<br /> �r''Y�
<br /> __�_:1�:'�'8S.'i° "
<br /> � THIBADJUSTABi.BRATERIDflRbn�d��his �Zda)of �y ..19 9 .
<br /> _=----=::if1°�,_°'� ad im incorpa�ud Into and�h�U be dwmed lo �d and wppkmenl 1M Mar�{ye. Deed of Trwt, rx Sxvrity D�ed(�he •'SecuHty
<br /> � �W ItWrument")of iho s�me dab/iven bY the undeni�ned(tho"Bonowa")io secure Borcower's Adjuu,�bl�Rate Note I�M"Note"1!o MOM6
<br /> -'� �r- , � ' FiBDB L SIWINOS a LOAN ASSOCIATIOM OF OMND I�NO.NES�_Ith�•'l.ender„10(�ht wnt due�ud a°�'�S�
<br /> ~ _ -` orop.nr a�e.a�u�a.s�r��r�aaumau.ne�oa�ed u: �
<br /> ' _:. a ..,
<br /> � am� � 38.i0 Chelses� Plece• Grand Island, Nebraska 88803 �_ — � --
<br /> _ ���t��� (Prap�►ty Addntt)
<br /> ��t`i;�.,t`µ,t+.;_.�
<br /> =�;r.�R;:,1�.?., ,. _
<br /> Tw .ar n..tlr. pvw.�. .wwl.�rw ai.�p. M wa� •a•••� •y •w�wr
<br /> �__�•�..:: . NyMrMI.T�il M4�It�IW N iM vsMlll I�J I�I�e�st�M tY tw�f�t M7 oM 111M Yr
<br />--- ;:t .,. . �110(rf�/�AN IM��Olf�Md/�p.
<br /> . . • . .,;
<br />`-- � : g•:;:^:•.:``�•�� ADDITIONAL COVENAM'S. lo additio��to t4e coveaanq�nd qroanenu msdt in the Securitr liutrun�mt. Rottowa aAd l,endet
<br /> �__. :
<br /> - �.�"::i%� :`, ti , furll�a sovestnt aad a{res as folbwn:
<br />-- p�:.;�•:..•"'. �.: i
<br />"�%;�' .:•;;'r.:...,. °
<br /> ,:., ..
<br />- - ' ...' :: ,.,:,,�,: A. IN7'F�F�1'RATE AND MONi'HLY�AYlNP�1fT CHANGF�
<br /> - � �,; ,�:;r.'.. _ .1�be 1Vote prov(des:or an initial ietaat nte W �-n �Y.Sealoa 4 ot tpe Note provida for clwn�es[n the intcrest rate and tbe
<br />- . -�u,�+%�'.+�� ;• .�f..
<br /> � montNY WYmeu�.a tollo�n:
<br /> ==�-.-�--�--'��? - �- - -
<br />--- - - :�r.��:":_y ._ ---
<br /> }"� .�,,, , �. 1NT6REST R.�1TE AND MONTHG Y PAYMENT CNANQES
<br /> . .:,z,;.. IA1 Cr�eD�qs
<br /> . . `�'-.' 93 and on th�t da ev
<br /> The iaterat rate 1 will ppy maychen�e on the tint day of�lovembei .19 . Y aY
<br />- n 5 ��aol���__WOIII�1fl�IL'fqfllf.P.�chdauonwhichmyintaatntecouldch�n�ti�caUe��"C�IIQQ�IQ.�� --
<br /> ; ;���..,�-� . .
<br /> � �l�,., (S) 1'Mltla = -
<br /> ..,.,
<br /> �
<br />: :.. �
<br /> ' g�n�with the fint Ch�nae Date.my interat nce wiU be based oa an InAex.The"loda"i�the wakly avenie yfeW on United Stata •'4��: :-
<br /> • ' '' � Treasury seeuriUa�djusted to a constant maturity oP 1 year.as made�tvdiabk by the Foder�l Reserve Board.TNe mat roornt Index fi4we .--
<br /> • ' �.:`, �vailable as of the date 45 days before each Ch�n�e IAUe b caUed the•'Cumnt Inde�c.•' �
<br /> . ' • .,:r,. . If tho ladac ia no Iw�er wail�bk,the Irote HoWa rvfll chaae a oeM iodeu which i�b�sed upon oompuabb iafauutioa.Tha Note
<br /> Holda wUl�ive mc notke of thb chaioe.
<br /> =4 -- �.. _ _� lCl Caiad�tla�otCY��s
<br /> Beforo pd►Ch�a�e Date.the Note Holder wiU cakuWe my new intaat rate by addin� P�� �R-
<br /> -- =- = two and uiirs Fwif �x� w,_.: -
<br /> .; •• ,. _.e � _
<br /> .. . . pofnb( �-� �W)to the Current I�Mru and roundin�to the narat 1/�th oP 1�.subjat to the limiu uated la Sxtlon ND)�M'. � _
<br /> + 71ds rounded amount wiU be my nesv intaest nte un�U the next Chan�e Dau.
<br /> � � The Note Hdder wfll then determine the amount of the monthly p�ymeat that would be:ufticient to repay in full Ihe principal 1 am ��-'
<br /> � ,_,,. ,- -.-
<br /> .� ' • apeqed a owe an tMt ClunQo Dau in subshatit�UY�4�P�Y�u by the maturitY date�t my new interat nte.Tha nsuk of this calculation �::�;3.�i:;::�•
<br /> �� wUl be tha aew smount of my monthlY WY�t. -
<br /> �. � ., (D) 4Wb w Ir4rr1 Atle Ch�a �•. nr.-'-'
<br /> The Intaat rwte 1 am required co p�y at the first ChanQe Wte will nw be arater than (;.,.r—'h w leu than `_ -_ �.
<br /> , : ��i.Thereafter,my intercst nte wfll never be incraised a decrcaud on any ain�le Change Date by more than }�����=cent
<br /> from the nte of fnterat 1 have 6een pryin�for the preca�n4 twelve months.The minimum intetat rate on thls loan witl neva be ¢hb y�--•-
<br /> • . . �� G.❑ �and the muimum inurat nte wfll never be 4reata than 11.0 4y. � � .
<br /> IE1 Etfecqr�D�uotCMKes '
<br /> • My new interat rate will bxome eifective on ach Chan�e Date.I wlll pay the amount of my new monthly payment be4innina on the 8nt .
<br /> �.� , . ._ ...
<br /> • � munthlY pyment date after the Chwyte Date until the amouat of my mo�xhlY payment�es aQain• {�.�
<br /> ' lF� Notloe oi CY�es — "�'�,----
<br /> ��
<br /> 'fMe Note Holder will mail or deliva to me a noUce befon each Chanae Date.The noUa will advise me of: —
<br /> • . � (i) the new interat rau on my loan wof the CA�nge Date; �"`---
<br />� � (ii) the amount of my mon�hly p�yment followinQ the Change Date; ��=�'
<br /> (iiq any addldonal muten which the Note Holder is requlred to disclose;and '�-��-------
<br /> � ��� (iv) the�ddras ot Uw as�aiadon you oould rnntut r aoy Quations about Ihe adjusunmt noda. �+rr J4�'�se.v�
<br /> • ���i �a ds• n?r�
<br /> }. n:°�. .:1��;�
<br /> ,. ' Y. CHARCF�:WElVB � • , "" •°
<br /> �� Uniform Coven�nt 4 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as folbws: �;4 1�
<br /> • /, (,'I�a;IJeM.Borrower sh�ll pay all twca,assasments,and other clwrga,fina,and fmpositions attributable to the Roperty which m�y ;
<br /> � altr�in a prforily over�his Sccu�ily Instrument,and kasehold paymcnta of�round rents,if any,in Ihe manner provided under paraQr�ph 2 hereof
<br /> s
<br /> � or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower makina payment,when due,direcHy to the payee thereof.Bonower�hall promptiy Nrnish Lender
<br /> all notica of vnounts due under this puagnph.and in the event Borrower shall moke paymcnt directly,Bonawer shall promplly furnfsh to • . •
<br /> Lender naiptt evid�nc{na such payments. Borrower slwll promptly dlscharQe any lien which hos priority aver Ihis Saurity Instrument; �•.
<br /> � howevcr,Bonowcr shall not be requirtd to dischuge uny surh lien so IonQ as Borrower:(a)shall agrce in writing to the payment oF the ' .
<br /> � ' , ablipotion secured by auch Ilen in the manner acceptable to Lender;(b1 shall in good fafth contest such lien by,or defend a�ainst eniorcement of � •
<br /> • such Ilen in,legal proceedin�.s which in�he opinion of Lender opente�o prevent the eniorcement of the lien or fafeiture of�he Property or any '
<br /> prrt thenroF;or(c)sholl secure from �he holder of such lien an a4reement in a fwm satisfactory to Lender subordinaU�such litn to thls
<br /> �;..
<br /> Secudty Instrument.
<br /> Ii Lenda determines thot all or any part of the Property is subjeci to u lien which muy Kttain a prioricy over this Security Instrument, �
<br /> l Lender s1uJ1 give Borrower a notice identifying such lien. Borrower shnll sa�os(y such lien or tare one or mote ot[ne accions sei ionn aoo•e
<br /> Iwithip ten days oP the Qivin�of tbe noti�e.
<br /> � C. NOTICE '
<br /> � � Unjform Covenant 14 of the Se�vri�y Ins�rument is amended to read as follows: �
<br /> � t�, Nofioe.Eacept for any notice requircd under applicable law to be giren in another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower provided for in this
<br /> � Security Instrument shall be gfven by delfverina it or by mailing it by first clus muil to Bortower at the Pruperty Addras or at such uther address
<br /> ' ' YS 81/11UNC� uwy Suign:tc hy nott:::c L,a�a:s pr��;dr±herefn,sn�!!h!Qny^^r�n��t�nd�r�hsll he eivm bv Ffni clau mail to Lender's
<br /> • addrcss suted herein or to such other address u Lender may daign�te by notice to Borrower as provided herein.Any eauce provided for in this
<br /> � Security Instrummt shall be deemed to have been aven to eonower«Lmder when Qiven in�he manner dai4nated hercin.
<br /> ��, �
<br />