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<br /> -- _� TO(iE77iER WITH all the improvements now ar hereafter crectcd on thc propeny,uad all eustments,aopurtengnces.
<br /> and fixtures now or hereafter a put of the propeAy. All replacements and additions shall alco be covered by �his Security
<br /> � Inctrument. All of the faregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument s�s the"Property."
<br /> ��� BORROWBR COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seiced of the eatate hcreby canveycd und has the�IgM�o grant
<br /> ���=-� and convey Ihe Property and�hot the PropeRy is unencumbered,except for encumbrancex of record. Borrower wsrmnts and � _
<br /> -�--�--=—� wili defend generally che eitle[o the Frupe�ty aguinst att clu{�u.a��d denianda,subicct to any cn�vmbranccs of rccurd. -- -
<br /> � -- - --- ----.- - THIS SECURITY INS'TRUMENT combines uniform cavenants for nationul use and non•uniform covenants� with
<br /> �� =_� limiled veriations by jurisdiction to constiwte u unli'ortn securf�y instrument cove�ing rcal property. r �
<br /> —""L`'�"'��'�_� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender covenunt and agree us follaws:
<br /> �����r;,�;:;rt�:. ;� 1. P�yment oP Principal And laterest=PrepAyment ond Late Chwrges. Borrower qhAll prompdy pAy when due the
<br /> �,�„��„•��_,�°• .. principal of and interest on the de6t evidenced by tho Note und any prepAyment end late chu�ges due under�he Note.
<br /> �'�?�;�;�„�:;� 2. �nds tor'llu�ces Aad InsurAnce. Subject to npplicable law or to u writtcn wniver by Lender,Barrower shell pay to
<br /> uc
<br /> *���'�'f�;�:-•..:.. Lender on the day monthly paymen44 are due under the Note, until the Note ic paid in full,a sum("Funds")far:(a)ycazly
<br /> �<<—<_.����_:.'.-� taxes and assessments which may auain priority over tbis Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Prope►ty;(b)yearly leasehold ______
<br /> ,�. . .°` ayments or ground rents on the Propeny, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insumnce premiums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> —::� `:.:`��'''��� P Y Y B � P Y Y P Y Y
<br /> . �:•• . ,. ,�, .,. nsurancc remiums, if an ; (e)yeurl mort u e inaurance remiums, if an ; And (tl un sums a uble b Bortower to
<br /> ,.;,
<br /> " -�r „..,, Lender,in axordance with the provisians of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortg�ge inxurance premiums. These
<br /> .� �� .� 1„;�,' items are called"8scrow Ilems.' Lender may,at any time.collect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> �' �'-t�'���; amcwnt a lender for a federally related mortgege loan may requi►e for 8arrower's escrow account under the federn! Real _
<br /> ��•��.;,.•,�;�� Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time ro time, 12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> �.•��.::�...;^�.� .. Iaw that spplies to the Fund•sc <a lesse� amount. lf�o,Lendrr may.nt any time,collect und hold Funds in an amount not to ��..
<br />. __, _ c_:i. —
<br />____=_�..:���=���';t'�''� exceed the lesser amount. Lender may esdmatc �h� amoun. nf Funcis due on the busis uf current data and rcasonab c
<br /> -��„�,�•';,;,: ,, estimates of expenditures of tulure Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wi�h applicable luw. �!�._
<br /> ;„ ;�,.� : . The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federnl agency, instrumentallty,or entity �
<br /> "� �."`''������ I� � (including Lender,if Lender is such an ina�ilulian)or in nny Federal Home Loan Hrink. Lender shall apply the Funds to puy �._
<br /> n
<br /> � � �'��� •,� � the Escrow ltems. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Flmds,annuully analyzing the escrow �`'
<br />�:�_ �� � : �: � �:a` i account,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicuble Inw pem�its _
<br /> —� �''"a?��°�"'' ( Lender to make such a charge. However,l.ender may require Borrower�o pay a one-time charge for an independent real --
<br />`°'�# � ' ' I estate tax reparting service used by Lender in connection wi�h this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an —
<br /> ���+�''�����o agrcement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lcnder shall not be required ro pay Borrower any imerest or �,:
<br /> ,,� �� ` • eamings oa the Funds. Borrower nnd L.ender may ugrec in writing,however,thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br />-_.!� �-',� '= : � shall give to Barrower,without cherge,un unnual accounting of the FLnds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> _-- <, ' purpose for which each debit to Ihe FLnds was made. The Funda are pledged as additionul security For all sums�ecured by
<br /> ---_ _- ��`�-�;�.;��s'`-•_ . stsis Security lnsuument. _-
<br />-•�. � ; ��., ° ' '� If the FLnds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicnble law, Lender shall account to
<br /> �`� ' Borrower far 1he excess Funds in accordance with Ihc rcyuirements of applicable law. ff the umount of'the R�nds held by
<br />'."i; Lender at any time is not sufficieat to puy the Escrow Items when due.Lendcr muy so notify Borrower in writing,and, in �f
<br />�' ; � � such case Borrower shall pay to Lender �he t+mount necessury ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shnll muke up the
<br />;�`. deP�ciency in na more than twelve monthly puyments,at Lender'.s sole discretian. __
<br /> • Upon payment in full of all suma secured by ihis Securily Instrument. Lender shull promptly refund to Bortower any "��
<br />-_ .• ` Funds held by L.ender. If,under puragrAph 21. Lender shull acquire or sell the Prapeny,I.ender,prior to the acquisition or � �l
<br />- ' snle of 1he I'roperty. shall upply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or snle as a credit against ihe sums _
<br /> � ���' ` � secured by this Securiry Instrumem.
<br /> • .. � 3. Applieation of PAyments. Unless upplicable luw provides atherwise, all payments received by Lender under ---
<br /> :' • paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first,to uny prepayment charges due under�he Note;�econd,to umounts puyable under
<br /> � � puragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal duc;anJ lust,to any Inte charges due under Ihe Note.
<br /> I=r • , , 4,,� 4. Chwrges: Liens. Borrower shnll pay All taaes,ussessments,charges, tines und imposit�ons uttributuble ro the ��:
<br /> Pro rt which mu attuin riorit over this Securit In�trument,und lensehold paymemc or ground rents,if any. Borrowcr �'""
<br /> I� Y Y P Y Y •e �"".`:
<br /> � shall pay these abligutions in�he manner provided in parugraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borcower shall pay them on
<br />= � � time direcdy to the person owed puyment. Borcower shull promptly fumish to Lender all notices of Amaunts to be paid under =='�.
<br /> �:_..
<br /> i,;.';, ° . this ps�rngrnph. If Borrnwer mukes the�e payments dirccUy,Borrower shall promptty Fumish to Lender rcceipts evidencing �;�-
<br /> �
<br /> - . ,, the ppyments. �``.��
<br /> - • ' Borrawer shull prompNy discharge uny 8en which hus priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:la) agrecs
<br /> .� in writing to�he paymen[of�he oblibation xecurrJ by ihe lien in u munner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in goad fai�h the t
<br /> � , lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the licn in, Iegvl proceedings which in the Lendcr's opinion operute ta prevent the ��'
<br /> :;��,; enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreernent satisfactory to Lender subordinuting the lien '�
<br /> _ ' ' to this Security Instrument. If'Lender detemiines�hut uny pan of the F'�upe:ny is wbject to a IiPn which may uttoin priority �._
<br /> � � � . � •. over this Security Insuument,Lender muy givc BoROwer u notice identifying the licn. Borrowcr shall sutisfy the lien or take �
<br />-. `.�<:': . • • ; one or more of the actions sel fonh ubove within IU days of the giving ot'no�ice.
<br /> n:,.;�,� � � 5. Nazwrd or Property Insur�n�e. Bormwer shall kecp thc impruvements now cxisting or hercufter erecled on the �v.
<br /> ' � Propeny insured ngAinxt loss by fire,hazards inrluded within ihr�rroi"exlenJed cuvrrrgr":�nd any ather hazards,including
<br /> " �,,,�i � � tloods or flaoding, for which Lender reyuirez insur:uur. Thi. insurarnr shxll be muintuincd in the amoum� und for the
<br /> . ��-,
<br /> , � � .
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