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<br /> Tt�G't'lil:lt WIl'11 Zll the icnprur•ccnents naw or herea.Rer erocta!on the�+nq�er�y, r�i�lTea�coxrus,�+{xu�ten:a�ucs.aiu! __.
<br /> fiztures nuw eu bereaRtr y p�u[ of the �n�perty. Alf replaoc�neruc s�nd adcii►iau: cluill nlu, bc a►�tr�l b�r t1� St�tuity '
<br /> Inst�vnxnt. AIf of ttx foreQoinR i�rcF�rnul to in thi�5reurity Icut�uu�t us the'Pn�crly.'
<br /> BURROWkiR CUY6N�INTS thyt lbrroxer is I�wfully ieiac�d��itiw cat�t�:herc:by cw���cyal�ux!i�s the ri�h1 to Criuu and
<br /> coru•ey chc Pro�eny r.nd that thr i'ru�cny is nttctkwnbeted, e�crpi fur encua�E+ra�x��.F rc�wxl. 6u�.�w�r w�t��;uus�r�3 wtl! -
<br /> �e.fi�al geititra!!y tho!iila3 tt►lta.^,Fa�operty�aiss,:t u!I cIuiuis utx!Jeuuuxls. sul+ject[o�ny rncumbruires nf roc�x�f.
<br /> 7FitS SECURiTY iNSTRUMENT��mbitxs unifumt cuvu►s�fcx i►stint�a! uic wx1 n.s+t•uniform��ovci�uuy wi��li�niled
<br /> vuLtian.s by,jurisdic�ion ta ccuiciituta s unif�um security i�wrunrau ooverinEt m,�l pr+c�xtt�, __
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�c:r ancf l.endcr covet�ant azul a�rec as f��llowc:
<br /> j. P�ya�t of PrQacip�! �ad IWen�t: Pt�ePay�mea: wud Late C'har�ca. Barrov�cr siult promptly pay wlsen due the
<br /> princijwl�if arxt inur�t on che debt ovidenoat by the Nc�te�nd�ny pttp�y�ur�d Wte ctuu�es due uiulcr thu Ncxc.
<br /> 2. Fuad� �or Twces and Ipsuranee. Subjcxt to applicabla !aw or to o wcitttn waiver�y Lender. Borcower shull pay to
<br /> l.ender on tho day manthly paYmeAts ue duc unde.r t!u 1Vato,until the Note is p�id in full.o wm t"Fwids"1 fi�r: (�)Yca�riy taza
<br /> and�scesu�x�.tUs which may attain prio�ity ovet this Sacuriry Ettsttument as A lien on tho F`ruperty: lb)yearly Icasehold paymente
<br /> or�round raNs oa the Property. if any:te)yearly h�zard or propecty insur�nce prcmiums:(d)yesuly rlaod icwuance prcnuunu.
<br /> if�ny; (e)Ye�iY roort�age inwrance premiums, if any: and(fl aa�+sums puyable by Bortovv�r to Irnic��. in:+ccotdancc with
<br /> the provisianc of par�;graph 8. in lieu of the paymau of aiortg�e insu►�noe premiwus.i'�a�e items ane caltad "Escn�w itenu."
<br /> [,eMier may. at auy time. a�liect and hold Fwids �n an arrwunt not to raccood the maXimum amount a lender fur a fodu�lly
<br /> nlated mortg�e loan aaiy roquire for Borrowu's escro�+xrount uader the federsl Rr,a1 Estate Settluneut P�noodures Ac1 af
<br /> 1974 as anxndod from tiu�c to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et s�q.("RESPA"l. unlas�nother liw tlwt applies to the Funds
<br /> sus a lesser amount. If so. Lendrr may. �t any time. wlD�xx�d twW Funds in an amount not to excood the lesser amount.
<br /> l�n9er may estimate the aawunt of Fu�s due un the basis of curruu duta�nd reasanable e9timat�s of cat{xndilturs of fuuue
<br /> Escmvir itans ar otbetwise ia x�ordancs with�liqbie L�w.
<br /> Tbe Fuads s6a11 be deLcf in aa it�stitutioa whoae dcposits are iacw�ed by a federal stgeney. icut�unxntaliry. or tiuiry
<br /> tincluding Len�ier.if Lender is ruch an icu-tiwiion)or in�ny Fedcral Home l.oan Bank.l.ender shall apply.tLe Funds W pay tha
<br /> Fscmw Items. lrodrr as�y not cl�rge Borcv�rx for holdiug and applyi�,g the Funds,annwUy aualyzing the escrow ac�ount.or
<br /> veiifying the Escrow Itta�s.ualess l.ender�ys Borrower interest on tlr,i�Fuuds aad applicable law permiu Leader to tnake such
<br /> a clwge.Heweva. Lend�r may �quirc BD+rowu to pay�one-time charge for a ic�depeident re�l estate tu n�po�tiog un+ioe
<br /> , used by Ludu ia oocu�ection with this loan. udess applic�bk law provides otherwise. Unless an s�gra�ur.ac is ms�de or
<br /> applicabie bw r�quires iaterest to be paid.I.ender shall nat be roquirod W pay Bomoww aay interat or amiv,gx on the Funds.
<br /> Borrowu and Lader may agne ia writing.howevu. that intenat shall be paid on We Fuods.l�endtr shxl!give W Hormwer.
<br /> wUhout charge. aa amual accountiqg of tb�Funds, showing creditt u�d ckbits to the Fuods and tbe pttrpose fur w6ich acb
<br /> dcoit W the Funds was made..�he Fuads are plodged as adr3i�l searrity for all sumc secural by this Socurity Sr��rumeat.
<br /> If the Fuods held by L.�:�:ar ex000d dse amoutut p�rxriu:x!:o be held by applicable l�w. Let�der shall acaou�G.xo Bormwer
<br /> �'or tbe exoess F1mc3s in acootd�nce with the roquinmaus of applicabk law. if tb�arrwunt ef U�e Fuads held bY�nder at any
<br /> time is aot sut�w^aeat to pay the Fscrow Itcros a3xn due,L.ender us�v so�wtify Bomowu in wridng,and.ia�sach rs�e Borro+r�ec
<br /> �sh�ll wor co G:zJ�c tbe�a�ottat a�oess�Y t�,�c�Tce aP tbe d�'��ie�c.�..f�orrowes sbaL make up t6e dofreie�cy ia nn mot+t t�
<br /> -... —� - ------ - - - _. _ . .._..... . .. .._ .--�--------- --- - -- --- _
<br /> tvi,rSve mosuhly p=ya�xls.st I.eacla's sole discre�.ion. �----- -— —--. ... ._ .
<br /> UPo�PaYmeat in full of a!1 wms securtd by this S:avity instrument. ieadcr sh�l) promptly trfund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds he3d by I.aider.If.ucrkr puagt�pt�21.l.eoder s�2'i�aoquire a sell the Property. I.a�da. Prar to tl�e acqui�itioa or sale
<br />• of the Prope:ty.shall apply auy Funds he3Q bv II,e�er su tfse time of�cquisi6on or salt as z crcdit agaiiut the su�us sxured by
<br /> thit Security Insttutnau.
<br /> 3.Appiiptba ot I'ay�eaRs.Udas appiicable law�n�ides atherwise.all paymeats roceivod iry Lenda'under Pu�rs�t�
<br /> 1 and 2 slWl be applied:first,W wY P�Ymeat char�e�c9e:t u�x1a tbt Note; seoond.to unounts payable uo�pAtagra�,'T.::
<br /> ,� t8ird,to intet+csi due:fouttb.to ptin�dpsl due:and l�st.w aay late charges dtu un�kr the Note.
<br /> 4.t:L�t�et;L�icae.Borrower s6�ll pay all taxes.assessttsaits,cb�s,fines ud impoaitions atctibutable W the Pt�- '
<br /> wGicb may attriu��riority over Wis Sayirit!+�ruwment. and leus�o2��ayments or�rou�t naus, if�PY. Borrower sb�alt p�: '
<br /> tlxse obligstioni in We mantrt provided in par�gr�ph 2,ot if aot paid in tl�at uwnoec.Bortowtr sh�'1 psy tbam oa time din�i�:.
<br /> As�n�e pawn owed paymeat.Borrowet shall promptly fv�s�to I.�ader aU uotiax of�a�ounts to be p�id uacia�tl►��.
<br /> �;;l�ocrower m�ices tlxse payma�ts dinoctly.S�o�snwu s�r.akE+pro�ry�tly fi�rnish to I,eader reaiPts evideacia$the P�►�r�e�ua.
<br /> " Botrower sh�l!pt+oa�ptly discharge�ii�a whicl�6as priority over this Suurity I�umatt uaku�onnwa:(a)�+ees�ts
<br /> wriritag w the paymeat of tbe oblipation se�red by the liea in a•+-19^"�••acoeptabk to I,es�da:(b)cootests ia good faith the l�ta
<br /> bY. or defrnds �gainst enfonr�u�t of the liea in, k8s1 ProceediABs which ie the Lender's opiaina opera�te w groveat tbe
<br /> enS'oramait of the lieA:or(c➢4a.�ures from thc holder cff ahe lien an agrxma�t satisfxt�ry to i�es�der whorc�raaa�4g the lica ta
<br /> this Socuriry Inctn�ment. if ii�er datermines tl�at wy patt of the Propq�ty is subjxt to a liea which maY att�iic'�riority over
<br /> this Security Irry'�+�•+Y*r,i.anier may give Borrowu a notic:identifyusg stye lion.Bonnwa sbaU c�tist'p thc lier+a take one.�t¢
<br /> mo�+c of the acxiaas set forth above withiu 1�days of tht giving of nourx_,. •
<br /> • Forw 9o2i 11�0
<br /> ao.swa .
<br />