<br />3. Ta the payment of junior Trust Deeds, mortgages, or other lien holders;
<br />4. The balance, if any, to the perso» or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />E. Upan the accurrence of any default hereunder, BENEFICIARY shall have, in additian to
<br />such other options as may b� granted herein, ihe turther option to foreclose this DEED OF
<br />TRUST in tl�e manner provided by law £or foreclasures at mortgages on real property.
<br />F. B�NEF'ICIARY may from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any
<br />TRUSTEE named herein or acti�ag hereunder. Upon such appointment, and withaut
<br />conveyance to the successor TKUSTEE, the latter shall be vested with all title, powers, and
<br />duties conferred upon any TRUSTEE herein narned ar acting hereunder. Each such
<br />appointmezlt and substitution shall be rnade by written instrument and executed by
<br />BENEFICIARY, containing reference to this DEED OF TRUST and its place af' record,
<br />which, when recorded in the Oftice of ihe Re�ister of' Deeds oF the county or counties in
<br />which said property is situated, shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of the
<br />successor TRUSTEE. �'he foregoing power of substitution and the procedure dierefore
<br />shall not be exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law for the substitution
<br />of a TRUSTEE in th� place of the TRUSTEE named herein.
<br />G. TRUSTORS covenant and agree that upon any attempted conveyance, assignment, pledge
<br />or transfer of any of their interest in the premises during the term of the loan secured
<br />hereby, the BENEFICIARY shall have the option of declaring the unpaid balance
<br />immediately due and payable, and if said sum r�mains unpaid for �fteen (15) days
<br />thereafter, SENEFICIARY can cause Notice of Default to be given and the premises be
<br />sold as provided herein.
<br />H. As additional and collateral security for the loan, and effective forthwitl� upon filing of a
<br />Natice of Default, this instrument shall serve as an assignment by the TRUSTORS to the
<br />TRUSTEE, of all rents and revenues resultin� from the property, and TRUST�E is
<br />auth.orized to take possessio�� of the p� rent or lease the same an terms he deems
<br />best and to collect the rents and revenues and apply tl�e same upon unpaid interest,
<br />principal, taxes or insurance pr�miums or for maiiatenance and preservation of the
<br />premises.
<br />I. The w�iver by TKUSTE� or BENEFICIARY af any default of TRUSTORS under this
<br />DEED �F TRUST, on one occasion, shall nat be or be deemed to be a waivcr of any ather
<br />or similar defaults subsequently occurring,
<br />J. If title to any part of the property herein shall be takei� in condemnation proceedings, by
<br />right of eminent domain, or similar action, or shall be sold un,der threat of condemnation,
<br />all awards, damages and praceeds are hereby assigned and shall be paid to the
<br />BENEFICI�IRY, who shall apply such paynaent, ar any part diereof, in tl�.cir sole
<br />discretion, to the sum due at that ti�ne on this DEED OF TRUST and Trust Deed Note,
<br />with any balance above the amount due hereunder payable to the TAUSTORS.
<br />K. The BENEFICIARY, their agents or represe��tatives, are hereby authori�ed to enter, at any
<br />reasonable time, upon any part of the trust property for the purposes of inspecting the same
<br />and for the purpose of performing any o� tlie acts they are authorized to perform under the
<br />terms of this DEED OF TRUST a�ad other accampanying dociu�aents.
<br />L. 'I'his DFED OF TRUST and all acconapa��yin� documents are subject to, canstructed and
<br />govenled by the laws of the State of Ncbraska for all purposes.
<br />M. In the event any one or more of the pravisions contained in tliis DEED O� TRUST, Trust
<br />Deed Nates, or any otkaer instrument given in connectian with diis trai�.saction, shall for �uiy
<br />reasan be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,
<br />ille�ality, or unenforceability shall, at the aption of the BENEFICI�RY, not affect any
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