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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made �.his � Q day of ��'[' . , A. D.,
<br />20�, by and betwe�n Dilma E. Escobar, a single person, and Genry�D. Mend�z,
<br />a single pexson, of �he Coun�y of Hall and State of Nebraska, hereinafter
<br />called "Trustor" (whether on� or moare), and Ronald S. Depue, A��orney at Law,
<br />of Hall Coun�y, Nebaraska, he�einaf�er called "Tz'U�tEG� and Hehnsan LLC,
<br />whose address is PO Box 1654, Grand Island, NE 68802, hereinafter called
<br />"Seneficiary";
<br />WTTNESSETH, That the Trustor, for good and valuable consideration,
<br />including th� debt and trust hereinafter men�ioned and created, and the sum
<br />of ane dollar to Trustor paid by the said Trustee, the receipt and suf�i-
<br />ciency of v�rhich is h�reby acknowledged, does by these presents, irrevocably
<br />grant, bargain arad sell, convey, assign and canfa.rm unto Ghe said Trus�ee, IN
<br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for �he benefit and securi�y of Beneficiary, under
<br />and subject to the terms and conditions o� this Deed ot Tru�t, the tollowing
<br />described �eal praperty si�uated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lots Thr�e (3), Four (4) and Six (6) in Kernahan and Decker's
<br />Addition �.o the City o� Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and all
<br />�hat por�.ion of vacated a11ey by Ordinance No. 5070 recarded in
<br />Baok 22, Page 306 in the office of th� Register of Deeds, Hall
<br />Coun�y, Nebraska, lying between Lots Three (3) and Four (4) and
<br />Lots Fi�re (�) and Six (6), in Block Six (6) Kernohan and Decker'
<br />Addi�.ion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />�XCEPTING the South Ha1f of �.he vacated alley adjacent to Lot Five
<br />(5), Block Six (5), Kernohan and Decker's additian to the City o�
<br />Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER wi�h and includin.g a�1 and singular the tenements, heredita-
<br />ments, appur�enances a�t�d privileges �hereunto belanging or in anywise
<br />app�r�aining, whether now or hereafter acquired, which shal.l include, without
<br />limiting the generality of the faregoing, the following:
<br />All of th� rents, issues and pro�i�s, including all rents, royalties,
<br />bonuses and benefi.ts under any e�cisting or fu�.ure ail, gas or mineral or
<br />other leases; a11 easements and rights of way; a�.7. rights of homestead
<br />and homes�ead exemptian and any surviving spouse's marital or distribu-
<br />tive share, and all o�her cantingent righ�.s in and to said premises; and
<br />A1.1 fixtures, improvements, buildings, and the plumbing, heating,
<br />ventilating and lighting sys�.ems and equipment therein, a11 of which
<br />shall be construed and considered as at�ixed to and part of �he real
<br />estate.
<br />All of the toregoi.ng estate, property and interest hereby conv�yed to th�
<br />said T�ustee is hereinaf�er collec�ively re�erred to as �.he ��Property."
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same untQ the said Trustee, Trustee's successors
<br />and assigns farever, ZN TRUST HOWEVER and W�TH POWER OF SALE hereby e�cpressly
<br />gran�.ed unto the said Trus�ee, Trustee's successors, and assigns for the
<br />purpos� of securing:
<br />(a) The paym�nt of Trustor's just indebtedness tQ Beneficiary i.n the
<br />principal sum of One Hund�'ed Thirty-fiYre Thousand Dollars ($�35,000.00) for
<br />maney borrowed, with interest therean, all as evid�nced by and in strict
<br />accordance wi�h the terms of that certaira pramissory no�e hereinaf�er called
<br />the "No��", bearing ev�n date herewith made payable �.o the order of
<br />Beneficiary, executed by Dilma E. Escobar and Genry D. Mendez, and providing
<br />for the payment of said indebtedness in installments, subj�ct to acceleration
<br />of maturity on defaul� in the payment af any ins�allment of principal or
<br />interest ox' in the perfarmance of any covenant, agreement or wax'ran.�y
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