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w <br />.� <br />20100955� <br />EXHIB�"I� A <br />f��ile Name 10-7t�79 <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SEl/4) of <br />Section F�our (4), �rownship "I'welve (12) North, Ran�e Elev�n (11) West of the <br />6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraslca, more particula� described as follows: <br />t3e�inninri at the northeast corne�• of said Northeast (luarter of the Sorrthe��st <br />Quarter (VHwl�a NElia�; thence running southerly alon; the east line of said <br />Northcasi Qu�jrtcr of the Soutr�east Qua�•ter (NE1/4 SE1/4), a distance ot� <br />Five Hundred Fifty (SS0.0) feet; thence deflecting right 89°26'34" and <br />running westei•ly a distance of Eight Hundred Thirty One and Sixty Four <br />Ilundredths ($31.G4) fcet; thence deflecti��g ri�ht 90°33'26" and runninn <br />riortherly a distanee of Five Hundred Fifty (550.0) feet, to a point on the <br />north line of' said Northeast Quartcr of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SE1/4); <br />thence cleflecting �•i�t�t $9°26'34" and running easterly along the north line of <br />said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SE1/4), a c�istance of <br />Eight Hundred '�"hirty One and Sixty k'oar Hundredths (831.64) feet, to the <br />point pf' he�inninri. <br />