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<br />/ here6y certily thut an Odcember U, 20l0, / compleled an occurote suivey o/ 'Li1CY
<br />(H/Rp 5l/f1D/V15/ON', in �ha Cify ol CranJ lsland, Nebrusko, os shown on fhe accorr�ponyiny
<br />plof fhareol, thot tNe lots, 6locks, streefs, uvenues, alleys, pdrks, commvns and other
<br />g�ounJs us contained in saiU subdiv�sion as sNOwn on the pCCOmpanyiny plot �hereol are
<br />we�l anU ac�curotely stuked o!/ and mo�ked; fhpt irun morkers were placed at all lot
<br />comars; 1ha! fhe dimensions o! eoch lot ure as shown on the plot; thot each !ot beors
<br />its own number, ond thuf soid survey wos nmde with �e/arence tv knawn and recarded
<br />monui
<br />�Q�YAS�,
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<br />�,�`� . Oery! 0. So�g n/r�ei, Heg, L nd Survayor No. 578
<br />� SOR�
<br />fl �pruv��occepted by tl�e City ol Crand Islond, Nebrpsku, tlrisLl � dpy p/
<br />_�µc�ba,c_..,,_—, 20/0.
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<br />A truct of lond comp�ising oll af Lp�s One (i) ond Two (2�, Lpcy Second Su6division in
<br />the City o/ C�and !slond, Hall County, Nebraska, soid �roct containing f,ZZA acres more or
<br />less.
<br />DedlCBtlOn
<br />XNOW A(L MfN !3Y rNESE PR£SfN15, lha� CMD, LL.C., a Nabroska Limi�ed (,robility
<br />Cpmpony, anJ IACY CONSTRUCTIpN COMPANY, loimerly knoiv as LACY QUILDlNC nNU ,SUPPlY
<br />COdIPANY, INC., o Nebraska Corporation, 6eing �he oimers oI fha lond Jescribed hureai,
<br />have cuused samn to Ge survayad, subdiviJed, plolfed and dasi�noted us 'LACY TNll70
<br />SUf3U1V/SlON; irr the City o/ Crund lslond, Nebrosko, os shuwn on the accampanying plal
<br />fhereol, ond do hereby dedlcote (Ire eusemenls, il any, os shown thereon /or the facd7ion,
<br />canslruction und mointanance o! pubGc service utilitres larever, togethQr wilh Ihe dght ol
<br />ingress und agress theralo, and hereby prohibiting tlie planfing q/ lrees, bushes und
<br />shrubs, or plocing other obstructions upon, ovei alany or underneulh �he surlace ul such
<br />eusements; pnd fhat the /oreyvin� subdivision us rno�e parliculurty described in the
<br />Uescription hereon us oppears on this plof r's made wi�h fhe lree consent ond in
<br />uccordonce with �he dosl�es of fhe undorsigned vwners und prup�afo�s.
<br />lN�N1INESS WI1fRfU� ! have o//ixed my signoturd hereto at Grand �slond, Nebrosku, �his
<br />..�:Ldoy o%..��µ��„ 2010.
<br />CMD, LL.C,,,�bros Limi7ed Liobilily Company
<br />/�
<br />`�' 6f�f
<br />Ce a d A, u%smonn, Manuging MemGer
<br />LACY CONSrR TlpN MYA Y, lormarly know as
<br />LACY QUILUINC AND U LY C• P Y, INC., v Nebroska Corpa�ol%on
<br />�
<br />B!O . W8�710�/1, . IB9i en
<br />State p�l N�ebro���`
<br />Counly Ol HullS� ss
<br />On the�Lday a( �na,�,L, 2p1D, 6elore me d��' �,.r�,(��
<br />a Nn�ary Pu6/ic wilhin ond Ipr soiJ Counly, personu!ly appaored Cf17AL0 fl. HUISMAN�
<br />Manaying Membar o/ CMD, L,I,G, o Nebroska Limited �iubi/ity Compony and P�esident of
<br />u Nebrasko Carpo�ulion to me pe�sonully known to be fhe iden�ical person ivhose s%pnature
<br />1s o//ixed ha�efo, unJ fhat he did acknowledge �he execulion fhereol fo be hr's volurrtury
<br />ocr ond deeJ ond 1he voluntory oct ond deed o/ soid Compuny and Corporotion.
<br />IN WlTN£SS WHfRtOF, I hove heraunto 9udscribad my nane and allixed my olliciaf seul
<br />at Crond Island, Nebraska, on the dute los� above written.
<br />My cammission axpiras ,
<br />�q ur.5i.;� dx,ywi
<br />iow ou+uau�
<br />xi
<br />�Na� u !�c • "f (Seol)
<br />LA C Y TH/RD SUBD/ V/Sl4N
<br />NOCKWCLL ANO ASSDC. (,L.G - fNClNE£81NC B� SUHVCYlNC - CRAND 15LAN0, N( SheelNo. l0/1
<br />