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<br /> ::S.Y!"�'.h.. �xl-`f:. ..a _. '`=-r^�z.�:7]Ya'^3��.
<br /> {
<br /> ,, '" ' Gxhtbit A to Carp�raCiun iJarzan�y D�ed � • �
<br /> � Czantor: J. I. I.. Anphalt t'avin� Cn. `
<br /> Gai.jC�e: 'I'tiwssi steiclutr �
<br /> �- ����� f
<br /> i
<br /> , �
<br /> i
<br /> 1iti.a�i. �:Qi�'!'i Yu'ie
<br /> � tract of laad cor�ri�itrs a parC nf Lat■ �s (i) aad 1yo (2)� �nialand�
<br /> in Ssttion Oia� (I}! ?awrl�ip ��s (10� lbxth: Ran=e Z�a tl�) Vest o� ehe
<br /> 6tb r. M,. �11 Couaty, IfMbsaal�a. aod �r� past�cu].arl� dsacrib�l ao
<br /> follwe�:
<br /> �'ixat, ta arc�rtwio tl� poi�o�t of b��iooinj, �tut at tba norChvest
<br /> oaroet of sati 8�ctioa One (1)i th�oc� S 00' Q2' 30" M (ivasura! •
<br /> 6aari.a�). aloa= aad ttpan th� w�t liae of said Section Oae (I). a
<br /> distaac� o� Qo� T1�nu�and Bi�hty 11a and Nia� Uuadrfdtb� (1,OaZ.09) feet
<br /> to tLa AR.'lU�6 poi�e of b�tinninE; tLtac� S 09' S7' 30" E� a distanc�
<br /> of 3fu� fwadr�d liftr (350.0) f.s�r; =blOC� S 00' 02• 3A" p. pas�llal .
<br /> �►1th t6e �t lia� of wid Sectiaa Oa� (1j, a distanc� of Eight Nundred
<br /> 5e�taea aad Ssnart� Oae WalredtL� (a17.71) feet; tL�nc� 11 89' S7'
<br /> . 30" Y. a distance of Oae Hwdz�d 6�ht� aat li�e Ttnth� (180.50) feat;
<br /> ,. tL�oc� S 00' 02' 30" N. Pnra2.lel dtb tbe wrat line of sai,a S�c¢ioa
<br /> � CZ), a distaac� of Oa� Buadr�d lwatr 71RS �122.0) fast; tl�uc� S
<br /> a9' S7' 30" S• a� di,swce of �e iandred I�i jht� +�ad lY�e ?�n'tL�
<br /> (1�0.50) f�et; t6aone S 00• 02• 30" il, parallel �riW tLs �wt 1ia� of
<br /> aaid Sactioa Qwe (1); a distance of Oe� Zhauaad 5is luwisal �el�s
<br /> , aod �Lirty �t� Aundr�lt6s (1,612.39D faat; tLeace � s9' S7' 30" 1i„ .
<br /> a distaoce of 21►s�a� �uoir�l 1it'tj (350.C) f�et to a poiat o�n tbe r�sC ,
<br /> li�e of saLi Ssetioa Oa (1); tbeoce � OQ' 42' 30" E. a1oa� aod upoin
<br /> � ttba w�t' line of �aid S�tiou Ow (1). a diataac� of �a �Yow�ai tiw.
<br /> `- i�isyi �ift� 3ro a�d "Oo� ieatb (2.552.10) fest ro' tb� �R."IUiL �oint..
<br /> � af i�i��i +� �tainia� 2a.00�6I� a�xes. �oia aa L�ss. aoi w���er .
<br /> eo zoad r3�t tai way oa th� wat side.
<br /> . _ . . ;:
<br /> SplYLYOt�3 Cglll�'I�A*'E .
<br /> ----- -------- I- ��bJ—��t�#7 _th�t ia t�a �at_ nf_ a� .�erl�i.w. _a�i _f.t{.f— �� - --. -— - -
<br /> ����i F�t-f� fra� � sccitsats �uerar of tL� iseeri"�ri �
<br /> a�de md�r 4 r�tp�ziia�ioa.
<br /> �. - �
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<br /> � . ,., �` �o�as L. Jos�d�a,� �. �q. .lIS
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<br /> �„ 1oJY[�I i �SSO�LlES, Y,MC. - OCl/aB=S �ID a�ItOETWtS - P. O. �L 339 -
<br /> , Cs� ISi.�, � 68802-0339 St'iI.E: 1"`:! 3f?0' MdT 8. 299i. .. �,.._r
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