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<br /> \ CORPQR]1TION [d�RIt7�lITY OSED
<br /> , The Grantor. J. I. �,. 1VSPH]►LT PJIVING CO., a carporatian
<br /> orq�nized and exf�tinq und�r and by virtus o! th� lava ot th� a�
<br /> stat� o! ltabraaka�� in considaration o! OtiB �I,IJ►R (Si.00) and \ a
<br /> other goad and vaauable consideration r�ivod lroa Grant�e, da� �
<br /> grant, barqaln. ssli, conv�y and contir� unto THOM�is 71T1CIN�, a
<br /> aarriad aan, har�in call�d th4 Grants�, th� lollowinq deacribod
<br /> r�al prcporty fn Ha�l County, Nebraska�:
<br /> A tract of land aoaprisinq a part of Lot� One (1) and
<br /> Two G2) . Kainlana, fn Section Ona (i� , Townahip Ten
<br /> (lOp 37orth, Ranqe Te.� (10) , W�t of tha 6th P.M. , �iall
<br /> Coun�y. Nebraskn, a� aore particularly described on
<br /> Exhibit A attachai hereto and aade a part hrse�� bY
<br /> this r�lsr�uc�.
<br /> �6ramtor h�raby conv��� an8 rasaerv4s �o Ronald B. BaJ.dsrf.�,
<br /> is,dividually, hi�a h�irs arrr.� as�ie�ns, the riqht o! tfrst r�at�eal
<br /> �f th� purchas� o! thi• s�al astat� as lollotts: aLould Grantss
<br /> or his t�irs or estate desire to s�ll all or ang p�rtion o! t,hs
<br /> rasl �atata at any tias tt�wn, durinq thQ iftstiae a� ��� e-
<br /> Baldvin, that aall�r sust tirat off4r th� rsal aatato to �nld
<br /> B• �1QWjn =Or. LRi OOI�a Y 1 �w�i �w t1�� Q7��A t�l'S� a�. . .. . _-
<br /> i iV� w��+
<br /> conditios� as thQ aQller ha� b�en off�syd by s bana li3a
<br /> p�chas�r. Ths o!!sr shall includs ths writtaY► ofl�r o! tho bona
<br /> �ida purchaa�r aa vell as thQ bona lidt purcbawr's riaa�.
<br /> r�sid�nc� addr�sa and QaP1aY�r'a addr�ss anc3 ahall b� qiaan to
<br /> Ronald 8. Baldwin by cer�ttied aail witts roturn rscefpt roquest�d
<br /> aAd Wyall b� �ttnctiv4 upcn receipt by Ronald B. Baldw3n• Ronald
<br /> B. ealdvin shsil then have thiricg (30) days eitbin wbicb to
<br /> notity s�llsr tl�at h� will ucc�gt ths o!!er and hav� tL� P=oP�Y
<br /> a..a.a to n�. xonaia s. saia�rin �aii. .�rai.� tbat riqb� by
<br /> qfving notics by U.S. car'��tfed aail w�� rsturn racaiPt
<br /> raquastad irhir.b sball be Qftwctiv� upon �cailinq it sailyd aot
<br /> latir than thirty (30) days atter his raceipt ot ths ati�r lro�a
<br /> th� ssllar o! ths real es�atQ. I! Rcnald H. Baldwin does accapt
<br /> �he o!ler, tha sale to E.im shall be clossd tflta�n (15�. days
<br /> aftar sQllar providos a t.itle insuranc� coaaft,aant shov�ry
<br /> a�arlc�tabl� title to the ��al estate, �r� a�3 claar o! aLl liens
<br /> �d enc�abrances. If Ranald B. Haldwin does not acc4pt ths
<br /> oilar, then seller aay co,pleta the proposed sa�a to �he bona
<br /> tid� purctia�ar• .
<br /> Grantor naraby reserva� unto ita�lt and its �uccossors snd
<br /> a�iqn,s th� axclusiv� riqht, but not tha duty. ta rQaov� any and
<br /> nll sand and qravel lyir�q in or under the rsal �stat� dascrib�d
<br /> a+�.-�e. "�c r°...�t•a3 a*.�.? be aFCO�oli�� isi a co�uKrcfally
<br /> reasonable aarmer. Grantor and it� auccassors and assigns sliali
<br /> hava th� a!lirsative duty to return the s'�sl �eta�e to fts
<br /> natural state aa soon as practicabla atter the anncl and 9ravel
<br /> ha�� beon resavad, which shall includo raturning th� ground to
<br /> fts pr�ssr►t iavQi a'cwv� sea is�o_ an3 reslacing ttw top sofl.
<br /> Thi� a!lirsativa duty ahall constftuta a aovQnani: rtanniat9 wi'th
<br /> th� lan�i fn tavar ot Grantee and his heirs, successors arrd
<br /> a,�signa.
<br /> 1
<br />�� �
<br /> �
<br /> 1 _ _
<br />