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<br /> ot a�le,wd Nie s�le.i�cludl�lhe P�9uKa1 of tbe'ilructee'�ree�Actuolly(ncurred,ad to exceed 3•Q 96 of
<br /> t�e priNClpN amon�t of tl�e note st tbe tlme of We declRratba ot detaul�and reason�ble attoraeys'k�a�a aa��'�Itted
<br /> by law;(bl tr�1�ww�w.�nd by tbb 8ecurity Iaqrua�t;uid lc1�ay�xaw to the perwo or Pert�o+u�q+wY eaWMd
<br /> to if.
<br /> 22. Rt�anveyanti. Upon ps�ymeat of�11 aums secured by this 3ecudty Instrument.Lcnder shnl!►equest'pustce to
<br /> reconvey the Pt+operty�nd shall aumender this Secu�ity Instrument and all notes evldtncing debt secured by lhie Security
<br /> _ - insnument tu Tnietea. 'Itu�toe shall rtconvey the Properiy wlthout w�nnty and without charge to Ihe pereon or persone
<br /> ___ -
<br /> - ----- ----------- _----� legelly entiUed to it. Such txrcon or pensons shall pay any recotdatiun costs.
<br /> 23. Sqbatitute 7�uRta. Lrnder.at its optfon,may from dme to Wne rcmove 7iuxtee and appuim a succeseor irustee to -
<br /> an�r 7lustcc appointed he[�eunder by an inawment rccorded in the county in which this Secudty Instrument is�ecorded.
<br /> Wuhout conveyunce of the Piroperty.tho succecsor austoe shu��succeed to all the tide, pawer w►d duties conferted upon
<br /> 'iivwee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> — 24. Requeet tot�N�tioe�. Borrower r+equeats Uwt copies of the notices of defuult and sale be sent ta Borrower's addrcav
<br /> �'— whtch is ths Property Address.
<br /> �.- z�_�_�_'=° 25. Ridera to thit Sa�curity iastnmea� If one or more dders sue executed by Borrower und recorded together with
<br /> • -- this Security lnstrurnenG the covenants und agreements of euch such dder shull be incoiporated into und shall amend nnd
<br /> �._= aupplemBnt tho coven�und a�re,ementc of this Security insuument as if the dder(s)were a pan of thi�Security Insuument. _
<br /> ,,, [C'heck appUcabte boxlo�H
<br /> - - — �Adjuatnbta�R�te Rider �Conciominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> �� -- - __� �Urpduat4�l Pnyment Rider �Plm►ned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> + �Second Homc Rider
<br /> __��.�,,��:::=. �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Itider
<br /> �.��=.,��,�;,�:��'' �X qthaK�llspeclfyJ ACKNOWLEOGEIqENT �
<br /> .�.'�' �
<br /> ..�.. ...
<br /> �'�'>'"� &Y SIONINQ BBI.OW,Horrower accepts end agrees lo the terms and covenants contained in thix Security Instrumsnt
<br /> '�.,�.�,:
<br /> �=.z�.s.-+�..•a,i�;.'�:'; and in any r�dert y executed by Burrower ond recorded with it.
<br /> .,,
<br /> _8�����k�
<br /> ��S`T�, W111188SCB:
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<br /> �'i � 'r��._•� lSeub
<br /> '°"�' ���'�''� � S7EP EN BRENT ANDERgON '8i"'°`M°`
<br /> ::w'�:`.,, ,_ Scelal Security Number 506-72-8310
<br /> '�t�.. ���9s,, L., ..,.. �•.��.��.J (Scai)
<br /> •. :.w::.�,'•. `= : SHELLE L NN A ERSON •�^'"'�►
<br /> ,,��;,�,ru�....�• Social Security Number 508-80-098?
<br /> �' "�""
<br /> ;�"+•Y�•��� ='�- STATE OF NBBRASKA. HALL County ss:
<br /> �:
<br /> :� On�his 6TH duy of IrIAY, 1992 beforc me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> duly cornmiasfoned und yualif ied fi�r suid coumy,perconally came STEPHEN BRENT RNDERSON AND SHELLEY LYNN
<br /> ,,�,,�,., .: ,:. ANOER90N, HUSBAND �ND WIFE ,to me known ta be the �-
<br /> •�x��ea. � „ identical person�ls) whose namels)i►re subscribed to the foregoing instrument nnd ucknowledged the executian thereaf to :
<br /> °�"°'"°-'��•��'� THEIR vo{un[ary act and deed.
<br /> ••>.;�:•;;,�.ii;.:.} �tness my hand end notarial seul at GRAND ISLAND, SKA in s�id county,the
<br /> 5 , . . dut ' � ;:
<br /> ` � om ires: ��It�/92—
<br /> , . � ��4�M�4 Na.ry w�� �
<br /> �.�:;.T�:.-...�-.�, �� ��a�
<br /> ':x:;,�,*�,t.,�:. . TO TRUST �A���l�,q�� .
<br /> � �� Tho undersig �� Ider of the note or notes secured by Ihis Deed of'IFust. Said nnte or notes,togett�er with ull =
<br /> ��y"""�"' ` `' othor indebtedness secu this Deed of 7Yust,have been paid in full. You urr hereby directed lo cancel said note or notes .
<br /> • und this Deed of'Itus6 whic ure delivcred hereby,and to rcrnmcy,without wurtunry,a!I the eslnte no�v hetd by you under
<br /> . Ihia Deed of 7Fu�t to tice person or per�ons legolly emided thrreto.
<br /> Date: �
<br /> Fam 3038 9190 qwAe o u/A�kes I
<br /> 4�.. .
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