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��_ ,. ' I k fil�� '.?iR.'��•�'�ili'��������.i�} ,;Gi..•� • 's.. . .rxy ` � '�.a4F�iw• <br /> ��.' ,'� ' . ta- „ . r ` ��r�- _ <br /> ,, � <br /> yn.�.,r�t, �.^.�• .�.,..�.�,.. '.�t `r .S -� �i•": .n <br /> , ��= � . .. . . +t . �•.='�''�T- - _ --° - <br /> 1r� '�y'n '' ` �` <br /> .r ,•',� ar_-.:+�: <br /> �• .. . ... �..u..�....,_.�.:r-.a . . <br /> �� � . .r .. . .. . . . - - ---- '--- p. ' <br />_.- � .+..,.a.,w.A...�. - --- .� - - -- <br /> _ <br /> _-- <br /> _' ' � _ ' - .._.._ . _ .. � <br /> . . v.. . ....-- . _:--_. �- <br /> J I 11RW it . Iil I}/'�Q9�i.`i �'�°'.�'.--° <br /> _.:�._ "_ ".'�:lA..u:Sa I �4lllli:l �__-__`_-__._._ <br /> „ '� • <br /> ��,� • ' � . '�Q`h ADJUSTABLE ItA7'�RIDER g2 10�Q1g(� —-— -- <br /> . 1 <br /> (� ��w�ou,T a�.w.e�w�a�oo�w.�cto��-w�e aa� <br /> .;�,�,,,. .-��.•.;.• , . , -_ <br /> .A . : ° .-: ,, THIS ADIUSTABLE RATE R1DER i�mada U� � �'; ds�rof `U�' . • ,aad i�inoorporatod 4uo�nd -- <br /> � � � �� '-�:� ��� .Iuu eo aoanoa to.meaa.n�+wppicarcnt�he 1Non�r+le�oeea d1Yuu ar soaulty oeea(�he"soa��r u�arumeol�qot u�eame a.�e�iveo by wo '� •�-. <br /> ' . " '" undenlyfed(�bo"Botto�wa••)w xcuro Horrawer's AaJwubb Wra Nate(u�a"Nate")to _ <br /> ' �� .n,;�, . ' iihT'11 {:� I AI : :��� I�r11 i`UU;i�Jii,� � �i:"'i�:�l�I 1 iii•J <br /> . , .� `- (i110"L��")�1f t110�NIIO dN0 aQd COMC1i11�(UO pfOQCfiY dqQ�bOd ill ib0 SdM111Jlty 11Yt(YOICAt�Ad IOCe1Cd�t: ------- <br /> '� -- - . � , �i.' ii IN �HI'�lftl Nil�� i,i�r�fri� � � .��y�. �J: .,.�.�i.� ° =-.,�__- _-. <br /> ., ,., , l�M��1 <br />�•-� � .. '�HE NOTE CONTNNS PROVISIONS ALLOWWC3 FOR CHANGIE3 IN TFIE IM'EREST M7E AND�l-IE <br /> , ..° MONTFILY PAYMENT. THE NOTE UMRS THE /1MOUNT TI�IE BORROWER'S qYT'EREST RATE CJW - <br /> ,...... . <br /> � � CWWGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXI�IUM RATE THE BORt�iO'WER MUST P . <br /> , __ _-- <br /> MDITIONAL ODVBNAM'3. ia addi�bn w tAe oa�aunu a�d�eana�m�de in Ibn Security ImlNa�eal.Bo�ra�e�wd Lmnder �_ <br /> furtba aovenaat wW a�rroo a�tdlowa: -- -- <br /> . A II�ITERFST RATB AND MONt�ii.Y PAYMENT C."I�UN(i@4 � ,�.T <br /> ° .• .n,o nota p�a,kb,ra aa wcw uuerai rwe or �.. i �, 9G.�[be Note p.ovaes r«chan�a i4 we mtaat aad ure n,owel� <br /> � � poyments,asfdlaMVa: �, __�_ _,---- <br /> ' 4. A�ITBRF.ST RA1E AND MQN7NI.Y PAYI�NT ClIANaS4 =_ <br /> , (A) P�aye D�te� -�.°� <br /> ' ''' Tbe iaterat rata 1 wW pay may change on tbe 8nt day d � � �, ���i„ �: .19 ��;� .aod aa tl�t dty every 6t1►mooth .�--- - <br /> � (IIETpfttr. �BCh dAtE Ofl wlfiCJl flfy p1utW�tE ODllld C6o0�C b 1911Cd a"CII�O�C Da10.•� �_.` <br /> (B� 1ba Indes ---- <br /> Begtnalag witb the first chaoge Date�mY iuterat ratc wfU be b�ed on wf Indac.1be"Indac�•i�tUewal�ly auction av�era�e(invatment)an �_-°�— <br /> 6�moa14 taawry bUb,es made availabks by the Fedetal Raerve Bos�td.'Ilrc mat teeent Iodeic f�gure available�d the date 45 dryr beW�+R ea�b <br /> Chat1�C�t01�Ci111Cd lb0"QIRC11l IQdCx.•• <br /> U tUe iadac b ao laager ov�ilable�U�a Nde Halder wdl ehoae a aew iadac which b b�od upn oomporabb la[amstioa.'lUe Nae Hotder _ <br /> wW�ive mo ndloe d th{�Chdoe. �-� <br /> �� ��� -- - <br /> --- -- HotaraeacAChangeDate�theNoteHolderwWca�uatearynewin[era[ratcbye�kling � � ��'��i��( '�� '�? -_ <br /> rothc(�rteat Ind�.Tho Note HalderwfUthen roundthe�u1tM�hiaadditfonto tdenearatonaeighthotonep�►aata8�Pdot�Qlu`Jt'}Subjat <br /> . to tde Wnln stated in SeQion 4(D)below,thi�rounded amount wNl be my new interat rate until tbe aaA C1�enge Date. =_�• <br /> „ 'Il�e Nde HoWer wiU then determine the amount ot the monthly paymcnt Ihat would be euflicient to cepoy the unpaid prindp�l Ufs►t I nm ° '--- - ,� <br /> expa�ted toawe at the Change Date in fu0 on the motudty date a�my cKw i�uuat�te In wbWaatiaNy equel p�qrments.7Ue tault attdb calai{atlon �� `•" �--,.," � ` <br /> wW bo the acw emount ot my mouthly poyment. <br /> N)IJmits oo Internt Rate Awn�ea . <br /> �,� .�. <br /> �I11C IQtC(Cil(iIC I YII'1[EQUfICd l0 p�Yl(hC fl(st GZ1BI1$C�AIC Rdll IfOt bt gl'tBtE�tIWQ , �+Of IC�i IhYU � �_� . �.�, y°•:`f`:-�-_ <br /> �-- - - <br /> nry iaterat rata will never be increaud at deaea�ed on a�ry�in�le c'hange Da►e by mare than .�, peraata�e poiau(�i,i�,. �) ,,�,.,�.�,,�-. -'• <br /> from tbe rote of Interat t have ban poyin�tor�he preaeding ah month�. My intereat n+te will aever be�rcater tlwn , � 96. .. _�^�'� <br />. (E� FBepi�o D�ate of Q�nga s,`.^�+�� .- <br /> - �=-- <br /> My new i�uerat rnte w1U bem�r�e e[feciivc an each Chaa�e Date. I wfll pay the amount of my new mno�hly paymeat begianin�an the fln� . . . - <br /> :F ��Y�x •��f'_ <br /> mo�Nhly payment date aher the Chan�e Date untU the em�wnt of my monthly pa�m�ent clwnges agatn. �T <br /> (t�Nalloe atc�ogrs � .. <br /> I, 71►e Natn Holder wUl deliver or meil to me a ndia of en�c.haoges in mY intereat rate and tbe amount of my ma�tbly payme�at��tare tb� <br /> et�eahre datn o(any chenge.71fe naioe will iaclude iaforme�ion roqulrod by law to be given nx�ud also tbe Utle ond tekphone num per�oo � . - <br /> who wW a�awer ary ques�ioa I may have rcgarding�he notbe. ' - <br /> B. 1RANSFER OF'Ii�PROPER7Y OR A BBNL'I�IGAL.IIr'I'ERF.SI'Q�I BORROWPR C' � ' - <br /> Unlform Covenwit 17 0[the Secudry Instrunxnt b anx�xled tareard as fdlows: <br /> � 7tsm[er o(tbe property ar a bene8dal intaat io bara�er. Itell a any part of the praperty or airy Interat in it b soW or trantferred(a if <br /> a bepeficJ�l iaterat fn BoRawer ts wW ar tronekrred end Hortaver b not a nawrel pereon)without Lender's prior writtea mment,l.ender rpny� <br /> at iu optlon,require immedlate payment in full ot all sums sen�red by th�Security Imtroment. l�ender aLso shall uot exsntioe tbia opUon iF.(a) <br /> Borrawer causa to be auMnlued to Lender fnfarmallon requ ucd by Lender to evaluate�he intended traagkree as it a aew ban werc being made <br /> to the trens[era;and(b)I.ender rea�onably determines that Lender'a xcuriry will not be impaircd by the toan aswmptlon end that the�k o[a , <br /> brcach o[a�fyaovenant or agrament in this 5ecurfty Instn�menll�acoeptabk to l.ender. <br /> To the extent permitted hy applicabk law,I.ender may charge a reasonebk[ee a�a conditian to l.ender's coissent to the loan eswmptlon. <br /> ' i.encler moy a4so rcquire the transteree to aign an aswmp�ion agreement that is acoepteble to Lender and that abligates the transferee to kcep all <br /> � the promlces and agroemenu made in the Nate and in thb 5ecuaty lmtrument. Borrawer wiH mntinue to be obligsited under the Nae and this <br /> Security Iostrument unksa Lcnder releases Honrnv�er in writing <br /> It Lender exerc4ea the opion to require immediate payment in full,Lender shall give&xrawer noti«ot acuekration. 71u natia�hau <br /> provide o periad ot not kas than 30 daya trom tlfe date the naia is delivered ar maikd within which Hrxraver must pay aU aums secured by this <br /> Secudty Instrumea�. lf Borrawer(aiL�to pay theae auma prior to the apintion oi thLi period,l.cnder may invoke any rcmedia permiued by this <br /> Sewrity Inun�ment without tunher nake or demand on Borro�r. <br /> . BY SIC)NINCi BLLOW,Harrawer aoxpts and agrce+to the ternn and oovenan�a oonteined in tdia Adjusiable itate Rider. <br /> � <br /> .� _s_._.f�y����y 't!, _�1 <br /> _—. �� /��%/u/�� (�1) � .�s,'�.',.'� • 1/ l t! (Seal) <br /> _Baiow� -Bor'°"�r <br /> ���� ($CAI) <br /> -Bpiow�r ..Oon°w« <br /> /S�gn OnRurd OnlY� <br /> � <br /> i MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLF RATE RIOER--ARM 5�2--Slnqb FarrMy--Femlle MealFrecldie Mac Urlilo1111 I[�Irurtle�k Form 3111/�(85 <br /> � MC�3033(FiEV 03I911 <br /> . �., 1 <br /> � - _ _ _ _ <br />