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<br /> i�ulttciing f�n�xl+':or flc�dinr, for whlc;�Le+�der raquirrA insurmce. 71�is lnsurnnce chsll b+,rruintafnad in the araotwtn�uu1 `
<br /> far tht�per�cn�that L.rsulex requlrrs.TLe incuraace c,:urler provicl'sng the incwatxx stWl be cho�es�by Cioritiwee wbJc��t ta _
<br /> Lrndr.�'c a,proval which shall aoe be unre�soaAbly wlthheld. If Borrower f�ilo to nulntaln coverA�e ctacribeil abave,
<br /> Lmc9e:r u���w 1.�Ser's optiun�obtoin cava�e w protect I.eacter'�rigbw in the E�ropeztY ia aucoc�clapce witb pu�r�ph
<br /> 7. --
<br /> Atl incurance pollcies and rznewals shall lx sccepteble tu lx►�►�Zr�,�ul �hal! icse�ule a sWfd�M rrart�q�e c wxe. �
<br /> ° Borrowee�ull pr ly Qive w l.etsder
<br /> Lenclty s21�S1 havo che right to twld the policles w�d renew�. If Lxnder requirrs� -
<br /> �11 rec�;pts�f paid premlums�nd reuew�l notices. In the c��:.:of loss.Borcower cha11�ive Prot�c�W th�it�uraixe _..
<br /> caaiar and f.euder.7.ender may m�ke proof of lws if not m�de proa�ptly by Borrowtr,
<br /> Unlisss i.ender su�d Borrowcr otherwise agr�in wxiting�i:u.uracc=propeed��1l be spplied w rator�tlan or ce�ulr �
<br /> of the Prapeny daay!8�d�if tha reswrs�t:on or repair is ecoaamicall feasible�ad l.eader'a securlty i�aot la�onod, If Ihe
<br /> h
<br /> mstarntion crr repair�s aot ecoaornically feasible or l.e�Wer's ty woutd be les.ened,tho in�urancr prc�ceodi�ball be
<br /> aPFlitxf ta tlta sums securod by tbi�Secttrity Iastnutxat, whether ot not thea due. witi�u►y eacxu pild�Borrorve�. If
<br /> Botrow,cr��uuWas the Property. or daes not aaswer within 3U dayc n notice ftom Ltader that tht iatur c,urter b�
<br /> oti'a.*ed ta�GJo t claim,tha�laxkr may oollect the lnsurance prooeeds.Laxler nsay use ttie Qro3caaal��w te�r`or��f�
<br /> th�Pcoptrt;i oI'Io p�y Stuos sOCGlrod bY lhls SeCUSitY ino�mmenc, whetha or not tihee due. 11� petlod
<br /> when tttr•nniica is given. ltcatloa of mceeds w priacipal cfla11 aot extead or
<br /> Uulrss L�eackr aud Sorrower otheswise at�ec in wridn8,aaY P
<br /> P�l��►c due d�te of ttse a000utilY P�Y�u referred to in p�ra�8r�s 1 aad 2 or cluunge the amount of the psya�u.If
<br /> uad�r p€�stgr�ph 21 the Propert9 is acqvire3 by Lea�er.Borrowa's right to aay iasurance policia aad prooeada e�ultic�
<br /> fr�;�ds�zn c to ths Property priar w the acquiswaa sdoll pass w I.eadrr to the�xtent of tho wms tec.huod by Wit Sa.�urity
<br /> Lutn�n�ra�lY prior m the�cq�i�idon, gorrower's Lout A�pik�tloai
<br /> 6. U�Ywpa�u�. P�v�►tioa. Mmu►tmance aud Protectioa ot tLe Pra ,
<br /> � ...°. . ....w ,Q Mmower�rincipal resideace witbla nixty, days
<br /> I.e�eebol�tw��rnawer stuill axupy. establis�. �:.,,,,•�•°c�r_.., .- _ �
<br /> aflar ttw�s�uu of tbls See�uity Iasu�meat au3 tba�l�u�inuc ca py thep�ty�a Bomowa r princlpal rauie�
<br /> for wt Ir.szt cmc year pRer che date of occupaacY•unless I.eader ot�d�e atgrxs 3n wrlda�.whtch ounuat shill aot be
<br /> uarcxts4�tu withheld,or ua1aa extwnstin circu�taacea e�ist wbich are beyoad Borrower'o cuauol.Borrowa tball aot.,
<br /> tta
<br /> dESti'Oj'.t Qiti'3�;t Q!�![S�I tl]G y. ow the ,Propaty to deteriorue� or�it waste oa the PropatY. Borcower
<br /> sh�ll bo tn def�ilt if aay forfei�acdon or proaedla8,whether c3vil or criminr�l�is 6eSun t�t in l.ender'��ood f�.�
<br /> jud�t�oQU3d ttisult Ia farfdhue of the Property or otbawlse matetiatUY ia�tr the liea created by thif �'�1bY
<br /> �uume�ts or La�a's sccunty interes�t.Bori+nwa m�y cure aucb a default snd reinuste.as provlded in pu�r�18,
<br /> causing tl�a actioa or pc�ooeedla8 to be diunissed anth a ruiin� that. in L.es�des'e good fdtb detemsiaitlon� Pcbcluda
<br /> forfaitum of the Borrower'c iatemt ia the Propaty or otha IIo�uxial i�t of the lira created by th1+ �'tY
<br /> insuumtt�t or I.mder's sxuriry intarst.Bort+o�s��sO���fwlt if rrowa,dwiu�the loaa�pplic�t�on
<br /> ga��e n�skafslly falte or iascwrau info�tioa or �ts to I.eadrr(or fiilod to pmvido l.enda wlth �ny miterlal
<br /> info:m:tian)in Goaaection wi0 tbe loaa cvideaced by the Note,inclt►ding,but not ll�nited W. rePraauatioos ooaoaa��
<br /> Brurow+�r'9 occupaoc.y of tise Propaty as a pdaciPal nsideacc.If fee r�itle ttyo the Propetcy the le�ehold�iee tltlo
<br /> o�glJ'with a11 tbe provisioa�of the lase. If Botrawer�cciuires
<br /> �ir1l nal�wage ualas I.eat3zr�rees to the maSer in writing.
<br /> 7. Protatioa ot I.e�sd�s's Ri�hts(n tbe Pt�oprrt9. If Borrowa fail�to petfoim the ooveamt:�ad
<br /> ooatsdon�in thi� SeauieY Iasuu�eat. or there is a kga]procoedin8 t�t may si�nificaatly�t'fect La�der'� rl q ia tbC�
<br /> ptopaty+(sucii as a pr0000dina in ba�lc�uP�Y•P��• for coodema�t�on or forfratune or to eaforoe kw�or rejul�t3oot)�-
<br /> far wh�tever�s neoessuY to Protax�value of t2se Property aad Leoder'� ri�1W in the�
<br /> �� �r'�°���, �ct�de� aaY sums :ecured by a liea arbi�ch ha� priarity over Wi� Savrih►
<br /> _ S ia COUrt��fi}r1n$ �°-----.•�+_.� a,.� �n,.ir�*wv�in_.AltLOU�h
<br /> �t� to�a�au i.'�....�.
<br />- I,�ti3fy t -E niCt�O�1lOdET t�1Li 7.I.C�lI dOtS LOt biYG LO a0 i0.
<br /> F,,ny amounn alsbursoa by�uader this pua�r.Pi���u t�ome addtdoaal aebe of Borrower�eauea ey thitr
<br /> Securitp�Instsumeat. Unless Bomowa md I.eader agrx W other teimr of pay-meat,thae amouats @Wl bar iaterat froati
<br /> tbc drtyi of disD�rsemeat at the Note rate aad ahall be payable, with iaterest, upon notioe fmm I�es�da to Borroweu
<br /> ��$��In�was�oc. If L,eader requircd m�rt8a8�'^`"'""`Y•�a Coad�UOn Of m�YiII$the loal!teC�ltCd by th3z
<br /> Sec�ritlr.Iastivtmat, Bormwa shall psy the premiva�a�equired w msintaia the moctS�Be insur�ox ln effact. If�fot�ay
<br /> e iawraace wver�,ge requ�sd by Ieader lapses ot crases to be �a effect� Borcower �f11 P:Y t�e
<br /> �'�'�ID0� valmt to t�e mart e iau�rance pc�wbuslY ia effect, �t a coott
<br /> p�miums required to ot+tain oovaage substantwllY equi � in effecx, imm�a alternate moet;ag�
<br /> cuLa�a11Y oquiv�leat to the ooa to Borcower of the moctgagc i�uaaoe prevlousiY'
<br /> iasurex apprnved by Leader.If suDpantiallY vakst mortg�e insur�ace oova�e is not available.Borrowa�haU pay
<br /> to La►3er ach mootu a wm oqual to ono-twel�of tBa yarty mertgsge ia:ur�oce pceaoium beia,�Psid bY Bortowa w�ta
<br /> tbe iu��r�ax covua�e l�p�ed or aa�ed w be ia effax.l�mda�will aooept.u�e and retain thae paymeats tr a ba raerve
<br /> in 19aa�of m�rtgage insur�a�ce. j.oa raave paymeats may ao loc,ger 6e req�irad�at tbe option of I.eader. if mottjsge
<br /> ialwa�soc oavasg�(in tbe amouat aad for the period thu I.eadec requit+rs)Pmvided by �n iasuru�pQmved by LRader
<br /> ag,sia Txcoaaa availaule ma i� a�ai�a.somower shaU p�y► tbe premiums roq�ind co m�iat�in morc�e ia�uranoe in
<br /> effax;.or to pmvide a loss nsav�, uatil tIse requimneat for mort�aYe ins�u�ooe eads in Aceoc+daxe v�nth�oy vvrittm
<br /> ag,rar�t betwem Bormv►�es rmd I�eoder or applicable law. Fan�302��91�0 Iv�3 ot 61
<br /> w+�c�u;rrs�wc..ss.aar�.aw sau�uaooa9�•�u r�er+�,.r�ys�i �
<br /> �i
<br />`a
<br />