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��.. <br />20104949 <br />the det�ault oti or before the date specified in tlie notice may result in designati�n of a default under the Note and the sale of <br />the Property. The notice sliall furtl�er ii�form Borrower of t}�a right co reix�state after desig�tation of a default and the right to <br />hring a cnurt action to assert die no�rexisteuce of a dcflult or any oCher dePense of �3nrrower to a desi�nation of default and <br />sale. lf the deFaulk is not cured hy Borrower on or be£ore the date specified in tl�e notice, and Senior Lien Holder has not <br />exerciseci its right ta cuce the deFault, the�1 Lettder at its option inay designate a default and require imtnediate payinent of all <br />sums z�ot lorgiven secureci by Chis Mortgage without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any otl��r <br />remedies permitted by applicahle law. Notwitl�sta��cling I,ender's riglrt to invoke a��y renaedies hereunder, Lender rcaay not <br />commei�ce toreclost�re p��oceedings or accept a deed iit lieu c�f foreclosure, or exercise any c�ther riglits or rernedies hex <br />until it lias given Senior I.� ien Holder at least 60 days �rior writteu t�otice. Leiider slrall be entitled to collect all expenses <br />incurred in pursuing the rernedies pcovided in tl�is section 2, including, but not limited to, reasoi�able attG�ineys' fees and costs <br />of title evidence. <br />If Lender iilvokes the power of sale,►der shall n�ail co�ies of a rrotice of sale in the manner prescribed by applicable law to <br />I3nn'ower, Senior Lieii li��lder and to tl�� ot}�er persons prescribed by applicable lavv. Lender shall publisl� d1e i�otice of sale <br />by publ�c advertiseinenc for tl�e time a�1d ixi tkie mazuier pr�scribed Uy applicable law. Lez�der, wiLho�.it den�and on 13orrower, <br />shall sell the Property at puUlic auction to the lii�hest bidder far cash at the tiine and place and uxlder tl�e terins designated in <br />the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Lender determines. L.ender may postpone sale of all or any parcel of <br />the Property to any later time on the sa�ne date Uy public annoui�cetneiat at the cime and place of any pceviously scheduled <br />sale. L�nder or its designee may purc}xase U�e Property at any sale. <br />I,ender shall deliver to the purclias�r Lender's deed co�aveyii�g the Property witliout any covenaiat or warranty, expressed or <br />implied. �'lie recikals in i,.�uder's deed sl�all Ue prima faci� evidence of the truth of the statenients inade therein. Lender shall <br />apply the proceeds of tl�e sale iu tl►e followirib orde� (a) to all expenses of tlie sale, including, bat not limited to, reasonable <br />attonieys' fees; (b) to all su�ns not forgiven by this Mortgage; and (c) a��y excess to tlte person or persons legally entitled to it. <br />3. SLTBORDINA7'10N. T�his Mortga�;e is subject and s�.ibc�rdii7ate in all ��espects Co tl�e lieias, tercns, cove�iants and condicions <br />pf the First Mortga�e and to all advances lieretofore �z�ade or wl�icl� iYiay liereafter be n�ade pursuant tc� the First Mortga$e, <br />including all sums advanced for the purpose oP (a) proteciing or furtlier sec�.iring the liex� of the First Mortgage, curing <br />defauits by �3arrower wider the First Mortgage oc Eor aaay other purpose expressly permitted by the Firs� Mort�flge; or (b) <br />coa�structing, renovatin�;, repairing, �i�n�isl�ia�g; �xturitrg or equip[�ing tl�e ProperCy. '1 he terms and provisions of the First <br />Mort�age are parax»ount and coi�trolling a��d tl�ey s�rpe�sede ai�y c�ther terms and provisioz�s hereoi' in conflict th�rewith. It1 <br />the event oF foreclosure of tlie Pirst Mortgage, any provisions herein or aray provisipns in auy other collateral a�;reen�ent <br />restricting tlie use of Che .Property or othez restrictia�g Borrower's ability to sell tkie Property shall have tio further forcE or <br />eFfect on subsequerit owy�ers or purclaas�rs of the I'raperty. Any persoti, includin� liis successors or assigns (other thai� <br />Borr�wer or a related enticy of E3onower), receiving titl� to the Property througt� a foreclasux�e df lhe First Mortgage shall <br />receive title to che Property free at�d clear from suclx restrictioias. <br />4. NOTICES. A�iy notice to Borrower provicied for ii� tl�is Mo��t�;age sl�all be �;iven l�y delivering it or by rriailing it by first <br />class mait unless applicable law reyuires use of another mechod. The a�otice sk�all l�e directed to tl�e Property Address or atty <br />other address �3orrc�wer designakes by notice to tl�e Lea►der. <br />5. RELEAS�. Upon satisfactiqn of all sums s�cuz�ed liy this Mort�age (wl�etlier by payitient or for�;iveness), Lender sl�all <br />release this Mortgage witlaout cl.iar�e to Bnrrower. C3on�ower slyall pay any recordation costs. <br />6. MODIFICATION OF FIRS'T M�R'I'CiAGE� I,(�AN DUCLJMFNTS. 'T'he l,ender consea�ts to any agreeme��t or <br />ar►'angement in wliicfi Senior Liezi Holder waives, postpones, extends, t or �x�odifies any provisions of the First <br />Mortgage Loan Documents, ii�cluding any �rovisioi�s rec�uiring the paymenc of �noney. <br />IN WITNESS W��ER�OF, Borrawer has executed this Mortgag�. <br />Borrower: � _� Bo►� <br />_�.�..� ._ <br />Todd I Crawford <br />STAT'E OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALI, <br />The foregaing instrument was <br />by'1'odd I Crawfor unzna� <br />Public <br />My Commission Expires: <br />) <br />) ss. <br />) <br />Uefore me on tliis � / day of __. �..__—�..� ��� �� <br />GEN�RAL NOTARY-State af Nebraska <br />�SHERRII.�� 28 20 i <br />�,. . L My Camm. <br />��Z �� � <br />Rev�ised Sep�ember 2, 201Q <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />