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201009472 <br />1�3. Notices. Any notice to Bnrro�vec providec! fvr in this Security InsCrumsnt shall be giv� by delivering it or <br />b� mailing It by �rst cl�ts� mail unless appiicable law requires use of anpther m�thod. Tht� notice shall. he directed to <br />the Prdperty Address or any ot.her address Borrower d�signates by notice to Lender. Any natic� ta Lender shalI be <br />given hy tirst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any address Leader designates l�y natice to Borrower. <br />Any notioe provided for in this Seeurity lnstrum�nt shall. be dee�x�ed to have t�een given to Borrower or Lende:r when <br />given as provided in thiS p�,ragrttph. <br />14. Goverr�Ing Law; Severat�flity. This Security Inserument shall be govert�d by Federal law �d the law of <br />� the juri8diction in which ths Pr�operty is located �n the event that any prpviSiOn Ur Claus� 4f this SeCUrity Tnsfrunnent <br />or the Note conflicts with appiicable law, such vonflict sha11 nat affect oth�r provisions of this S�:urity Instrument oc <br />the Note which can }�e given eFfect with�uC the conflictang provision. Ta this ead the provisions of this Security <br />�nstrument an,d the Note are declared to be sev�rat�le. <br />1,5. �orrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformad copy of the Not� an.d nf this Securrty <br />lnstrumen� <br />16. Hezardo� Substunc;es. �orrower slaatl not causg pr perrnit the prasence, use, disposal, starage, or release <br />of any Ha�ardoua SubsCar�s on pr. in the Property. �arrOwer shall not do, nor allow anyone r�lse to do, anything <br />�ffecti�g the �ro�ercy that is in violation oE any Environmental LQw. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply to <br />the presence, use, or storage on tlae Property of small quantitics of Hazardous Substances that are genera3ly <br />rc�ognized w be appropriate to normai xesidential uses and W miauatenance of tiae Property. <br />Borcawer shall pramptfy give I,�rsder written nvtice of any investigatian, claim, deman.d, lawsuit oe otlaer aetiora <br />by any governmental or regulaWry agency or pri�ate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or <br />Environmental Law of which I3arrower has actual knowiedge. Tf Borrower l�arns, or is notified by any governmer�ca� <br />vr regulalary suthority, that any removat ar ol:her remediatio�t of any Ha�ardnus Substanoes affecting the Pcoperty is <br />nec�essary, Borrower shall promptly take all ne,�ary remedial actions in ac�otdaric$ with �nvironm�ntai Law. <br />As used in this paragraph 16, "Hazardous Substance�s" are those substances defined as toxic or haxardous <br />subsGarroes by Environrnenta� I,aw an�d the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, ath�r flammable vr toxic <br />petroleum products, tflxic pesracide$ and herbicides, vqlatile solvsnts, mat�riais asbestos or formaldehyd�, <br />and radiQactiv� matieriais. As used in. this paragraph 16, "Enviconme�xial L,aw" means federal laws and laws oi the <br />jurisdictia� wha�re the Prpperty is locat�d that relate to health, safety or environmental protection. <br />NON-UNIFr(7RM COVENAN'tS. Borr.ower and Lender fnrther cavenant ar►d agree as foliows: <br />X7. Assignment of Renta, �orrower unconditionally assigns and transfers tn Lender all the ronts ancl revenues <br />oF the �'roperty. Borrower authorizes L�der or L,ender's agents to coIlect the r�n.ts and revenves and hereby directs <br />each i.enant of Gh� Property IA pay the rents to L�der or Lex�der's agents. However, prior to T.,ender's nncice to <br />BorrowOr of �orrower's breach aF any cavenant vr agree�ment in the Security Tnstrument, Borrower shali collect ara.d <br />receive all re�ts an,d revenues of the Prpperty as trusCee for ttre benefit of Lender and Horrower, This assignment ot <br />rents constitutc�s an absoiuce assignma�t and n4t an assignment for additional a�urity o�ty. <br />If Lendcr gives notice of breach to Bnrrower: (a3 a!1 rents reoeiv�d by Borrower shali be held by Borrowe,r as <br />trustoe for benefit of �ndsr nnly, l:o be applied to the surqs ae�ured by the SecuriCy In9trumenE; (b) Lender ahall be <br />entatted W collecG and receive all of th� rents of the Prcaputy; and (c) eac#� tea�ant of the �'roperty shall pay all rents <br />due and unpaid co Lend�r or Lender's ager►t on Lendcr's wri�ten dernand to the tenank. <br />Borrower has nat executed any prior assignment oE the rents and has not and will not perform any act that wvuld <br />prevent T.e�nder from exercising its right� und�r this paragrapta 17. <br />T�ender Shall ndt be required to enter upon, take control af or maintain the Property bafar$ or atl:�r giving natice <br />of Ureach to &�rrower. Horvever, Let�der or a judicially appointed receiver may do ao at any tirr�e there is a breach. <br />Any ap�licatinn of renl:s shall no� cure ur waiv� any defiauit or invatidate any other right or remedy of Lender. 'Fhis <br />assignmezit of rents of the ProperCy sha11 terminate wl�en che debc svcured by th� S�urity Instrumenl is paid in fult, <br />8800880�84 � BSp088008� <br />IN11818:� <br />VMP�-4 N(NE) �o�or�.oi ae0a e a e ' <br />