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�010094�9 <br />6. That any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts <br />with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security <br />Instrument or the N�te which can be given effect without conflicting provision. To this <br />end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. <br />7. Borrowers Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note <br />and of this S�curity Instrurnent. <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, <br />8. Acceleration; Remedies. Upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or <br />agreemer�t of Borrower in this Security Instrument, including the covenants to pay when <br />due any sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender, prior to acc�leration, shall <br />give natice to Borrower and to any other person required by applicable law as provided in <br />paragraph 17 hereof specifying: (1) the breach; (2) the action required to cure such <br />breach; (3) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, <br />by which such breach must be cured; and (4) that failure to cure such breach on or before <br />the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />Security Instrument and sale of the Froperty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of <br />the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the <br />nonexistence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If <br />th� breach is anot cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender, at Lender's <br />option, may declare all of the sums secured by this Security Instrument to be immediately <br />due and payable without further demand and may invoke the power af sale and ariy other <br />remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all reasonable <br />costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 7, <br />including, but not limited to, reasonabl� attorneys' fe�s. <br />If Lender invokes the power sale, Lender or Trustee shall give natice af the time, <br />place and terms of sale by posting written notice at least 21 days prior to the day of the <br />sale at the courthouse door in each af the counties in which the Property is situated. <br />Lender shall mail a copy of the notice of sale to Borrower in the mar►ner prescribed by <br />applicable law. Such sale shall be made public venue between the hours of lp o'clock <br />a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on the first Tuesday in any month but, in no event shall the sale <br />commence more than three (3) hours after the time stated in the notice of sale. Borrower <br />authorizes Trustee to sell the Property to the highest Bidder for cash in one or more <br />parcels and in such arder as Trustee may determine. Lender or Lender's designee may <br />purchase the Property at any sale. <br />Trustee shall deliver to the pwchaser Trustee's deed conveying indefeasible title to <br />the Property so sold with covenants of general warranty. Borrower covenants and agrees <br />to defend generally the purchaser's title to the Property against all claims and demands. <br />The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prirna facie evidence of the truth of the <br />staternents made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following <br />order: (a) to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, <br />reasonable Trustee's and attorney's fees and costs af title �vidence; (b) to all sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons <br />legally entitled thereto. <br />Page 3 of 8 initials <br />� <br />